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i'm dreaming of tearing you apart — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Leotie didn't have any problem dispatching the lynx to rid the willows of it's threat. With her experience she felt if they could get it cornered the two of them would be plenty to kill it and then they could line their den with it's fur. “No, we certainly don't and he could be bold enough to come into the birthing den of there are pups this spring.” Leotie didn't know what would happen about pups in the coming months, it hadn't crossed her mind but she knew the time was coming and as she glanced over at Lorcan she wondered what would happen in that respect. She shook her head not letting herself get carried down that line of thinking, she was a subordinate who knew her place as she always had. That was that.

It would be nice if they could find see trails made by the lynx that they could follow and see if they left to general area. She listened as he spoke about finding one that lead toward the border. “We need to find a few trails that we can follow all the way and see if they lead to the same place. How long ago was it that you found the trail?” She asked since the lynx seemed more comfortable inside the territory he might just be staying inside the borders now.

When Lorcan took off sprinting across the snowy landscape of the Willow's Leotie was right behind him. The scent of blood in the air and she hoped that maybe they had gotten a new more recent clue that could set them on the right path. The moose carcass came into view and immediately Leotie started looking for the trail or tracks something that would help their search, “You find anything?”

Hunter/scavenger Dem 1/3
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2018, 04:49 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan had been listening out in case @Leotie made any mention of @Sven when he brought up the possibility of new pups in spring. The comment she made was ambiguous though and gave him little to speculate over.

“Just under a week ago now, I think.” He said back in response to her question before he sprinted off. Beneath the snow he could smell faint traces of blood and soon enough he located another discarded carcass. This time it was a moose. It was impressive for a single lynx to take down such large, dangerous prey, so Lorcan approached it with suspicion.

Approaching the half eaten animal curiously, the agouti male took care in smelling around the areas that had recently been disturbed. Much to his frustration he did not find any trace of the lynx. Instead the carcass was littered with hairs from numerous coyotes. Lorcan’s ears pinned back and his muzzle wrinkled in annoyance. Glancing back towards Leotie he frowned. “Coyotes.” He said sharply, his irritation obvious.

Stepping away, Lorcan made an effort to sniff around the nearby area just in case the lynx was lurking in the shadows, tempted out by the scent of blood and meat. He found nothing. Only the tracks of the coyotes which had since crossed back over the border to exit the territory. As he made his way back towards the moose carcass, the rain began to get heavy and quickly soaked his coat.

Peering over to Leotie through the rain, golden eyes squinting, he gave a dismissive thrash of his tail through the air before he looked down at their findings. “I’m going to take some of this back to the caches..” He said, his voice rough. “Feel free to keep sniffing around if you want to.” Leotie could continue their search for the lynx in the rain, but Lorcan was done for the day.

A nice meal and a warm den was all he wanted now.
Hunter/Scavenger demonstration 2/3
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2018, 03:40 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Leotie was worried for their current pups and the future pups of Willow Ridge. She knew how important they were to the future of the pack and they couldn't risk this lynx becoming bold enough to steal the pups from the den or attacking Adeltra or Romanov, they were much too young to be coming face to face with a lynx.A week ago was too long to be able to go back and recheck the trail that he'd found so they would have to find new trails. There wasn't time to discuss that further as he took off across the willows at s sprint and Leotie was right behind him kicking up snow as she ran. They soon came across the carcass of a moose which Leotie felt their lynx couldn't have taken it down.

She watched as Lorcan approached the body to sniff at it. In the meantime she scent the air and ground a little further out from the moose before asking of he’d found anything. There was no surprise to meet his answer as he confirmed that something else had killed this moose. “Well they've gone now and they don't seem to be our problem at the moment anyway. One thing about finding all the carcasses they were, being successful on a hunt wasn't as dire as it could be.

She waited for Lorcan to sniff around some more feeling they had been unlucky at this time. When the rain started to fall more heavily she felt it was time to head back to the den's. For a moment she wondered if Sven had decided to stay inside today and would be there when she returned.

“I will help, the more we can take back the better for us.” There was no sense in leaving perfectly good meat out when they could use it. “If we haven't found anything by now I don't think we will.” She moved toward the moose to begin taking what she could carry.

Hunter/scavenger Dem 2/3
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2018, 04:49 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
It seemed that @Leotie was just as ready to give up on tracking down the lynx as he himself was. The rain made it cold and uncomfortable to stay outside searching for more clues and would likely quickly wash away anything that they hadn’t found already.

Accepting Leotie’s offer to help, the agouti male set about tearing a sizeable piece of carcass away from the rest. Planting his paws against the belly of the massive animal, after some yanking and pulling he managed to break one of the limbs away. Clamping it tightly between his jaws, he waited for Leotie to grab some of the carcass herself before he began to pick his way through the willow trees in the direction of the main den.

He would come back to drag away what was left of the carcass later, after he had placed the limb he was carry into one of the caches. Once the entire carcass was stashed away, Lorcan dry off in the den and get some well earned rest. He could look for the lynx again another day.

- Lorcan exit -
Hunter/scavenger demonstration 3/3
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2018, 05:02 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

With the rain growing heavier she knew that it was time to end their efforts to find the lumx for the time being. It was best they get what they could of the moose back to the cache and find some shelter until the rain subsided. The last thing they needed was one of them to fall I'll, she doubted Ravenna would like it if either one of them came down with a cold.

Her offer was accepted and she began to tear at a large piece of meat near the hindquarters that looked like it could feed at least two wolves. It was rather large and awkward when she finally got it torn away but she knew she'd be able to carry it easily. Once she had it firmly in her jaws she set off behind the new member.

Once she had secured the meat in the cache she would help with getting the rest of the carcass back before finally settling down for a nap, she hoped next to Sven where she felt safest.


Hunter/scavenger Dem 3/3
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you