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hands held higher, we'll be on fire — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Ace who has 510 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Adelayde continued to remain silent. To be completely honest, the older wolf wasn’t exactly sure what he was expecting of the female beta – to be reprimanded, perhaps? But he had suspected she had better sense than to do that in front of a visitor, especially the lead male of their closest ally. (And even if the last part wasn’t true, the gamma certainly considered the wolves of Hearthwood River to be their closest allies after all Lachesis had done to help his mate when he’d been attacked.)

He hummed softly, acknowledging the casual birth announcement with a small bob of his head. “Congratulations,” he rumbled. There wasn’t much else to say or ask after – he didn’t know the ghost well himself – so he only listened. Lachesis was a busy man, after all, with at least two litters (his own and the guard’s, if not more), and the stretch between their two packs was many days. He could not imagine the father wanted to linger much longer. “We’ll pass it on to the alphas,” he assured the eldest of the trio, sharing a brief glance with the Rye female. As Jessie’s second, he assumed she would do as much. “We’ll see you soon.”

They had to do something for the River wolves, at the very least.

REYES | Dead man walking.

One more post from @Adelayde and @Lachesis each and then we can claim skill LP!
Guardian Dem 3/3
(This post was last modified: Jun 19, 2017, 03:28 PM by Reyes.)
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
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Adelayde Artemieva

Normally the large woman wasn't of the silent type, but honestly both men in her presence were strangers to her. Reyes, granted was a pack mate, but the nosey girl has yet to really get to know him even though it's been months since his arrival. Something never clicked between them. It was as there was friction preventing either of them to truly understand one another. Or perhaps neither of them felt a need to get to know one another?

Nonetheless, these matters should be dealt with after Lachesis was off their borders and out of earshot. "Yes, congratulations is in store!" Laike didn't tell her the River wolves were expecting more than one litter, which the lawful aspect of her cringed at the thought. However, the River wolves had their own rules and whether it was planned or not was not any of her business.

At Reyes glance, the second nodded. Adelayde would make sure sure everything got to their alpha before she gave birth. It wasn't long till she did, actually. Nodding at the pale leader's words, "Thank you for everything again." She responded before she turned to take her leave from the two men at the borders.
sorry for any mistakes, currently on phone >_<  
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
archived! <3 @Reyes @Adelayde

The ghost knew that this was a step in the right direction to forge an alliance with their western neighbours. Along with aiding Reyes when the ebony man arrived at Hearthwood seeking medicine, Lachesis had hoped his actions weren’t for nothing. It was also not in his character to be malicious or selfish; if he did not enjoy helping others he would not have pursued the role of healer. He did not seek personal gain—he merely helped others out of the goodness of his heart. Because he could not fathom the idea of being loathed or watching others suffer.

He remained silent as the Rye duo spoke, offering them both a soft smile as they congratulated Hearthwood on their most recent litter. Lachesis knew how strange it must have sounded, that the river wolves had more than one litter this spring, but it certainly was not planned. All three of them weren’t. Unless Kisla had planned to conceive, but the ghost did not know. He had never questioned her on her pregnancy for, like him, she was a leader and was capable of making decisions on her own. If she had made the decision to have another litter Lachesis could not stop her, for she had every right to.

Lachesis gave a slow wag of his tail to say goodbye before turning away from the Rye borders, a smile still pressed to his lips. We’ll see you soon. He nodded silently to confirm Reyes’ words. After avoiding them for so long Lachesis had come to realize how wrong his opinions had been on the western pack, and how they had been tainted by the sharp tongue of Craw. At least he was mending things now—his mind unclouded by the spider’s voice. Without another word he took off into the lowlands, his chartreuse gaze focused on the trees in the distance… it was going to be a long venture home.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you