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the world i know — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
leader dem 1/3 - discuss potential roles with subordinates

The ghost snorted in amusement but did not disagree with his ebony companion. Little Risaela was fond of those who let her get away with mischief—as she should. Now was the time for her to learn right from wrong and make mistakes; Lachesis could not be angry with her for embracing her youth before she was thrust into the world of adulthood. Pack law would be instilled into them soon enough, but for now there was only so much they could comprehend without overwhelming them.

His chartreuse gaze narrowed slightly as he watched the large male greet the ground with his stomach and dangle his forepaws into the soft-flowing river. Since the rain had dispersed the river had returned to normal, although its levels were still abnormally high. XIX figured it had to do with the abundance of snow the Lore received over the winter. The mountains were melting and the rivers (and lakes) were swelling. Lachesis just hoped they did not endure a second flood in the Kingswood. The pair did not have many tension free moments so he, too, was enjoying the informality of their conversation. Being serious all the time was rather exhausting—especially when it was not necessary.

His ear twitched as the dark male spoke once more, a single brow lifting. Thanked him? Lachesis was confused. It had not really been his decision to allow @Aytigin to join Hearthwood. Kisla had more or less bullied Lorcán and Lachesis into graciously accepting the casanova’s request to reside in Hearthwood. “I’m glad to hear that, Aytigin,” he responded coolly with a soft wag of his tail. His words dripped with honesty as his lips curled into a smile. “I have noticed the continuous effort you’ve been putting in and I appreciate it. Have you thought of pursuing a role just yet?”

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
The white wolf was quiet throughout most of their conversation this time around, and Aytigin was just fine with that. A little awkward, and perhaps a bit like talking to a tree, but that was alright. But he did choose to speak when it counted, and he graciously accepted Aytigin's gratitude. Which led into a question the dark male hadn't been expecting - pack roles. It wasn't something he'd thought much about, because he'd been wrapped up in working and spending time with a specific few pack members.

"Haven't given it much thought," he told him truthfully, not addressing the part about him working hard, because it made his pelt burn with embarrassment and awkwardness. "To be honest, I'm not really sure where I'd fit best. I'm not fast enough to be a hunter, and I'm not strict enough to guard. But I'm also not smart enough to be a teacher or advisor, and scout is off the table." He turned hazel eyes up to gauge Lachesis' expression. "What do you think?" Perhaps the white wolf would be more knowledgeable on the subjects. It wasn't like Ayti was an expert on any of it.

Regardless, even if he didn't pursue any particular role in the pack, Aytigin was planning on sticking around. He was invested now - physically, mentally, and emotionally - and he didn't want to leave. But still, it would be wonderful to have a sort of specific purpose in his life - a job that he was supposed to do daily. A routine. Perhaps his alpha could provide him with a guide on how to start pursuing one of them.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
short shitty posts are my forte, i am sorry </3
leader dem 2/3

The cloud was not surprised by Aytigin’s answer. Since the arrival of the three litters all of the river wolves had kept themselves busy, whether it was providing food or watching the puppies so the mothers could take a break. He was happy to see that his subordinates, both new and old, were getting along. For the first time since Kjors’ arrival in Hearthwood the ghost felt as though they were a cohesive unit. There were no bad seeds or outliers. They worked well together and respected each other—even Aytigin, who had nearly gotten his ears chewed off multiple times for his loud mouth.

“Hunters don’t have to be fast,” he countered with an amused grin, his forehead pinched as he spoke. “Is there anything you particularly enjoy doing?” Lachesis did not want to push a role onto the ebony male. As long as he kept himself busy and did not get into trouble XIX was content. He was just curious to see if Aytigin was interested in a particular field. The pale leader knew that the dark male intended on sticking around—strangely enough, the casanova seemed to fit perfectly into the Hearthwood pack dynamics—so there would be plenty of time for him to pursue a role, if he chose to. If the younger male was happy tending to the puppies and their mothers so was Lachesis. His youthful demeanour made him the perfect puppysitter… just as long as his bad habits did not rub off on them…

(This post was last modified: Jul 08, 2017, 01:57 AM by Lachesis. Edit Reason: ty for reminding me van <3 )
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Puhlease. I am worse.
You should probably edit your post to be your 2/3 leader dem c;

Brows drew together at Lachesis' response of 'hunters don't have to be fast.' It took a second or two of deliberation, but then he remembered that he was in a pack now. Hunting bigger prey - such as deer - would be much easier to take down with quicker wolves combined with wolves with brute strength. If Aytigin had been on his own, as he had been for a long time before Hearthwood, he would have had no hope of bringing down his own prey. The deer were too large for him to take down on his own, and he was much too slow to catch rabbits or marmots or squirrels. Though, oddly enough, he seemed to be a fairly good fisherman.

"I like helping," he said simply, looking out over the water with a smile. "I like doing whatever it takes to chip in to the pack. What do we need?" He looked over to make eye contact as he asked, wanting to convey his sincerity in the question. "Though, I have been having fun taking care of the pups. But they won't be little for long, and it'd be good for me to have some sort of job to do on the off season."

