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always there — Swift River 
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Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>It was a clear day, for once. A chill was omnipresent these days, particularly down Marsh's spine; something felt off, as if a secret was lurking at the edge of his mind but refused to be acknowledged. Something just out of view... It put him I'll at ease, though he did his best not to show it. Not that Swift River tended to pay him particular concern; he was Marsh Barrew, capable and independent Second, and he fulfilled his duties with a swift and efficient manner every day without fail. The old wound from the boar had healed by now, and was nothing more than an ugly scar down his flank. He recalled that day and it's successes, and was pleased that the loss of Ruiko and his ontourage had not caused Swift River to suffer; the pack thrived with many members, all of which were active and kept themselves busy. Marsh made sure of that. He had no qualms about nipping at the heels of any wolf who failed to hold their weight.

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>The day was growing old, and the veteran wolf had sought out an early rest; the cold today had been bitter on his scar, and the patrolling yielded no danger. Bringing back a handful of rodents, all swinging from his mouth by their tails, the copper brute left them by the pack's cache, having only eaten three himself previously. Snatching mice and other small things was tiring work, and required a speed he did not easily possess, but perhaps determination made up for everything. He certainly would not have been content with coming home with nothing. That was unacceptable.

With a gruff sigh, the wolf laid himself down in the mild warmth of the den, keeping his gaze on the entrance at just the right angle to be permitted a view of the sky. His mind calmed as he watched the cold blue sky pass by motionlessly overhead, lulling him into a sense of peace.</font></blockquote>
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
May I?

<blockquote>Her infirmary was coming along nicely and there was at least room for one patient and herself now. She was still yet to collect her meagre scrounging's of medicinal herbs from her hiding spot in the Ghastly Woods by her old den but she felt it was time for a break. The sky was clear, it was a beautiful afternoon and she took a moment to lose herself in the earth and the sky, feeling rather than smelling for once, not realising she was blocking her counterparts view of the afternoon sky.

She was yet to meet any of her pack mates beyond Triell and Corinna and thought it strange that the River could be so full of scents and yet so absent of noticeable life. In her birth pack, there was no escaping the necessary introductions and there wasn't a day that passed that she could ever remember being alone for more than a moment. While the peace was refreshing, she was beginning to feel a little alone. It was with a heavy sigh that she lifted her large tawny frame, with the intent of seeking someone out, anyone who could help to ease the slowly creeping loneliness that was creeping its way back into her gut.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
But of course! <3

<blockquote>The silence was pervasive, and so overpowering that any disruption was keenly noted; certainly the pawsteps of a nearby packmate was easily and readily honed in on. He did not recognise the pattern - for he was uncannily familiar with Indru, Corinna and all of their children's strides - and thus this was of particular interest. The leaders had been growing the pack, this he knew, but he had long given up trying to judge any newcomers himself; the last bitch he had tested had vanished soonafter, and she hadn't been the first. He was not going to waste his time with wolves who came and went as they pleased. There was far more satisfaction to be had in actually doing his job.

But, still, he could not pass up the opportunity when it casually meandered past his face, and so he rose, padding to the mouth of the den to peer out - and was greeted with the sight of a large tawny female, moving along with intent... or was it just restlessness? Recognising the subtle scent on the wind - she was long accepted, indeed in the parallel position to his own, and he trusted the judgement of his leaders implicitly - Marsh watched for a moment before huffing to her, simply to catch her attention. It would be good to meet yet another female Second, though he no longer bothered to count how many there had been. Perhaps this would be the one to break the mould - and actually remain in it.</blockquote>
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She was taken by surprise by the huff behind her and spun defensively. Old habits died hard. The familiar scent of pack quickly eased her stance as her eyes settled on the reddish man now before her, his unnerving slate grey eyes unsettling. She was still growing accustomed to anything beyond the standard golden yellow of her birth pack. A small smile crossed her face, it would seem as if she had found what she was seeking.

The man before her held an air of someone who was not to be messed with. Of a similar age to her own parents a rush of nostalgia raced through her system as she lowered her tail to a respectful height and twitched her ears back a notch. <b>"I don't believe we are yet acquainted."</b> she said pleasantly with a small smile. <b>"I am Naira... and apparently the packs new healer."</b> she added with some humility. She was yet to earn the position in honesty and it weighed heavily on her shoulders that she may not perform to expectations when the opportunity arose. But negative thoughts bought negative actions and she would not harbour them now.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>Having understandably taken the girl by surprise, Marsh took no offence in the brief moment of distrust and defensiveness in the way she turned to face him. She softened almost instantly, however, to his satisfaction. Even without knowing one another, it pleased the wolf that his presence inspired such a reaction in his packmates.

His own tail lowered to match her own, for they were technically equals, and he stepped forwards. Conversation was to be expected, but at least he had asked for it; by now he knew better than to get somebody's attention and be offended when they wanted to talk. Still, his brain automatically filtered the important words - such as the name, and her new role - and he dipped his head, his tongue twisting in his mouth in uncomfortable readiness.

<b>"Mmmmmmarsh,"</b> he replied, in a quite successfully comprehensible way. He was pleased with that effort. Slowly he approached her, meaning to loop about her in a tight circle, to lean his nose close to her and inhale her. This was how he identified another; he would continue to struggle with conversation afterwards.</blockquote>
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She was taken by surprise at his slowly formed words, brain clicking over quickly she realised there was little she could do for the grizzled old man. No matter. Words were overrated anyway.

She was still growing used to being so close to another, but she wouldn't let her discomfort show. She forced herself to relax, breathing deeply as she did so, taking in his masculine scent and form, committing it to memory. He was an imposing wolf to be sure, and a small smile crossed her face knowing the River wolves had such a capable guardian on their side.

Settling comfortably on her haunches she gave the man a nervous smile as her stomach rumbled, complaining to her for getting too absorbed in her previous task of digging out a den, and neglecting to catch herself anything suitable to eat. Perhaps a task where talking wasn't needed would be the easiest way to get acquainted with her counterpart?</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]