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Breaking the Peace — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Why was it each bit of progress he made took him no closer to his destination? And why was it he was still even interested in hunting down Ranger- so far no one had even heard of her and the only reason he was hunting her down was upon his fathers orders… and he was unsure himself as to why he still felt the need to carry out those orders after his father had banished him. Perhaps in the back of his mind he believe that he would win his father over and take back his rightful place as heir to his throne. His reasons for wanting to see Volkan again were very different and for now, she was his focus.
Still, it was small but it was progress. She was alive obviously, and this male knew of her. He hadn’t expected him to lead her straight to her, wolves were somewhat untrusting and with good reason, in fact he’d be more suspicious had the male offered to lead him to her there and then.

“Probably best not to say anything… I was hoping to surprise her when I finally track her down. I just want to see her face when she sees me again.” And he was telling the truth of course, he couldn’t wait to see the horror on her face when he appeared again. It was going to be a priceless and most treasured memory, he was certain of it.

Triell’s next comment caught him a little off guard, because he didn’t know the answer to it.. He could tell the truth, there was no shame in it, but what if Volkan had told this male a lie to cover her past? She was more then capable of it, she’d never been happy with her life; he could only imagine her relief now she was away from it all. He doubted she’d have wanted others to know the truth of her past… or had she wanted sympathy from those now in her life, wanted shelter from the big bad wolves in her life? Gah! What was he to say now?
He took a moment to think, whilst his left ear flicked, the tell tale sign he was thinking. He decided it best to tell the truth, but leave open for interpretation. “It wasn’t destroyed… we were exiled by our father. I suppose telling everyone that it was destroyed is less painful for her though- no one expects your family to turn against you.” Including himself, he thought. He then shrugged, there was no point lying; telling the truth was always the best option because it meant you couldn’t be caught out… the key was to keep the truth as foggy as you could.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote><i> he's so smooth xD i admire the way you play him.</i>

There was no change in the mirrored blackface, and Triell tried to relax his stiff shoulders but failed. He could not in this place. His black lips pursed, a little confused by his statement. <i>Surprise her, hmm. </i> He didn't see the point of it, most family reunions wanted to find the other party straight away. However, maybe that was just Tainn thing. Or the fact Triell couldn't lead him to her made the difference. <b>"Suit yourself,"</b> he replied with a weak smile, while thinking <i>good luck with that.</i> She was bound to be in a new home, busy with her new life. Now, that he thought about it he hadn't really understood why she had wanted to go with Ruiko, or even why she was with him so to speak. There was one answer that came to mind, but he pushed it aside. Ruiko was protective of her, but he'd never seen her affectionate with him. He seemed to scramble his thoughts to reassure himself recalling their last encounter. Yet the cloud of doubt was there, threatning to take over.

Black lids slid over his bright eyes, then rose to see his statement had him thinking longer than he thought. Which did not help Triell's fears that Volkan might be keeping more form him.

His words seemed to confirm she hadn't told him the truth. The young man seemed to become more quiet, his face a still blank page at this news. But he did not look away, his ears precisely drawn to the voice of Rhysis. <i>They'd both been exiled.</i> Once again questions rose in his mind. Their family had turned on them, but for what reason? And shouldn't Rhysis be more eager to see her? Was he hoping to find Ranger for help or something? He tried to think of it from his own perspective. When tragedy had struck their family he would have been good as dead without his older siblings, and Rhysis had said his dad had sent him to find her. Yet it was his dad who had sent them away? He couldn't understand the odd family dynamic, and decided questioning it wouldn't be the best idea.

<b>"Oh,"</b> was all he manged to reply, feeling a blow to his chest. She hadn't mentioned anything about Rhysis, Ranger, or her father. He felt he hardly knew who she was.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Ooc: Aw, thank you! He is just great fun to play so that makes it easy. I used to have a character like him many years ago, feels like I’m reliving my youth in some ways aha.
I am also going to start bolding text… so I remember what I’ve already said, to stop me making mistakes like the double dad comment. xD

<blockquote><b>”Thanks for the offer though. Most kind of you to trouble yourself like that for a stranger.”</b> He added after the blunt response. The truth was he couldn’t let it be common knowledge he was here looking for her. Of course, he could have been using a false name, a false identity and been living a lie, but sometimes those lies snowballed and you were more likely to be caught out. Yes, it was much better to place a niser version of himself then someone completely different. He knew himself, he knew the truth and lies in everything he had seen and done, which meant it was easier to be honest… even if you were lying. There was logic in that… somewhere.

The air between them was still a little tense, rightly so for they were strangers and this wolf, unlike others he had met so far, was not dumb. He played his cards close to his chest, was careful with what he said and how he responded, but something had changed in his expression as he divulged more about his sibling. The short response to his story hadn’t left much for him to go on, however, that combined with the suddenly flash of doubt in the others eyes made him wonder just what was passing though his mind. He evidently knew Volkan… but that tiny indication of doubt had said he’d hit the nail on the spot- she had been telling lies to her new friends. Tut-tut.

