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Under Pressure — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The leader of Swift River had long since grown accustomed to the changing of postures whenever she entered a gathering. Long gone were the days when she had to hound others for submission, well, supposedly. The last few times she had met a lone wolf at the borders, she had found herself leaving incredibly confused by their lack of respect for pack wolves, particularly the ones who held the lives of others in their hands. Especially during the winter, Corinna felt the burden of leadership descend upon her shoulders, and while winter's grasp was slowly receding, she still had to make sure the wolves who called Swift River home, survived.

As for whether the girl in front of her would become one of those wolves was what was currently in debate. Looking at Triell as he spoke, Cori nodded along. A healer, that was new, and not altogether unwanted either. Thinking back to when Indru had returned from his disappearance, battered and bruised, a healer in the pack would have been more than welcome. The fact that Triell supported this girl spoke volumes to Corinna - she trusted the young adult immensely. Turning her attention to the loner in question, ears perked up as she spoke. Naira. Putting the name away to memory, she slightly shook her head at the mention of the brother. No wolf of that name had approached the River's borders, as far as she knew. But that did not seem to be the purpose of Naira's quest. Interesting, considering that Corinna was surrounded by a family of wolves who dispersed and almost always reconvened here.

"Very well, Naira. I'm Corinna Tainn. My mate, Indru, and I are the leaders here in Swift River. As of now, we have no need for a healer, but it seems to be the case that you always need one when you don't have one." She smiled, the end of her tail beginning to sway gently from side to side as her posture relaxed every so slightly. "It seems that you've convinced Triell here, and that is enough for me." Stepping forward, the leader closed the distance between her and the newly accepted member. Moving to take Naira's muzzle in a gentle, but firm muzzle grab, she went to assert herself as Naira's new leader. Pulling back, she looked at the ebony wolf. "Well done, Triell. Our borders are plenty safe with you scouting them," Cori grinned and nudged her brother's ruff with her nose. "Perhaps you would like to finish the task, and show Naira where the pack den is?"

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Her tail wagged at the leaderess's comment about always seeming to need a healer when you didn't have one. Her quiet tinkling laughter flitted through the trees and she looked down at her paws before responding. <b>"Well I can hunt and patrol too, so I won't be utterly useless when everything is running smoothly."</b> She had assumed it was a given, she was not the sort to laze about when there was work to be done, and never thought any menial task was below her.She graciously accepted the muzzle grab, shifting her stance to one of appropriate submission to her new leader.

The overwhelming sense of relief almost knocked her onto her haunches. The pull was gone. Completely. The ever present tug, regardless of how muted, was gone and she almost sagged with relief not realising how burdensome it had become until it was gone. She felt like an excited pup again but knew it would not be appropriate to bound and yip and whine with excitement so soon after being accepted. They could easily change their mind and chase her off if they thought she was mental and a threat to pack stability, which she was not. She shook her tawny fur in relief, releasing any built up tension into the forest around her as she turned back to her original dark companion with a smile.

She was in a pack again, and she couldn't help but think it was largely due to her chance meeting with the dark male. She was grateful to the younger wolf for him input, and wouldn't soon forget it.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<i>guess we'll end here? sorry for the wait.let you archive it.</i>
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

The Tainn awaited standing steadily letting Corinna make the ultimate decision. It eased his mind to see the little bit of warmth cue from his leader. It was initially a good sign, and his own tail beat along. It was good to see someone with potential of joining, and when respect was given so little these days it made Naira stand out much further. When Corinnna spoke his ears may have been folded, but he listened, and smiled graciously to the female he counted just as much as family as his brothers. She had not only accepted Naira, but spoke of her own faith she had in him. How could he ever have doubted his place? His home? He nodded in reply, and his usual broad smile was quick to return to his dark muzzle. He respectfully, and yet affectionately licked her white chin before drawing back to return out of her space."Of coarse," he said glad to be of service, and rather just something different to do. He loved the grove, and enjoyed sharing it with those who appreciated it.

Black skull cocked in Naira's direction, and his tail struck the air behind him. "Welcome to the River pack Naira, you ready to see more?" He offered, clearly excited about the newest member, yet trying to hold it beneath the surface best he could. He may be passing out of his adolescent, but there was some things that remained youthful about the Tainn. He was a bit interested in this healing, picking up some advice couldn't hurt. He was often hungry for knowledge. She kinda reminded him of Niija to a point, and was curious if there were more similarities or if is mind was only trying to make them. Awaiting her answer, when she appeared ready he kindly dipped his head to Cori, and lead the latest member to the rock covered den of the river pack.


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are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]