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research and destroy — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
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Inna Baranski

Inna had wanted to give Lorcan the benefit of the doubt, that one of his excursions had taken longer than he'd expected. She knew he didn't always tell her when he was going on one of them before. She would notice when he would be gone for a few days but he always came back appearing outside the den first thing in the morning. He had not done so and as time passed she could do nothing more than accept he had gone for good. Had she turned into her mother? Would Oksana leave her one day and never return? Inna couldn't help but fear that would be the case with her daughter and often pushed the thoughts from her mind.

Was she angry with the tawny healer, more than she could say. The Raven had been a whirlwind of emotions in the privacy of her den once she realized he wasn't coming back. As she felt her daughter’s paws on hers she knew she had to think of her. She would not let a man leave her daughter once and come back, it was unfair to Oksana. She didn't deserve to be treated as such by any man including her father, it caused her to not want to tell her child about her father. That however was a decision for another day, today she had to come to terms with the fact Lorcan wasn't coming back for if Laike was coming to her she could no longer deny the truth.

She wanted to hear his reason for his choice of words and perhaps find something to give her some clue within his answer. Inna nodded in agreement, “I thought he would last longer here as he had in Whitestone, I guess I was wrong.” She admitted it before studying Laike for his reaction to his words. “I would have thought the same but Lorcan didn't have any ties to me besides me being his patient it seems. Had he told me I would tell you as you are his brother.” For their friendship didn't mean much either if he couldn't tell her where he was going. The change in their relationship since their night spent away from Hearthwood had to have been in her head as well. Maybe she had been wrong about more than just that. “Do you think it would do any good to go looking for him, perhaps he is injured?”

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jul 10, 2017, 06:55 PM by Inna.)
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

The man putting his face so close to hers made Oksana a little nervous but she still managed a tiny greeting to him. She was curious about him and once he had looked back to her mother Oksana reached out with her little nose to sniff at him. She didn't know if he had noticed this action while he and her mom went on talking. There were a few words that she could pick out of what they said she understood. For the most part she didn't so her attention for the conversation soon wanted. It was the man's turn to hold her attention as she lifted one if her paws from her mother's to try and get a little closer. He smelled as her mother did, as Lorcan and Ayti, like the pack. He also had his own scent too which she tried to commit to her memory in case she saw him again.

Oksana stopped there long enough to see if either adult was paying attention to her before inching a little closer. Her other paw had left her mother's and she was now standing stretching as far as she could without leaving the safety that her mother provided. Oksana stopped and looked at her mother when she heard the older Baranski talk about looking for Lorcan, “Find Lorc, miss Lorc,” she interjected even though her mother had told her to remain quiet. She just could not on that matter, “Sana help.” Oksana didn't care if her mother would be upset with her she missed Lorcan, the presence that he had been in her life and she was scared that something happened to him.

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Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
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Laike Artemieva


He didn't know anything about this Whitestone and showed so by raising a brow softly before voicing himself. "I'm unaware of this Whitestone but I do thank you for letting me know you would tell me." Laike chuffed softly and nodded his head softly. Nice to know Inna thought he deserved to know about his brother's whereabouts and relations because more often than not his brother didn't seem to think that.

The stocky Artemieva's ear flicked softly at her question but before he could answer the child jumped in. He sighed softly and looked down to Oksana with a more gentle gaze. "You can help by staying here and keeping your mom company. Alright, Oksana? It would mean a lot." Laike's gaze looked back up to Inna. "I'll go out and look for him. He's my brother." The last thing he wanted was Inna getting lost or injured out there. She had a child here who needed her. Laike also wouldn't feel any remorse if he had to man handle his brother if it came to that.

"You know if he has any places he visits a lot? Or anyone he might have gone to see?" If he could get a better lead than the fading scent of his brother it would make things a lot easier on the large Artemieva.

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[Image: wrf_sig_by_becuffin-dax4am3.png]
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Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

The Raven couldn't help but think it a little odd that Laike didn't know about Whitestone when it had been so important to Lorcan. “Whitestone is the pack that Lorcan was a member of before he came to Hearthwood,” she told as it could help in locating the Tawny healer, “Yes of course,” she added when he thanked her. Though she was now curious of just how much the brothers actually talked to each other she felt that Laike did deserve to know what happened to Lorcan since they were family. Even if she and Alek we're on bad terms she would still want to know what happened to him.

Going out to find Lorcan was something the Inna had been tossing around for a few days, well once she'd come to the conclusion he wasn't returning. She asked Laike's opinion but before an answer could be given Oksana decided to speak her piece. Inna found herself to be a little surprised with the Artemieva man for the way he spoke to her daughter. She watched the expression on Oksana's face and tried to not let her heartbreak after hearing that her daughter missed her father and wanted to find him. She gave a soft smile of approval to Laike when his gaze met her, “Laike is right honey you would help me a lot but staying here with me while he goes out to look for Lorcan.” The Raven would have rather went with the tawny healers brother but she knew she had to stay with Oksana. Her daughter needed her more than Laike did, “You will let me know if you find anything while you are out there?” She would need to know what had happened to Lorcan, good or bad it didn't matter.