<b>“Yeah… it wasn’t really the best of times for us and she took it pretty hard.”</b> He added, plunging the knife in a little deeper. If there was a seed of doubt about her, he could use it to his advantage. Suddenly his mind was whirling with new thoughts… she had friends here, that was clear, a life perhaps and just like that killing her didn’t seem like the best form of punishment for her betrayal… no… exile was. She had taken it so badly last time but she had Rhysis beside her, but if he could turn her friends and new family away from her, she’d have nothing, no one- it would hurt more then anything physical.<b> “Did she not tell you about it then? Maybe it’s to hide her shame.”</b> He added thoughtfully with a tilt of his head.
(This post was last modified: Jan 10, 2012, 03:17 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<i>you do a good job :) and yeah bold text does help sort things out.</i>
He wasn't sure how to recover after that, he wasn't keep everything underwraps so well. He had entered unknown territory, and would have to work on being indifferent.

<b>"She's my friend,"</b> he merely replied, feeling that had to count for something him being her brother. Slowly he shrugged his shoulders once more, not seeing it as anything special. He'd done other things more worthy of appreciation, but usually had humbly declined any praised. Sadly Ozera briefly came to mind, and once more he wished his older, wiser friend had not left Swift River. Maybe Corinna could help him instead. The positive thought was hardly bright enough to shake his sense of dissapointment for not knowning more about the girl with icey blue eyes he adored.

His head lifted ever so, as he explained why she had said what she had. It did little to make him feel better either, and he clenched his teeth to keep from reacting. Why couldn't she tell him? He wouldn't have thought of her differently, but now he wasn't sure what he could believe. Was she really going to miss him?

Rhysis did good to make it worse, heigthen what he was trying to rid himself of. There must be more to the story if she was ashamed enough not to tell him the truth. As for what he could not imagine. How could she have a dark past? She didn't appear to be cruel or malicious. He could not see her that way at all.A slight frown worked at his lip, but he cleared his throat at once, straightening his posture. <b>"No, she didn't,"</b> he said trying to keep the heat of anger out of the words. Right now more than anything he wanted to find her, straighten this out, but once again he doubted he would find her. He tried to belive she had good reason, he hadn't told her everything about himself.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Ooc: Thank you, means a lot. :)

<blockquote>God he was good. He could certainly use this to his advantage, that was for sure. His steel gaze settled upon the other male once more, his whole attitude had suddenly dropped. Clearly he didn’t like the truth… Rhysis couldn’t help but wonder what lies it was that Volkan had been spouting. Her pack had been killed? What rubbish. They were still very much alive as they chased the siblings away from their territory, teeth snapping at their heels and he had the scars to prove it- stupid fool had made sure to stay behind his sister, keep her safe from them as he herded her forward. What a fool he had been back then.
He had had a feeling she wouldn’t tell the truth, she had always seemed ashamed of her pack and even herself. They had the same upbringing (though perhaps with less beatings on her part) so why she was so very different was beyond him. Clearly she was not as strong as him, he thought smugly.

<b>”Oh…sorry. I- er, I didn’t mean to make you feel awkward, mate.”</b> He added earnestly, but felt none of the sincerity behind what he said. He arose to four paws then and took a moment to shake the dirt which had settled on his belly from his fur. He was relaxed, calm in his posture but his mind was working over time. How next to deal a blow?

<b>”I’m sure she had her reasons to keep it to herself. She always did find it hard to talk about herself… I’m sure lying to those she was closest to made it easier for her to forget.”</b> <i>Dig, twist.</i> The male then shrugged and took a few steps closer to the other. He offered him a half smile, kept his attitude and poise as friendly as possible before he sat again, this time somewhat closer; not enough to invade his space, but closer so he didn’t have to talk quite so loudly.
(This post was last modified: Jan 10, 2012, 03:16 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote><i>Volkan.</i> Her name, her face kept flashing in his mind.

This was all news to him, which he was trying to take with a grain of salt. He was failing miserably. The way Rhysis talked about her, made it sound worse like he knew the dirty secret she was keeping, and humiliated by. He wasn't about to share it, only hint. Could Triell really ask her about her past? Would she deny him to know? He was surely brooding beneath his dark cloak, and completely lost how to respond to any of this information. She had been...flawless in his eyes. And love was blind. Ears twist back to his skull at the earnest apology. He wanted to believe it, at the same time it felt out of place. He was the one making Triell think different of Volkan. <i>No, she was the one who didn't tell me.</i> He decided, the end of his tail giving a sudden twitch to help him keep peace within himself. Rhysis was only telling the truth, wasn't he?

