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fool in the rain — White Fir Notch 
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Played by becca who has 271 posts.
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Hawthorne Selwyn
Hawthorne wasn't the best with words but she did understand the words mother and of course, Hawthorne. Those were both good things. She was one of those things. Surely that meant this messy thing was a good thing too! Oh, and her new friend was coming in too! The young Riverflow wormed around the bigger wolf's paws before stopping in front of her again. Her rump wiggled about with her tail as she gave a wide grin up at the female. This was so much better than staying in the den.

The child gave a few jumps in an attempt to get her friend just as muddy as herself had become. Of course, her friend was a lot bigger and Hawthorne wondered how she would fit in the muddy puddle. Maybe this wasn't a big enough puddle. Perhaps there were more out there intended to be for her friend.

She dropped down into a crouching position and wiggled about in the dirty water. Hawthorne couldn't wait till mom could see what she had discovered. The young Notch wolf wondered if her there was a puddle for her mom too. As she stood back up she leaned against the sea wolf's leg. So much excitement that she was beginning to feel a bit sleepy but she wouldn't let that show (too much).
[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9co9.png]
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
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Nauja Mizuno

The sea wolf didn't know if the pup didn't understand that Nauja was telling her to get out or if she did understand and was choosing not to. It was clear that Hawthorne was rather happy about the puddle, the seagull was not. She decided she would have to go in after there the thought not appealing in the slightest. Still one paw after the other until she stood in the muddy water with the black and grey pup who was a little more Brown at this point and who had the widest grin on her little face.

Soon enough Nauja could guess that the pup probably didn't understand that the mud puddle was a very bad idea. The sea wolf could feel the dirty water getting on to her dark pelt as the pup jumped up at her. Her sides heaved with a sigh, “Hawthorne you're going to have to take a bath before your mother sees you,” she said in an effort to convince the child of the bad idea she'd seemed to have formed. That however didn't seem to work either as the youngster kept playing in the brown water.

A look of horror crossed Nauja's dark features as she watched Hawthorne get herself even dirtier. She shook her head as the child then leaned her dirty body on the sea wolf’s leg, she gave another sigh. “Alright then but we're both getting a bath after this,” she stated before nudging the pup away so she wouldn't fall over. Then she proceed to splash the muddy water all over the both of them with her paws.

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Played by becca who has 271 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hawthorne Selwyn
The words coming from the larger female's mouth mattered little to Hawthorne, especially when the female joined in on the splashing. She giggled uncontrollably and pranced around in small circles. This stuff was great! Hawthorne did her best to try and create as big of splashes as her company was making. Of course, she couldn't but it was worth trying.

Hawthorne had become a true mess. Her fur was dripping with mud and water. Despite this though her grin was wide. Eager baby teeth exposed to the larger female in a friendly manner. The young Riverflow was proud of her accomplishment to get the woman to play with her. She had seemed a bit too stuck up before and needed to relax. Romping about always made Hawthorne feel better! Well, so did food and naps. Maybe this girl needed one of those things too.

Stomping her splashing and bouncing she finally stepped out of the puddle. Puppy blue eyes looked down at her paws to admire her work. Hawthorne thought she had done just well. Her legs and paws were drenched and from what she could feel the rest of her was too. "'Un?" She asked while completely forgetting to properly pronounce the F at the start.
[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9co9.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
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Nauja Mizuno

The sea wolf didn’t think playing in the puddle was a very good idea, not at all. Surely Sylva would be upset that Nauja had let her daughter play in the mud. How could she resist the child and the fun that she wanted to have in the puddle? Children should be able to have experiences and the only way to learn was to experience.

So she had entered the puddle with Hawthorne, she didn’t jump in but she might as well have. After she and the Child had spent a good amount of time splashing about in the water they were both covered in muddy water. The seagull didn’t think the rain would be able to wash it all away before they returned to the den. Nauja had been sure to make sure her splashes were big just for Hawthorne, she thought the little black pup would like it. It seemed she had been right when she was rewarded with a wide grin that showed sharp little teeth, this brought a smile to the inky maw of the female.

It seemed that Hawthorne had finally gotten her fill of the mud puddle when she climbed out of it all on her own. For a moment the dark pelted woman watched the cub before stepping out of the puddle herself. Once she was out she gave her pelt a shake to remove some of the excess water from her coat before turning her attention back to the pup who spoke. At first Nauja wasn’t sure what she had asked but then she realized, “Yes Hawthorne it was a lot of fun,” she told her with a smile, “Didn’t you have fun?” the sea wolf asked concerned as she thought the pup’d had fun.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by becca who has 271 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hawthorne Selwyn
thinking you could fade with your next post? c: @Nauja

The Riverflow girl's tail and rump wiggled about, flicking droplets of mud every which way. "Yesss." She answered with a rather silly looking grin on her face. Hawthorne had a lot of fun in that puddle and was beyond glad she could get her new friend to join her! The young girl wasn't really sure why the dark female had seemed so against the idea at first but regardless was glad she eventually agreed. They were both messy with the dirty muck, though. She had a good idea of what was coming now that she was all dirty. Mama usually gave her a bath but Hawthorne wasn't sure if that was possible considering how dirty she had gotten this time.

Oh, but there was an adult! Even if Hawth didn't always enjoy listening she knew that the adults knew what to do. With wide, expectant puppy eyes she looked up at Nauja. She stood there silently without even making a whine. Perhaps she should have voiced her opinion but she fully expected that the dark woman would know what she wanted. Mama always did! And this new friend kind of looked like mama, even had some of the same smells as her. Close enough for now.
[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9co9.png]
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno
Fading and archiving

As she waited to find out if Hawthorne had fun during their romp in the puddle Nauja couldn't help but be worried that she might not have. It was only a moment before she saw the movement of the pups tail and then a confirmation that she'd in fact had fun. “I'm happy that you did.” The sea wolf would have been disappointed had the child not. She'd had every intention of helping the child to have some fun despite the dreary weather. She knew what it was like to spend a rainy day inside and didn't think that it would be much fun for a puppy especially since they were so full of energy.

Of course now Nauja knew she couldn't bring Hawthorne back to her mother covered in mud or else she may not get to spend time with her later. The sea wolf wasn't very acquainted with Sylva so wasn't sure how she would react. The dark female looked down at the pup who was looking up at her with an expression that told she expected something. “We should probably get you cleaned up before we head back,” she stated before bending her head to give the puppy a nudge in the direction of clean water where she would clean Hawthorne up. “Let's go,” she stated before she moved off in the direction of the spring.


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