He grinned. "But yeah. I want to help. If the pack needs a guard, I'll be a guard. If the pack needs a hunter, I'll be a hunter. But what do I know? Guide me, leader," he told him lightheartedly, tail thumping the ground a time or two behind him. In all honesty, he really didn't mind the idea of most roles. "I'm just happy being here, to be honest. Maybe I'll try out a few of the roles and see where I fit best."
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
leader dem 3/3

I like helping. A single brow raised at the statement but he remained silent as the dark male began to elaborate, his ears pinned forward. It was not dire for the large male to chose a role immediately—especially with pack life being so hectic due to the arrival of the cubs. Lachesis just wanted to get a feel for what the talkative wolf enjoyed doing, aside from raising hell. Before their conversation today the pale leader did not know much about the large male, aside from the fact that he enjoyed flirting with anything that had legs.

“Anything, really,” he admitted with a soft shrug, “aside from Lorcán and myself there aren’t any assigned roles within the pack.” He did not mind. The wolves of Hearthwood were doing well in keeping themselves busy and tending to the pack’s needs. Most of them were confined to the Kingswood, like Lachesis, as they were making sure the mothers and their children were being taken care of. Others wandered occasionally, hunting and ensuring scent markers were still in place, but there was no threat from the neighbouring packs. It appeared all of Relic Lore was busy taking care of puppies this summer.

“There’s no rush,” he laughed in response, his lips curling into a crooked grin. “Pursue something you enjoy doing. When you decide what that is come find me. “ There was something out there for every wolf—even Aytigin. He just had to figure out what that was. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Wanna fade and archive soon?

It was no lie that Aytigin still liked to flirt with anything that had legs, but he liked to think that he had been steadily improving since his previous, more serious talk with Lachesis. At the very least, he'd been trying, and that definitely counted. Maybe. Possibly. His mind flittered back to Inna and Cottongrass, and he couldn't help but smile.

He hummed with thought. It was nice to know that he had so many options, but he wasn't sure that was really helpful for an indecisive wolf like himself. The dark-furred man flicked his ears back and forth, a smirk encroaching on his maw. "Nice to know we have two healers here. It bodes well for me, because I'm the clumsiest wolf alive. I'm surprised I haven't had to go to you for a sprained ankle or something yet." Well, he had hurt his shoulder during the flood, but he didn't exactly feel comfortable asking for help yet. He hadn't contributed enough.

The man nodded in response, his eyes falling closed again. "I'll let you know when I figure that out," he replied, fully and completely prepared for his nap. The conversation had been quite relaxing, but he had come to the river to sleep for a while. Although he was glad that the alpha had approached him - he felt like the talk had been good for the both of them.

"Nice day for a nap, hunh?" he asked, peeking one eye open and offering Lach a smile. He hoped he'd get the memo. And, just because he wasn't trying to insinuate the alpha should leave, he thumped his tail on the ground a couple of times. "If you ask me, you could probably use one, too." He smirked and rested his chin on his forelimbs. "The forest won't catch fire if you take a little time to nap by the river."
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
you can fade w/ your post if you want! <3 

Other than the infection that had taken Maksim’s life and the wounds Lilya had acquired after her run-in with the Whitestone rogue, the river wolves had been fortunate to escape serious illness and injury, In fact Lachesis had used most of his herbs to treat wolves outside of Hearthwood. He did not mind, though, as he wanted to maintain a good relationship with the neighbouring packs. The monadnock’s healer had decided to join Hearthwood and as far as he knew Wild Rye was still without one (except for Reyes, who had obtained some knowledge from XIX). There was no point in keeping herbs to himself when they weren’t getting used.

Nice day for a nap, hunh? Lachesis could hardly remember the last time he was able to sneak away for a quick nap. He snorted in amusement, unable to restrain it as he watched Aytigin tuck into the ground beside the river. The ebony male deserved one but XIX had too many things on his mind to join him. He dismissed the large wolf’s words with a quick shake of his head, his legs unfolding from beneath him as he pushed himself to a stand. “Maybe later,” he mused in response although he knew it wouldn’t happen. Naps were a foreign entity to the busy leader. “Enjoy your nap, Aytigin. Try not to fall into the river,” he added with a sharp wink before taking a step away, ready to propel himself into the woods once Aytigin responded.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
It seemed that the snow-colored alpha wasn't interested in a nice little nap. That was fine - he didn't mind napping on his own. It was why he'd come out here in the first place, anyway, and he was certain that the white wolf had other, more important things to do. He hoped he wasn't causing a problem by taking a little time for himself, but he reprimanded himself inwardly. He'd been busy, too, and his eyelids felt so heavy that he didn't think he'd be much use without a little rest. He was just exhausted.

"You should think about taking a little break sooner or later. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and all that." He dipped one paw a bit further into the river. "It won't do the pack any good to have its alpha male collapsing from exhaustion. Just saying." Then, Lachesis teased about him falling in, and he harrumphed lightly. "I'll do my best, but I'm making no promises."

Lachesis turned and left, and it took 0.3 seconds for Aytigin to fall asleep.

{ fade }