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Safe and Sound — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Russet ears pressed back against his skull awkwardly at Inna’s words and his golden gaze flickered down to stare at the snow covered ground in shame. He realised then, perhaps his tone had sounded a little too judgemental. “I’m sorry if I came across as rude. I suppose I was just a bit shocked.” He apologized, dropping his head down respectfully before the raven haired female. It was a poor excuse really, but it was the only one he had. In truth, Lorcan had grown more irritable lately following the arrival of his dearest brother and the encounter with that flirtatious male at the borders. He felt threatened and uncomfortable with the pair of them around, but still, that was no reason to take out his frustrations on Inna.

Unfortunately his apology was tossed aside when he managed to land himself in more trouble with the female by accidentally insulting her. He hadn’t meant to, it had all happened so fast. It wasn’t normally like the agouti male to talk before thinking, but it seemed that this time was the exception. Immediately he begged for her forgiveness, promised her that he had not meant what he had said, but she was having none of it. Instead she sought revenge and swiftly put a dagger to his heart with the mention of piety. He had wanted to leave then, slip away in to the dark forests that surrounded that borders of Hearthwood to brood, but he had bit back his pride and tried one final time to explain himself and apologise for his comment.

Pale paws crossed over to leave, accepting the silence that surrounded them was likely to be the only thing passing between him and Inna for now. She wasn’t going to forgive him, not just yet anyway, and Lorcan had to deal with that. As he quietly moved away back in the direction that he had originally come from, he made it as far as the fourth tree along before a voice stopped him in his tracks and caused him to glance back around. His ears flattened at her apology, feeling the ache in his heart once more before she moved in quickly to brush her muzzle against his cheek. A whine finally whistled past his lips at her words and he leant down to tip her chin back up with his nose. Golden eyes searched for her gaze of deep orange, a frown creasing his forehead.

“I just…I want you and the pups to have what you deserve. I know you’ve said before that things aren’t great between you and your family, and I know what we did went against pack law, but you are still Inna Baranski and a valued member of this pack. I think that you forget that sometimes…” He held her gaze a paused a moment as he allowed his words to sink in. “I also think that you forget that I left @Piety along with Whitestone to come here, to Hearthwood, to you. Being there for you and the pups is more important to me than anything or anyone.” He whispered, before finally moving to plant a firm lick across her crown.
(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2017, 02:40 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

It was best telling him what could have made their encounter go better, if they were going to be parents together they had to get along. It was what was best for their children, she wanted them to grow up with two loving parents who cared about each other. It didn't matter to her if she and Lorcan we're together or in love as long as her pups had that. “It's okay Lorcan maybe next time something like this comes up it can go better,” she offered an assuring smile hoping it would help him to not feel so badly, “I think it was an honest mistake,” she added, “No need to be shocked.” She really didn't understand stand why he would be but it seemed they had cleared that up.

However, it got worse from there as he insulted her, it didn't matter if he meant it or not it still had the same effect. Having him say that after what she'd had to endure from her brother and mother's she still hadn't picked up the pieces of that she couldn't take more. Something inside of her had run cold and the monster had come out to protect her from such hurt as Lorcan had caused her. It attacked with a comment that she knew would hurt him and she had done it with venom in her voice. It was only after she had done it and his silence had become too much to bear that she realized her mistake. Had he left her right then and there after meeting her monster she wouldn't have blamed him, she had shown him a side of her that she hadn't really shown anyone.

If seemed when their silence had gone on long enough he decided it was time to take his leave. Inna wasn't going to have, they weren't going to end it on these terms, not while she was pregnant. The ebony Baranski didn't let him get very far and as she spoke her apology because he needed to hear it, he need to know that she knew she had messed up too. She had taken something that was important to him and turned it on him, of all the wolves she cared about she shouldn't have done that to him. He was the one that had been there supporting her and protecting her. She felt hope that he wasn't entirely angry with her once he turned around though the flattening of his ears did worry her. She moved into brush his cheek with her muzzle and in return his whine let her know he wasn't so upset with her. When he lifted her chin with his nose she didn't fight him instead lifted her head to meet his gaze.