With everything that had happened with Oksana and her pregnancy Inna and Lorcan hadn't had a lot of time to talk about their pasts with each other. Or rather Lorcan had shared little with her but she did know a few things, “You might start with Whitestone, a wolf named Piety. She was important to him, maybe he had gone back there. Then you could try Wild Rye Fields maybe talk to wolf named Askan, Lorcan and I both know him though I'm not sure of the exact relationship between them though I don't think it's good.” She explained when she remembered how the conversation had gone when they had met Askan's relative.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jul 11, 2017, 05:35 PM by Inna.)
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Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

When the talking between the adults had grown boring Oksana couldn't help but try to find other ways to occupy herself. The man that had come to visit her mother seemed like a good place to start. Investigating him further was exactly what the dark pup decided she would do while they talked about a place called Whitestone. Flittingly the tiny Baranski wondered if she might ever go there. Until her curiosity about the man brought her back to her investigation of him.

When her mother spoke about going to look for Lorcan her dark ears perked and her gaze went to her mother's. She told them what she wanted, to find Lorcan because she missed him and she even offered to help. That didn't seem possible though because Laike told her that she could help by staying with her mother. Oksana's has went to her mother as she affirmed what the man had said. “Need find Lorc,” she expressed again as she pawed Laike's leg. The little pup then went back to her mom and didn't he same to get her attention, “Sana stay home help.” If staying with Inna would help then that was what she must do.

The adults went back to talking with each other with her mother saying a lot that Sana didn't understand. She picked out a few words but it wasn't enough to understand what they were talking about. The tiny pup went back to stand next to her mother.

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Played by Becca who has 232 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laike Artemieva
thinking you could fade with your next post? if you want another one with them lemme know


He nodded his head at the information. Laike wouldn't understand why anyone would go back to a place they left but then again he had never really understood his brother or anyone for that matter. He liked to think he was getting better at reading and feeling other's emotions but times like now made him feel like he was making no progress.

The stocky Artemieva was glad that both Inna and Oksana didn't object to his request for the child to stay home. While part of him truly felt that Inna needed her daughter for support (and obviously vice versa) another part didn't wish for her to tag along for multiple reasons. Two of the reasons being it wasn't safe for a child outside of pack borders and he didn't want to handle a toddling child while looking for his brother. He'd never voice the second one, though. It was nothing personal.

"Of course I'd tell you, Inna. If something from him pops up then I expect to alert you, Kisla and Lachesis first." He nodded his head softly and hoped that she would be pleased with that. Had the ebony Baranski not showed some concern for his brother's absence than he likely would have only alerted the alphas but if Inna wished to know then who was he to withhold information from her?

His gaze moved from Inna to Oksana then back to the older female. "I think I should get going now. My deepest apologies if I interrupted something but I thank you for your cooperation." Laike's voice was deep, strong and neutral like usual but he truly did appreciate the information she had shared with him. It would give him a good idea of where to start. With that, he nodded his head before trotting off into the woodlands.

-Laike's exit-

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Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Normally she may not have been so free with the information she had given Laike as it was Lorcan's place to tell his brother. Since he'd disappeared and she was worried she had no problems sharing what she could if it might help to find her daughter's father. Inna knew Oksana was upset about Lorcan, most days she would ask about him. It hurt the mother that she could not tell her daughter anything and every Time she told her she didn't know her heart broke as the pups face fell in disappointment. The rest of the time the little black cub didn't seem to bothered by her missing father but Inna knew that wasn't true. She felt she missed him as much as her mother did but all they could do now was hope that Laike would find him.

She hadn't liked the idea of staying home. She felt she needed to be out there searching with Laike. Lorcan wasn't just the father of her child but her friend and maybe more too, she couldn't be entirely sure of his feelings but she felt things had changed between them. Laike was right though she and Oksana needed to stay home and take care of each other. Inna had only one request of the man before her. She wanted to know if he found anything out about Lorcan.

A smile crossed her features as Laike told her she would be one of the first to know. ”Thank you Laike and if you do find him will you also give him a piece of your mind for me?” she jested though she fully planned to give Lorcan a piece of her mind when he did finally return. He shouldn't worry her like he was and he most certainly should not have left Oksana. There was a lot that the ebony Baranski could overlook but leaving just wasn't one of them.

The mother nodded when Laike announced he should be going. “Have a safe search, I wouldn't want to lose you too. You didn't interrupt I appreciate you coming by it was my pleasure to help.” Once Laike had gone In a ushered her daughter back into the den where they could finish their nap. She hoped he would find something out about Lorcan so that maybe she could rest a little easier. She did wish him well on his journey for he was Oksana's uncle and she wanted him to see his niece grow up.

~Table by Jacqueline
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Short post from Oksana then archiving

The tiny Baranski knew her mother was sad and she knew it was because Lorcan had not been around. She didn't understand why he hadn't been around and worried that maybe it was something she had done. Her mother told her that it wasn't anything she had done and that he just hadn't returned home yet. She did want to go with the man to find her friend but she wanted to help her mother too especially because she was so sad.

The adults went on talking and she watched them listening to their words. Oksana didn't know why her mother didn't tell the man she was sad that Lorcan wasn't there. She wondered if maybe he could help her not be sad anymore. He was leaving and then her mother was sending her into the den leaving Oksana to hope the man could bring Lorcan back to them. She missed him very much.

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