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A lone wolf and her thoughts — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Something was bugging Athena and she had no idea what. Something was pulling her away to someplace, somewhere away from where she was. Whatever it was, it seemed like it was calling her, trying to tear her away from Fallen. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay and rest, but it was killing her inside. The sun was about to set. Darkness would soon rule the land. It would be better for her to stay and rest with Fallen, then try to move on from there, but she couldn't. Standing up on her three good legs, she looked up at Fallen, hoping she wouldn't hurt his feelings by leaving. <b>"I...I really...need to...get going now. I should be fine...I think..."</b> Athena said as nicely as she could. She didn't want to hurt him, because she felt a conection with Fallen, but she wasn't good for him. She probably isn't what he thinks she is. So maybe leaving now would stop any future heartbreaks.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fallen felt sad, but she needed to do what she needed to do. He smiled sadly and nodded. <b>"I understand."</b> What had compelled this female to leave so suddenly? It seemed something was pulling in her pelt. <b>"I'm glad that I have made a friend today."</b> he nudged her pelt towards her path and said. <b>"Be careful. That leg might still be aching later on."</b>
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Athena nodded sadly. She didn't want to leave him so sad and lonely, but she knew that he'd find somebody else. He was a great guy and he'd find a much better person for him than herself. Although, she may be leaving, she still knew he'd still be a great friend to her.

Her eyes longed for the path before her, but she glanced back at Fallen. She felt her eyes become the puppy eyes she used to use on her mother. She walked back to him and nuzzled into his fur. She would miss him and his company. "Thank you. You're a great friend, Athena said softly, "I'll miss you. She gave him one last longing glance before she turned on her feet and trotted off towards her path.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||