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although you got beaucoup family — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Riley who has 126 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rowan Attaya
As Wraith spoke the subordinate raised his gaze toward the mountain's foothills, then west where they would need to spook the group to run into Wraith's waiting jaws. Pronghorn presented a new challenge to the Attaya, one which he accepted with a flash of his golden eyes. Though the large male could not be quite as fleet-footed as their hoofed targets, he had the strength and stamina to outlast flightly prey. The primary function of the chase would be to prevent the pronghorn group from getting too close to the mountains to take off into the higher ground until they reached Wraith's position - where a well-placed bite could throw the pronghorn off its speed.

When their leader nodded and dispatched himself to the shelf the Attaya male tilted his head toward Cheedo, giving her a friendly sweep of his tail and a crooked grin. "Wind at your feet," he quipped, a hunter's blessing that he had learned in the Straits. At a swift lope the two wolves moved west of the herd, using the heavy snowfall to their advantage as they curved around the group too far to be easily spotted but close enough to see the striped throats of their prey.

As they slowed down Rowan came around Cheedo's side, placing himself between the herd and the foothills. With his larger size he could intimidate the pronghorns from racing into the high ground, and with Cheedo's speed she could herd the group to remain on a parallel path. With one last silent look upon his partner Rowan tore out of the cover of snowfall, his long stride devouring the distance between him and the group. The pronghorns were quick to react, dispersing with a bleat of terror. One female of the group stumbled across a rock in her haste to get away from the two wolves, tumbling and careening into another pronghorn's body. She got up quick and continued away, the tantalizing scent of blood following her as she had sustained an injury in her flight.

The dark wolf remained steady between the prey and the mountains, growling and snapping as necessary to force the herd. They were coming up on Wraith's hidden ambush fast.
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael
Hunting post 3/? @Cheedo @Rowan - sorry for the wait, you guys! Wraith has leapt from his perch and landed on top of the injured pronghorn. His weight has toppled her over on her side and he has her pinned by the back of the neck.

From his perch, Wraith had a decent view of the herd as they ran as well as his packmates. Approval surged through him as he noted where Rowan and Cheedo ran. It was a sound strategy for the larger male to be on the inside with Cheedo left on the outside to keep them pinned. He wondered which of the pair had made that distinction or if it had been wholly instinctual. Proud of his packmates, he was able to focus once more on his own duty. As for the herd, one pronghorn moved with an obvious, hitching gait in her long stride. Had they managed to grab at her, too, or had it been happenstance? Either way, it was lucky for them that she was on the inside where Wraith would have the best chance of reaching her.

His muscular hind legs bunched beneath him as he prepared to make his leap. Years of practice of this very technique in the high mountains left him with a sound appreciation for judging speed, distance, and velocity. There was an art to it all. Jump too early and the prey is alerted and has time to stop or swivel off course. Jump too late and the result would leave him eating dirt rather than flesh.

A master of his trade, when Wraith made his move, he dove like an eagle and his jaws like talons pierced into the back of the pronghorn's neck while his weight and the force of his attack helped carry her to the ground. The thunder of hooves around him signaled the fleeing herd as their member bleated and wailed at being left behind. Though he had a solid grip at her neck, his teeth were too far to adequately damage the jugular. He would have to rely on the others to finish the job for him whether through disembowelment or bleeding her out themselves.

(This post was last modified: Jul 02, 2017, 11:34 PM by Wraith.)
[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hunting post 3/?

With Wraith gone to take up his position where he would be able to surprise the pronghorn from above. She and Rowan moved to their positions where they would heard the hoofed creatures right into their leader waiting jaws. When she and Rowan reached their starting point they didn't take the time to form a plan. She wasn't used to hunting with others but it also wasn't a new experience for her. There had been a handful of times she'd​ hunted with another which she supposed that even without a plan she and the newest member fell into their positions naturally.

With a few words from her partner she nodded, “You too,” was her response to what he'd said to her. They were soon off turning the herd right toward the ledge that the alpha had taken up as his position. Rowan used his size to keep the pronghorn from escaping up the hill and she used her speed to run along beside the on the outside and keep any from breaking off from the herd. They were in some luck as it seemed from the scent of blood that the female that stumbled was now injured in her haste to get away. It was her they chose to single out with just a look to dark male through the running bodies. Even though they had a target Cheedo still worked hard to keep the others running toward Wraith.

