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wandering in the shade — Umbra Copse 
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Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

It seemed his compliment which he'd hoped would make her feel better had done it's job as he noticed her tail wagging behind her. “No, your not,” affirmed. If anything the temporary alpha might have been considered a little on the things side but he knew better than to point that out. She of course was by no means as thin as he currently was but he felt her weight suited her well. “Perhaps, and then these magpies will rue the day they decided to make such a ruckus,” he agreed looking up to the trees where the birds still flocked.

An amused smile crossed Tikhon's maw as she spoke continuing to play along with him after he had her. His tail swayed easily behind him as he found he rather liked the temporary alpha. It was the informal way she saw things and didn't want him to be too formal. “Anything for the lady,” he said with a wide smile as he fell into and exaggerated now all in the spirit of continuing her dramatics. Once he'd stood back to his full height he was reminded by her words of the fact his brother, the alpha now of his birth pack, had banished him and Laike. He didn't want to bring that into the light mood that was between him and Cas so he quickly had his mind change gears. “I don't know, it might help since they are the reason you are frustrated. Sometimes it is good to take your frustrations on the thing that caused them.”

Her name was different and he liked that not to mention he felt it fit her quite well. “Perhaps he knew that you would be unique so you can’t have some plain Jane name now can you.” It was of course his opinion but he wondered if she might agree to that explanation. He was caught a little off guard when she asked if she could call him Tik. “I wouldn't mind ind you calling me that at all,” he informed. It was his nickname after all, he'd been called that for as long as he could remember.

“Yeah she is,” he agreed about Kuwindwa, the dark agouti had felt like she could really understand the situation he was in. Maybe she could even understand him like no one else.maybe he would get the chance to find out. “No, of course not,” he returned with a smirk of his own. ”But perhaps I might,” he added a little more serious. The sound of what she said next was like music to his ears though he couldn't help as another smirk graced his features, “Not too much I hope," he shot at her. Then she was moving brushing her shoulder his as she passed him it seemed on her way toward the border of her territory. “I will surely give it plenty of thought,” he said turning to face her, “What is your request my lady?” As she glanced over her shoulder she spoke of her request to which he nodded, “I don't have any intentions of being any other way,” he assured though was curious what had brought the request in first place.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Van who has 237 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Castel Lyall-Noor
The girl smirked and waved her tail, wriggling her body just a bit as if to show off, but made no further comment on it. It wasn't as though she were genuinely flirting with this man, anyway. After all, she only had eyes for Niles, and she was pretty sure he liked her, no matter what her size. Which was great, because it fluctuated between way too thin and just slightly too thin. She was glad he didn't like plumper girls, or bigger ones. "We can get them together when we're back in shape," she said, in regards to the birds.

If there was anything Cas hated, it was tense and awkward situations. But this guy was just so willing to fall into her play game, and she appreciated it more than he could understand. This was exactly what she needed after finding out she was temporarily in such a high position of power. "Damn straight!" she teased in return to his 'Anything for the lady.' Then their conversation turned back to the birds, and she laughed lightly. "It'd be nice if they were the only things I was frustrated with. But you can't exactly take your frustrations out on responsibility."

This was certainly not the first time she'd been called unique, but this one seemed to have a positive connotation. So she smiled. "I guess it could be worse," she agreed, large ears flicking back and forth. A laugh pealed from her lips when he acquiesced to her nickname, and she nodded her head decisively. "Then Tik you shall be!" she announced, tail waving happily.

He complimented Kuwindwa, and Cas decided then and there that she would try to get them together, should Tikhon decide to join. Windy needed a bit of romance in her life. "Just take whatever time you need. Me and Alastor would be happy to meet you at the border whenever you call." Then, he agreed to her condition, and her shoulders relaxed a bit as she crossed the border. "Weird question, I know. Just a preference of mine. But thank you for agreeing." She flicked her tail and offered him a smile. "See ya later, Tik! It was so nice to meet you." And then she turned and headed into the dense undergrowth, disappearing into Quaking Vale territory.

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