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Morning to be remembered — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Walking in the mist of cool morning, breathing the clean air, feeling the thin layer of eyes under her feet. She was on the shore of Secluded Spring, attempting to drink... If she would manage to brake the ice. Sniffing carefully ahead, putting more weight on her front legs and the eyes broke under them, with splash her black legs were in the water. Shallow on the shore, no panicing taht she would drown, but little surprised. Jumping back, shaking her body, pointing eyes to her legs. Nice, she would have frozen fur on them later.

Closing in to drink from the hole she had caused, licking the cold water in her. Next thing would be heading to Copper Rock Creek's border... And call Ruiko. Not rushing with her drinking, her tongue splashed in the water over and over again until she felt no more water could fit in her stomach. Okay, now she had to go. Nervous, but there was probably no reasons to be.

Trotting in the forest, snigginh the ground and air to find the border quickly. Ah, there it was! Running the last steps, halting behind the clear mark. Looking around, that would be her new home... Concentarte girl, you need to do something before you are in! Sitting down, rising her head, pointing her nose to sky and letting out long, loud howl, calling for Ruiko to come.
(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2012, 07:34 PM by Rebecca.)
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Since their arrival, the male had taken to patrolling the borders with concern – such a new pack, they had to mark their territory more vigorously than what they were accustom to. Ruiko was content now – winter was a dangerous time to make such a move, but they had done so and without any repercussions to themselves. Swift River was still strong in its numbers and so the tawny male was fully able to appreciate everything they had done.

Prowling the length of the borders, a yawn escaped the powerful jaws of the Leader. Longing to traipse back to the heart of his new home and curl up with Aeylen or coax Kinis and Volkan to a hunt. It was a cry that rose in the winter air that kept him from seeking his refuge, and while the voice was still unfamiliar to him, the regal wolf had an inkling of who was at his pack borders.

When the sight of the ebony she-wolf came to his view, Ruiko allowed a small smirk to creep upon his muzzle. “I see you found us,” he greeted her, his eyes regarding her thoughtfully. It would seem she hadn’t changed her mind after all.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Reba quikly stood up when she saw Ruiko coming. Head and tail kept low, submissive posture. Ears friendly up, tail wagging slowly, unsure smile on her face. She ahd no idea what to do or say, but hopefully everything would go well enough. Greeting might be a good start? <b>"Hello sir. Yes, I did."</b> she greeted and replied. Ears moving around, reflecting the storming feelings in her. Excitment, slight fear could she handle this new situation, joy, happines and some others, comeping for the trophy of alpha feeling.

Glancing Ruiko form her low angle, tail speeding up. Turning her eyes to ground, tail slowing down. Ah, how lost she was now. Not even knowing where to look...
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The ebony she-wolf rose as he greeted her, her posture reminding him of an eager pup. Ruiko’s ears perked forward at the name ‘sir,’ and while meant in a respectful manner, the wolf could not hold back the sardonic snort that escaped his nostrils. “Sir was my father. Or even my brother. Call me Ruiko,” he noted, his eyes falling upon the girl with mild amusement. Even then his words did not ring true; he highly doubted his father or Indru would have enjoyed being referred to such a term.. neither had ever been pompous.

“You haven’t changed your mind about joining us then?” His question was more for clarification from her; he doubted she would have bothered to seek him out otherwise, but he was one to be thorough. Rebecca’s mood swings was not something that settled well with the male, but he wouldn’t turn her away from a home.. not if she was willing to learn.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Reba nodded to Ruiko when he said he should be called just Ruiko. Slightly ashamed look on her face and smile on her lips she eyes him and the surroundings, tail wagging carefully. When he spoke again, her blue eyes concentrated to his figure. <b>"I would never change my mind with something like this"</b> was her answer, face serious, voice steady, still making sure she was respectful towards him. But this was something she needed to make clear, she was not one of those that switched their decision whenever it was good to themselves.

Her afce melted to unsure smile again, still not sure on which pose to hold her ears. Rebecca wanted to do things right, but she was afraid something would get ruined by her words or something like that. Tail wagging, eyes inquiring. What's next?
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Rebecca was jovial enough – the regal wolf regarded the wag of her tail, the shine in her eyes. Ruiko was not always one to dwell upon the thoughts of others, nor was he always a good judge of character, but the girl seemed eager enough to please and learn. With a nod, the hefty tawny male moved forward to press his golden coat against hers, slinking his figure along her sides to cast his and the packs scent upon her so she would not be questioned. With that, Ruiko prowled back the direction he had come, taking them towards their home.

Casting a glance behind his shoulder, the large male nodded his muzzle for her to follow, his own tail casting a quick sway in the cold winter air. “Come, then. Let me show you where we live now.”
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca felt a great joy now that she had been accepted as part of an pack. It was truly helpful to know the manners! And she still had time to learn more useful information about pack life. Loyalty kicked in, Reba was now going to do anything for her pack... Even ready to be little more careful with herself. She stood still as Ruiko rubbed his scent on her, this time she at least knew what it was about. Well, to be honest, she actually didn't know for sure. But Reba thought her assumptions were right, so in the way she knew what it was all about.

When he nodded her to follow, Reba didn't hesitate. Tail wagging with high speed, eyes lucent, steps light and bouncy as she walked after him. Despite all the happines and joy she kept in, her head and tail remained low enough so that she looked respectful. That was what she was, anyway. And somehow it seemed that Rebecca was unable to even show anything she didn't feel... Liar, liar. Hah, never-liar it was in her case.

(This post was last modified: Jan 21, 2012, 02:54 PM by Rebecca.)
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">