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None of my problems — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
<b>"Me heathen? You heathen! Humans are killers, I want to stay far from them! Besides Wheatwears they killed most wolves in Alaska! Stay away from me, you HEATHEN!"</b> Rebecca yelled back, stepping to his side, teeth bared and growling. She had never unserstood truly what heathen ment, but that was what her grandparents were called. They weren't heathens, only evils.<b> "I don't know where those blood stained humans are!"</b> she snapped to him.

Now Rebecca was truly confused. That crazy brute was calling her heathen. She so wasn't going to tell her last name to him... Stubborn look in her eyes, little sparkle in them. She would not fear this odd wolf, Reba was going to push him to his edge. Just an experienment. Nothing personal. She was sure this brute was insane in some way and Reba wanted to know in which way.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
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This vile creature before him dissolved into a shouting, insulting, aggressive mess before his eyes, only proving his point. That she called him a heathen was of little concern to him. Such a thing had happened to him many times before, and in his ignorance and blind anger, he had always shrugged it aside as a unimaginative, baseless retaliation. He could never be a heathen. He was above them all, above everything, because he had known the love of God, he had known the love of the humans. Enmity shut off the lights in his brain. Empathy, sympathy, and a desire to understand and accept were extinguished in a second as Kiche began his way down the slippery slope of remission. A darkness fell over his eyes like a blindfold as he began to lose touch with the reality he had come to know, and it began to confuse him.

"<b>Back the fuck up.</b>" he snarled. More than anything, he just wanted her to shut up and go away. Kiche didn't want anything more to do with these stupid savages. Their barbaric, violent ignorance frustrated him beyond words. Lowering his head, his copper ears pinned back against his sunset head, he peeled back his lips in a scornful snarl. And then he lunged, diving at her shoulder.
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Stupid brute. He knew nothing about life if he thought humans were something to adore. And that crazyness in him drove poor Rebecca in to depths of her own insanity. This brute was dangerous, and the gleam in her eyes told that Reba loved it. What was more better than danger? Still, that wolf made her angry. Thinking that he was somehow better or something, telling <i>her</i> what to do. She wasn't going to listen a stupido like him.

Laughing taking his attack, feeling the pain and bleeding shoulder. Dangerous, lovely. The pain wasn't nice, of course. Falling to the ground, giggling to the angry face the brute gave. <b>"Heathens don't tell me what to do. Nor do the saints. But specially not heathens. I'm Rebecca, insane like you. Do you like your insanity?"</b> she grinned to him. If he would attack again, too bad, but she was too lazy to fight right now. Fighting gave her little, only danger gave. Laying on her side, tail wagging, eyes shining crazy shine, wide grinn on her face. Eyes pointed to the brute, waiting for his actions and replies. <b>"And due you failed to answer my earlier question, I'll ask again. What's soul?"</b>
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The savage crumpled like a ragdoll as his teeth bit sharply into her shoulder, however, she did not appear defeated. Her effervescent laughter and the gleeful undertones of her babbling confirmed everything that Kiche had ever believed but never <i>truly</i> found evidence of: heathens were violent adrenaline junkies, who loved pain, knew nothing of souls, knew nothing of God, and found joy in their own insanity. These aspects of heathen life having been finally confirmed, he easily overlooked her insinuations. After everything she said, it was very clear to him that, being so out of touch with reality, she was incapable of judging <i>anyone</i> as insane. While he did not allow her to goad him into attacking her again, he did realize, with a sinking disappointment, that he had <i>already</i> given into her. By fueling her barbaric hunger for pain, suffering, and Satan, he had given her exactly what she wanted.

Disappointed and dirty, Kiche longed to get away from the cloying insanity of the black, bloody heathen rolling on the ground. Already his soul began to itch and squirm as it was claimed by a sense of uncleanliness, of godlessness. <i>Soul.</i> He was not surprised that she did not know what a soul was. Only barely condescending from his heavenly cloud to answer, Kiche answered with a scornful, cryptic drawl, "<b>If you don't know by now, it's already too late.</b>" A small simper creased his face as he turned away from the filthy heathen on the ground and walked away.

<span style='color:GREY'><ul>I'm going to pull Kiche out now, since I've got a lot of threads lined up though. I had a lot of fun though, and we will definitely need to thread again some time. Not enough wolves bring out his dark side anymore :c !

I suppose you'll post one more time and we'll call it closed? Would you consider this "fight" a draw? or Did Kiche "win"<3</li></ul></blockquote></span>
(This post was last modified: Jan 30, 2012, 10:27 PM by Kiche.)
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Ooh, Rebecca wil always willing ot get his dark side out XD My little heathen *pets her*
I dunno... SInce Reba never really attacked, I have no idea :[

He seemed to be leaving. They were all like this, first playing wiht her and then leaving alone again. Traitor. And what he was talking about 'too late'? What was too late? Reba started to hate the brute, he left so many questions hanging in her mind! She wanted to know, not just ask. Know, to know it! He was evil and cruel! Attacking was a different story, but... It was just... Argghh!

<b>"You'd deserve to die. Cruel heathen. What's heathen anyway?"</b> Rebecca mumbled to herslef as she walked away, licking her bleeding wound from time ot time. Head was low and stubborn, insulted look in her eyes. She had never been tortured or witnessed that, but something in her wicked mind told that this was worse than it. Just how wrong she was?

<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">