They came closer and closer to the ledge with each passing moment bringing the time when their running would be over. Then timing it just right she saw the dark leader pounce or flew down upon the injured pronghorn. Cheedo saw him as she continued to run in the direction of the ledge. It felt too quickly to find Wraith with his jaws clamped around the flesh at the back of the pronghorns neck. It was obvious when she arrived in the scene that something needed to be done to finish the job. Chreedo didn't have a problem with that, she quickly got a grip on the front of the pronghorns neck severing her jugular which was confirmed by the blood that ran into her mouth. Within a few short moments she'd ended the life of the creature.

(This post was last modified: Jul 03, 2017, 06:09 AM by Cheedo.)
[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Riley who has 126 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rowan Attaya
As they neared Wraith's hiding point Rowan focused heavily on the wounded female, his bronze gaze narrowed on her impeded gait. The other pronghorns began to swerve away from the pair of wolves, but he paid them no mind. The injured prey attempted to dash quicker, one last attempt to save her life - but Wraith had no intention of giving her such a blessing. With a formidable form and incredible accuracy the dark male lunged from the mountain point, his jaws wrapping around the pronghorn's neck. The others dispersed quickly, saved for another day.

But the pronghorn was not quite dead, still twitching and bleating and struggling at Wraith's hand. Small of stature and fleet of foot Cheedo made it to the falled prey faster than the Attaya could, and without hesitation her teeth found the pronghorn's artery. One precise and forceful bite and the hunt was over. He slowed toward the two wolves and his tail rose behind him, swaying a dark banner of victory. Winter's harshness would soon be forgotten with the bounty from this kill. He imagined all the hares they would have had to hunt to create the same amount of meat for the caches and could not help but grin at the fortune.

"Wonderful," he conceded. "I think we made a great team." His eyes flickered toward Wraith for instruction on how to divide their kill.
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael
Hunting post 4/4 @Cheedo @Rowan Also as a reminder, don't forget to add in your hunting post counts to count towards your LP. c:

The pronghorn's struggles beneath his jaws became weaker and weaker when Cheedo bit through the exposed underside of her neck. The geysering of blood from the shredded artery was evident enough that her doom was pending, but Wraith held on until her fighting ceased completely. By then, Rowan approached with tail flying high with their victory. Wraith's tail joined his and he lifted his muzzle skyward to sing out a song of their triumph. His deep voice boomed across the lowlands, no doubt carrying even past the Monadnock.

"It would appear so," he agreed with Rowan, pleased with their efforts. It had been a flawless execution and certainly commendable for a first hunt between comrades. It reminded him of the hunt with Enoki and Craw back when they were in Willow Ridge.

Acknowledging Rowan's questioning gaze, Wraith hopped over the pronghorn's body to turn towards her belly. There, he spilled open her guts, leaving the best spoils for the triumphant trio. The black Alpha ripped free the fleshy spleen, carrying with it omentum and a trails of intestines that were also torn. He carried it some distance away to allow his subordinates to feel comfortable to get their own meals. With the amount of energy they'd expended, they deserved access to the enlarged liver and any other innards they preferred. They could gorge now and after, they would take as much as they could back with them to add to the caches. Even if they caught not a single thing more, they at least had a chance for survival through the winter thanks to this hunt.

"Eat as much as you like. We'll deal with the rest once everyone is sated," he told them as he slurped on his own meal

(This post was last modified: Jul 02, 2017, 11:35 PM by Wraith.)
[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hunting post 4/4

In a matter of moments the hunt was over and they had felled their prey. Cheedo had moved quickly to where she was needed and ended the life of the pronghorn. Blood had gone everywhere splattering her agouti coat but it was a victory for them. There would be plenty of meat to go around and some to add to the caches which was most important. Once the pronghorn she could he sure the pronghorn wasn't getting up she released her grip just as the men spoke about their good teamwork. “To many more successful hunts in the future.”

She felt that if they could work so well together now they would be an even better team as they grew closer as packmates. The question that hung between them was what to do next which Wraith answered by ripping open the Pronghorns belly. Once he'd taken what he wanted Cheedo looked to Rowen and giving him a nod. She then stepped in to take her share more than happy to eat next to their newest member. There was plenty to go around and no reason for either of them to worry.

Her good ear flicked in Wraith's direction as he spoke telling them to eat what they wanted. She didn't hesitate to dig into her meal and would worry about what they would do with the rest later.

(This post was last modified: Jul 03, 2017, 06:09 AM by Cheedo.)
[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you