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Code of Conduct — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Cynthia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ishtar was ready, she was ready to get this new chapter of her life going. She ate her meal quickly. All she could think about is what pack she wanted to be in. There were so many of them, all of them with different rules and beliefs. But what Ishtar was most excited for was the adventure her and Nauja would be taking. She wasnt sure what they would see on their way to find a pack and the fact she would no longer be traveling alone. 

As Ishtar finished she licked her lips. "Well hopefully what we ate will be enough to keep us going for a while. Im not too sure where any of the packs are so I dont know how long we will be walking. But I thank the creators for giving us such a nice day for us to start our journey." Ishtar looked to Nauja, "You sure you want to do this. I know living here as been your life for a while. I dont want you to do anything you dont want to do. But if you still decide to go on this adventure with me, you know you would make me a happy wolf." Ishtar said with slight laughter in her voice. 
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

As they prepared to eat what was left of the deer in preparation of their journey Nauja had a realization. That despite any doubts she had about going with Ishtar she was tired of staying in the thicket not knowing what was going to happen next.  She was ready to move on to something that she hoped would be better.  She felt she was really ready this time to make it work in the pack and she had Ishtar if she needed some help along the way.  She settled down with her friend to eat her fill of the deer that would hopefully sustain them until they found a pack they wanted to join.

Once she had filled her belly Nauja licked her lips clean. “I'm not sure either but I don't think  they are too hard to stumble on.” Nauja looked up to the sky at the mention of how nice the day was, “It's a perfect day to start our journey,” she said with a smile. Then the conversation turned more serious, Nauja took in her words before giving her an answer. “I am sure I want to do this, Vasu doesn't seem to be coming back and he was the only reason I stayed in the Thicket. It's time I moved on and I can think of no better way than with a friend and in a pack.  I am a little nervous though since my last attempt didn't go so well but I am hoping for the best,” she explained another smile crossing her features, “You don't have to worry about forcing me into anything.”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Cynthia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ishtar felt a lot better. She knew this is was it. It was the new chapter in their lives. "All right then. Lets get going." Ishtar said. She turned and began walking. She wanted to run. She wanted to find a pack as quick as possible. Her hopes  were that they might find one before night fall but if not, she was sure that her and Nauja would be able to defend themselves during the night. 

As she walked she studied her surroundings. She looked at every tree, every bush, and every little creature that was around them. She mostly did this just to make sure that Nauja and her could run back to the thicket if they had to. Ishtar knew, if need be they could always go back there. 

Ishtar soon came up to a watering hole. She took a moment to relax and take few drinks from the hole. The water tasted nothing like it did back at her home. But either way it was still refreshing. The wind blew bringing with it a scent, there was a pack near there but she wasnt sure where. Her ears perked up trying to listen to some of the odd sounds she heard in the distance. She wasnt sure if it was a pack or not, but it was a definitely a scent of wolves. 
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Long forgotten was the sea, not really but Nauja had moved on from it she felt.  No longer did he have a constant need to go and find it, to find her way home.  She missed the sea everyday but it didn't call to her like it once had, she'd accepted that and now she was ready to move on.  She thought that was what she was going to do with Vasu but he'd deserted her.  Now she had Ishtar and they were moving on together and starting a new chapter in their lives. After what Vasu had done she had it in the back of her mind, the worry that Ishtar would do the same.  She kept reminding herself that they were different and Ishtar seemed genuine. “Here's to a new start.”

Nauja took Ishtar’s lead as they left the Thicket and with one last look she set off with her new friend in search of their new home, a pack. It was some place to belong and perhaps it was exactly what she needed now more than ever.  The worry that it might not work for her was there too but she felt different about it this time, she was looking forward to it.

The Saegull wasn't sure how long they'd walked before coming to a place they could get a drink but it was long enough for her to become thirsty.  She went to the edge of the water and lowered her head before drinking. Lifting her head she caught the scent of a pack on the wind and glanced at her friend. It looked like they were going to have their first chance at joining a pack soon.


(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2017, 01:19 AM by Nauja.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you