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The Unexpected Apprentice — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Elettra would silently follow suit after the two Creek wolves, members of the new pack formed by Ruiko, which she had not seen since his accomplishment. Still, her mind wandered of him but said little on the subject. The pair were at ends with one another, one moment fighting and one moment holding the ability to sleep within one anothers company. She would pay a visit at some point, but had no means to make her life more complicated then it was already.
Following closely to Volkan's side, keeping behind Kanosak as she, Elettra would fall low as the dark molted woman would, her attention upon the small herd of deer Elettra had formerly mentioned having been lingering along the pack's boarders. She would wait, ever so patiently looking over the group before Volkan had seemingly made her pick. A young deer- a male, though far too young to have grown antlers just yet. Elettra would nod in silent agreement, her body instantly moving to arch away from Volkan and around to where they may be able to get at their prey from all angles.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
I'm so sorry this is so terrible and short, and rubbish, but I'm more than ready to wrap this up.

<blockquote> The young deer to which Volkan gestured was met with a nod from Elettra who then maneuvered herself into position. Taking the cue that they should come at the animal from several angles, the golden coated male also moved himself into position as cautiously as possible. He settled comfortably behind the beast and waited until it lowered its head to root about in the snow seeking buried grasses before he moved.

His muscles tensed as he sprung forward, snapping threateningly at the stunned beasts legs and attempting to drive it between the position Elettra had vanished and where he had left Volkan in the hopes they would be able to intercept. Meanwhile he continued to attack the back end of the creature in an attempt to weaken and potentially trip the beast up.</blockquote>
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
samez yo - this post is bad, sorry
<blockquote>The deer was bucking toward her with impressive speed, but she waited in her crouched position anyway, tense limbs at the ready. When the creature was near enough, she launched out from her cover, jaws open fearsomely in hopes of latching on to its thick neck. Three wolves bringing down a young deer wouldn't be a problem, she assumed, but it was important that they were careful so that they didn't hurt themselves or something. Although, if Kano got himself kicked in the face by this thing, at least they'd know how to deal with it, right?

Volkan missed her grip the first time, but was quick to rebound and launch herself up at it again from the side. She wasn't sure where Elettra had gone, but assumed she was nearby and ready to help bring the creature to its final resting place. Now, with her weight on the deer and Kano on its heels, it seemed to lose its footing and stumble, as though it was losing control. Volkan's weight didn't seem to be enough to bring it down since it hadn't lost much blood, but once El joined the picture, she assumed it'd be over.</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
yeah. works for me, this is pretty old. XD

Awaiting the beast to come close enough, much as Volkan went for her attack, did Elettra follow up through, coming along the opposite side in her lunge. Her attention was for the frontal side of the beast as to remain from harm's way when it came to the front hooves. Her teeth aimed to clamp around the loose flesh just behind the creature's elbow where the limb attached to the torso and it is here which she would jerk her weight downwards in an attempt to cause the beast to falter to the ground where it could be finished off properly.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
said it was gonna happen XD

<blockquote>He was in the worst possible position as Volkan latched onto the creatures neck and Elettra pulled at its leg. Flailing hooves flew out to crack him across the snout and he couldn’t contain the pained yelp that escaped his mouth as the creature fell. He could taste and smell blood that wasn’t of the animal they were chasing and stars danced in front of his eyes. It would bruise to be sure. He was lucky it hadn’t broken anything.

Shaking his head violently to try and lessen a little of the sting he moved forward to help the ladies finish the animal off. The sooner this was done with the sooner they could get home.</blockquote>
user posted image
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>All at once the creature came crashing to the ground with Elettra's sudden move behind its elbow— and a desperate yelp echoed in her ears in Kanosak's voice. A heavy snarl escaped her as she tried to channel her frustration into the strength of her bite, now tearing at the deer's flesh. It was down, and flailing, though weakly. Her bite on the thing's side firm, Volk shot a fiery glance back at Kano, the sight and stench of his blood irritating her.

The deer had lost a good deal of blood and was fading fast, and within a few minutes it seemed to fall still. Its chest still rose and fell in soft breaths, but the wolf couldn't be sure how much longer it'd stay alive. When it passed, its body would go to the wolves, who would tear it up as they— or rather as Elettra, to Volkan's dismay— saw fit.</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Once down, Elettra's jaws tore away (to cause as much damage and blood loss as possible) before moving off to help take hold on the beast's throat, meant to cut off it's ability to breath- sufficing the already dying animal in an act of ether cruelty or justice in helping to end its suffering furthermore. Ether way, in time, the creature was dead, its soul lost to whatever afterlife there may be as it's body was offered to those still on this plane of existence enough to take use of it where the deer no longer could. After a bit of time eating (surely in order to regain their energy) the woman began sectioning off pieces of meat, taking what she was able to carry (or actually, drag) back to her homelands. There was little left to be said and, with a wavering half-smile, dipped her muzzle to the members of Copper Rock Creek and made her way.