The words he spoke to her next were so full of encouragement for her, a reminder that even though she had broken pack law with him she was still herself and important to the pack and it seemed he worried she forgot that important detail sometimes. “Maybe I do and I know my mother does love me or else I wouldn't still be here but I did break pack law and there is a lot I feel I don't deserve because of it, because I hurt my family.” He spoke of Piety next and how he had left her to come and be with her and their pups because they meant so much to him. Her tears streamed down her face at these words, his lick to her crown was almost like an assurance that his words were genuine. “I could never forget that ever. I can't ever express to you the gratitude and happiness that you being her has brought me Lorcan. I never asked you to do anything but you have been there every step of the way and even more put yourself at risk for me and our pups.” Her gaze went to her paws as the shame she felt for what she'd done to him overtook her, “I am truly sorry that I have repaid you in such a cruel way.”

(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2017, 05:47 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan nodded along slowly as Inna suggested that maybe next time they had a disagreement they would handle thing better. A boyish grin spread across his charcoal lips then as he leant his head in closer towards hers. “Maybe next time I’ll remember to think before I speak.” He teased, before nipping playfully at her ear and then offering her a more sincere smile. 

As they then both went on to apologize to each other, Lorcan dared to think that it was signal the end of their argument. Not wanting to just walk off, leaving them both on bad times – a mistake he had made many times with Piety – Lorcan forced himself to turn around with Inna called out to him. He bit back his pride and his anger and tried to fix things between them. Whilst not what he had wanted to say in that moment – for truthfully he wanted to yell and storm off in a rage – he forced himself to be the better wolf and tried to settle things between them once and for all. 

He thought he had done a pretty good job at making the situation better between them, but then Inna spoke and all hope of them leaving on good terms dissolved. She had started off well and Lorcan’s ears had perked up in encouragement when the dark female finally admitted that she believed her mother did love her, but it all went downhill from there. Apart from the bit in the middle where she expressed her gratitude to him. In that brief moment his eyes did light up and his cheeks grew warm, but at everything else she said, Lorcan could only frown.

Why did Inna constantly feel the need to beat herself down into the dirt?! No matter how many times he tried to pick her back up, tried to lead her towards better things, she always seemed to find her way back to that dark pit of self-doubt and pity that that she seemed to enjoy wallowing in.

“It’s okay, let’s just forget about it.” He said quietly, his golden gaze shifting off to one side. He needed some space now. Maybe it wasn’t the right thing to do, to leave Inna after their argument, but it was what Lorcan wanted. He had tried his best to make her feel better, but she always seemed to disregard it. “I’m going to go now…” He said, not bothering to say where to or why. “I’ll see you later, Inna.” He sighed, placing another, less firm, lick to her head before he turned and walked away.

~Lorcan exits~
(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2017, 06:47 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

The grin that appeared on his face after she'd suggested that he approach her differently made her smile. He then leaned his head in closer to hers before suggesting he think before he speak, “It might make things go a little more smoothly,” she said quietly in return. It would probably make things go a lot smoother if they both thought before they spoke. However that suggestion was short lived as they entered another argument.

Then it seemed after that they had made up, apologies were offered and it seemed accepted. She was glad that they wouldn't be parting on bad terms. It was the last thing she wanted but then something happened, he changed. Lorcan went from accepting her apology to cold telling her to forget about it, “Okay, if that is what you want.” She wasn't sure they should forget about it but maybe he was right and it was the best thing to do. Even more surprising was his sudden announcement that he was going, she didn't get a word out before he bid her goodbye with a half-hearted lick to her head. A very confused, “Bye,” was all she managed before he disappeared I to the trees.

The ebony Baranski watched him disappear wanting to go after him and find out what had changed. She didn't, a sigh heaved her sides, her head and tail falling before she turned to go into the den. She didn't know what would happen with her and Lorcan but she had the sense he wasn't happy with her. It was best she give him his space just as she was trying to do with everyone else. She'd messed up and wanted to give her family the time they needed and it seemed that Lorcan was now on the list of those that needed time too.

(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2017, 07:28 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.