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Draw Back Your Bow — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Perhaps she was a little impatient when it came to learning the things that would help her to win in a fight. She didn't like the idea of becoming injured like Speiden had after the rank challenge but Leotie wasn't so naive to think she would escape an attack unscathed. It was a fear that she would have to get over and accept that things wouldn't be the same after her first fight. Just like Oak Tree Bend hadn't been the same after the rank challenge. She worried that an attack on Charred Ash Draw would change it too so that she wouldn't be able to call it home any longer

He moved around her his features and expression a little unnerving but Leotie didn't let it get to her. He was the key to her making it through a fight or not, she was certain of it. Carefully she listened to the words that fell from his mouth, “So if I believe I can will the fight then that could better my chances?” She asked as she watched him circle her. “There may not be a magic move but if that's true it's good advice.” Having a confidence going in could make some difference. Maybe if Spieden had that advice things wouldn't have gone the way they had. It didn't matter now what was done was done and they had moved on.

She shook her head as he spoke once more, a scenario that she could only imagine and had never really been in. Expect when she had first come to the lore but that was hardly a fight but she did remember doing what she could to stand her ground. In the end she had lost but what if she had the advice Zerxes was giving her now. “I see what your saying” she stated as she continued to remember back to that time. “It was a lot of growling and posturing,” she mused thoughtfully, “Being so new to the lore and not understanding I didn't really know what to do but it was only a scuffle.” What if she had known more at the time of that scuffle, could she have possibly won? It was much too late to be asking what if in that scenario.

He came to stand in front of her as he spoke about things she would hear she needed to do. Her ears came more forward on her head and he gaze met his as he spoke the word No. It was Stern and made to be heard. She heard him as he told her she has to be ready for anything. If she wasn't ready then she would most certainly lose, that was not an option. She would have to learn to become more aware of her surroundings in a fight so she could defend herself from all sides. “I hear you Zerxes, complete awareness of my surroundings and the confidence that I can fight a whole pack if I need to. To know in my mind I can do it. So now shall we put what you have said into practice?” She asked with a raised brow as her tail waved above her spine. She would never learn if she couldn't put this into practice.

He was the one she wanted to teach her because she knew he wouldn't quit on her and she knew he was the one that wouldn't hold back with her either. “I'm ready for whatever you want to throw at me,” she needed him to be as he was with that boar, she wasn't a baby to be coddled.

~Table by Switch
(This post was last modified: May 01, 2017, 02:34 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

Wasted potential was what Zerxes saw. She could hear him, but she wasn't listening. If she was, she wouldn't be so intent on hanging on to each and every word he said, but already calculating a move. Already trying to figure out how to take him down. Leotie was too soft. She didn't get it. Part of Z was unconvinced that she ever would. What was it about wolves nowadays that had so many catering to softness, encouraging forgiveness and camaraderie? He couldn't fathom how those traits would last in longer lifespans. Or hell, even happiness. But the male equated happiness to being in power. Striving for anything less made no sense.

"You're not ready," he stated plainly, his mouth turned down in disappointment. There were so many cracks in her defenses that even the younger @Treyah could take her down now. Of course, it was no secret the masked male preferred the girl to any of the others. But still. It was simple fact.

"You need practice with another." Even as his words drew her attention, Z shifted a hind leg to slide seamlessly into a charging stance and launched towards her throat. The guttural sound that roared from his gaping maw could rival the fury of even a bear until his teeth smacked shut with finality a few inches from her nose. For a heartbeat, his true face was lay bare. In his green gaze wrote the threat of murder.

Just as quickly, Z's charming smile replaced the sudden anger and his tail lifted and wagged with amusement. "Another time, we can give it a go. You outta practice with yourself for a bit and see what changes you can make first. Come to me again when you're truly ready."

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

While it was true that she'd never had to fight for anything in her life thus far aside for that time with the red woman. Leotie after seeing the fight between Speiden and Aponi would hardly call what she did a fight. Still there had to have been something inside her that told her to fight back in that moment. She'd listened to what Zerxes was telling her and was ready to put it into practice, how could she ever learn if she didn't make a few mistakes. Better it was during a spar with a wolf she felt wouldn't kill her than in the middle of a fight we're in small mistake could be detrimental. She knew she could handle whatever the man would throw at her, she had grown to be a much stronger wolf in these woods and she only continued to each day that passed.

It seemed she wouldn't get her chance to show him or learn more than what his words had held. How could he possibly know if she was ready or not? Hadn't she faced that boar with him without fear? She supposed that didn't matter so she merely nodded, what was the point and she wasn't going to beg him to help her.

His statement that she needed to practice with another only irritated her, she'd already tried that and he'd given up on her. Then to drive his point home he came at her his jaws snapping shut only centimeters from her nose. She remained rooted to her spot, what was the point after all the message had been made clear. She wasn't afraid of him or the look in his eye as he did it. She'd faced a look like that before and she had fought back.

At his next words Leotie merely nodded, clearly he wasn't the friend she thought he might be becoming. “Very well, If that's how you feel.” Was all she said to him before turning and walking away, how was she supposed to get better at anything if none of them would give her the chance. Perhaps the draw wasn't what she thought it was or maybe it was changing to something it wasn't meant to be.

~Table by Switch
(This post was last modified: May 30, 2017, 02:32 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you