A bemused snort he rolled his shoulders, taking a step back only to bring his paw right where it had been. It did not go unnoticed how much closer Rhysis had become, seeming at ease with the turn of events. The Tainn felt a bunch of mixed signals. The wolf before him trying to comfort him, and at the same time making more evident Volkan was liar of sorts, ashamed of her past. Again the question would repeat in his head. <i>Why?</i> Something inside him doubted Rhysis would tell, and another half doubted Volkan would share. He tried his best not to think of her different. What could really change his mind about her? Did her past matter, it was who she was now that counted, right? He once more tried to assure himself he would get to the bottom of this. Despite how Rhysis words were like bitter candy he had to swallow.

<b>"Well we all do things we aren't proud of,"</b> he admitted, keeping his tone more even, and smooth. <i>Though how bad is it if she couldn't tell me?</i> Was his afterthought, he didn't want to voice already sure Rhysis knew how much his confidence had been shaken. Clearing his throat, he flipped his ears forward.

<b>"If you want that beaver we can go now, less you want me to tell you where to look?"</b> He said, taking a step away, changing the subject on purpose.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>He could feel sorry for the male. It seemed it was a little lost with the information Rhysis had given him. He had gone from somewhat curious and relaxed to quiet and thoughtful. Well, it served his sister right, she shouldn’t tell lies. It wasn’t as if Rhysis had better morals, he would lie through his teeth all day long, but the difference was he kept his lies truthful and knew that a lie would always be discovered, if it were too strong. Such a clever mind, confused, dark, but very clever… or so he liked to think!

He debated shoulder bumping the male. He’d seen his packmates bumping each other, not so much in comfort but in jest. It seemed appropriate but he couldn’t bring himself to make physical contact with the other. The thought made him feel a little nauseous and instead he settled for a head tilt and a small smile. <b>”Let’s not dwell on it. I’m sure she had her reasons.”</b> And like that he dropped the subject. Yes, he could have fished for more information but it didn’t appear he was going to get any at the moment. Instead, he would have to spend more time with this male who was obviously in contact with this sister.

And just like that, Triell opened up such an opportunity! He’d forgotten all about the beavers, his mind had been so focused on the emotional takedown of his sister that even his stomach had been silent. Almost as if on cue, it woke up with a fearsome rumble. With a flick of his ear he rose up again. <b>”I think it’d be nice to go together… can’t say I’ve ever hunted a beaver, maybe you can give me some pointers?”</b> Inflate his ego back up a bit, he needed the wolf in better spirits to help catch some food… and to take another round of questioning.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<i>sorry about the timing. i think my muse has collapsed. any way would you like a continuation of this thread or would you like to assume they went and hunted? either is fine by me. :)</i>
Despite how he wanted to look at Rhysis, he kept his eyes adverted from him. Just maybe the simple task would make him feel better. But it didn't, he was already questioning everything again, and desperate for answers. He didn't want any more from this wolf as he was afraid what more he could learn. A small grind of his teeth he pulled his muzzle upward, peering a glance at the dark features which now showed a small smile. <i>"Let's not dwell on it"</i> Small grimace edged at the corner of his lips.<i> Easier said than done.</i> It had to b obvious he could not shove it aside. It was enough to know she had a brother looking for her without all the extra.

Yet with his words he did not ask or say more, and a low grumble echoed from his stomach region. It seemed answer enough. Triell was ready to head to the creek. He rather go find something to eat now, that would require his full attention. He took another step in the opposite direction, straightening his ears, and twitching his nostrils to break his mind's fall back to Volkan. It helped picking up a mix of different scents just waiting to be discovered.

<b>"Sure,"</b> he merely replied, sensing he had risen and was ready to follow. Though he somewhat thought Rhysis might just be disappointed the prey was not so dangerous nor hard to catch. The river wolf didn't care. This was much better than sitting around, and having the life sucked from him. His bright eyes took notice of sky, and then he flung his muzzle into the direction he wanted. <b>"This way, then."</b> He steadily trotted onward watching the harsh elements around him, and leading to Heartleaf Creek.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
We can leave it there if you like? I know you have a billion threads to keep up with! We can say they had a good hunt but didn’t really talk much? Left with neutral feelings? It’ll be open then should they meet again.

His work here was done. He’d planted the seed of doubt and nothing could be more powerful when it came to tearing down friendships, relationships or families in general. He had first hand experience of that. He had to keep his expression as neutral as possible and would for now, forget the subject of his sister and concentrate instead on the rumbling of his stomach.

It wasn’t that he disliked Triell, he seemed alright and were Rhysis a decent wolf he’d probably have liked to have called him a friend, he seemed the easy going sort, probably pretty loyal with how he had taken the entire situation too, however Rhysis wasn’t a decant wolf and was only tagging along any further at the shot of a potential meal. He was never one for friends for he took only from them what would benefit him.

With a hidden smirk to himself as the other turned his back, he followed in tow and allowed silence to fall between them.


[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]