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dawn among the storm — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
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The last thing Cheedo has wanted for Piety was for her children to suffer the same fate as her but one of them had. The small Agouti watched as Wraith carried it's tiny body away from the den to a place chosen by it father to be it's final resting place. The words she uttered​ for the tiny child were meant as a send off to a place she hoped the puppy would get to live out its life where it could not within the world if the living. She hoped for it to find her children and they would take care of it just as she would have if it had been able to stay with it's mother and father.

Once Wraith had disappeared with the pup her gaze returned to the mouth of the den where small whimpers could be heard. She could be happy that Piety still had one living child, that all had not been lost in the early hours of the morning. She worried for the new mother and how she was taking the loss of her child but glad the pale woman had her mate. She knew Wraith would help her through the loss and together they would raise a strong healthy pup. The small agouti may not have had the gift of her own children but she was there to help raise the remaining pup when needed. Like she had with Odysseia she could watch the puppy grow into a strong member of the pack. The feelings she had toward the girl would not be shared by Piety's pup.

Rowan came into view as he approached a hard hanging lifeless from his jaws his tail waving low behind him. She gave him a small smile just before he left the gate at the mouth of the den for Wraith or Piety to find later. Then he was gone just as quickly as he'd come, she thought to speak to him later. Almost as soon as the new member was gone Roosemooth appeared which irked the woman, even more so at the words that slipped from his mouth. A short curt nod was given in response to his question which was all she got out before he disappeared after Rowen.

Once Wraith had settled back inside the den Cheedo lowered herself to the ground curling her tail around her. She would stay in case the new parents needed something, she didn't want them to have to leave their child before they were ready. The first hours with their newborn precious and should be enjoyed, she hoped that they could take part in the joy despite the sadness that had also befallen them that day.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Flywolf who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Roosemooth Boor



Word Count: 294  

It was clear the newest member of the pack – although he supposed that wasn’t true anymore; the newborn Kael was the newest member – was uncomfortable.  Once upon a time, Roose would have let him walk away without challenge and let the man sulk in whatever thoughts plagued him.  But he had decided on a new life, and as the pack’s beta - the circumstances of the promotion still caused him to smile – he needed to look after the other members. Turns out an old dog can learn new tricks.

The other man hesitated, and Roose wondered if he was facing a liar.  He was relieved by the two-word answer; though he was being vague, it was at least the truth. He thought. “I understand.” While he couldn’t be sure exactly what these bad memories pertained to, it was very likely it had something to do with the birth.  Roose had also experienced some terrible birthings.  Cheedo’s ill-fated litter; what had happened to Odysseia, her brother and her mother; Craw’s other failed attempts at fatherhood. So many young had spent so little time in the world.

Roose nodded to the introduction. “I am Roosemooth.” He returned politely. “Perhaps we can speak at greater length at another time; I would like to get to know you. If you wish to step away, I will update you on anything more that happens here.” He offered.  He thought it was rather weak of the man to leave the site of the birthing, no matter what memories he had, but at the same time he hadn’t been here long.  He did not feel the same loyalty as those who had been committed to the pair for several months. He could not judge the other wolf based on this moment.

"Speech"  Thought

Played by Riley who has 126 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rowan Attaya
A slightly warmer smile broke the tension in Rowan's muzzle, a response to the older wolf's understanding. He was grateful not to be pressed on the subject, for its complexity was a bit too twisted - and definitely too morbid - to be divulged so close to the new life that had just begun. Guilt doused his heart again at the thought. He could have been a better brother to Quil, Cinder, and Mace. He could have been a better father to Iyes and Thea. Perhaps being a better guardian for the baby Kael would make up for his previous transgressions.

Canting his muzzle slightly toward the pack's Second - Roosemooth, as he introduced himself - the Attaya allowed his dull gold eyes to flicker toward the other's emerald pair. The wolf's suggestion relieved him not only of his current post but also of his fears that he might disapprove of the feelings he was trying so desperately to keep away. Lowering his dark ears against his skull, Rowan nodded. "I would be grateful for the chance to speak with you as well," he reciprocated, an honest remark. He hadn't joined the Monadnock to be a stranger in their midst. Except for maybe just this one moment - just after a few breaths of fresh air, maybe. "And grateful for the chance to catch a breath. I'll be within shouting distance - and return, soon, too."

Rowan took it upon himself to be dismissed, and loped off toward the open tundra. He would make good on his word and come back after some time - but he would take as much time as he needed to forget the blood and tragedy of the past.