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write it down with blood ink — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Fenrir who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valkyrja Blödhgarm
<i>Clear — Current Temperature: 61° F/16° C </i>
They traveled south, day and night passing swiftly as worn paws churned the soggy earth and eyes discarded territory after territory, marking them as useless and empty. Small animals fed their hungry bellies, but no mere prey could sate the hunger of their minds - the dogs of war were baying for blood. It rang like a hundred bells in Valkyrja's mind, roaring like a spring rapid and drowning out every sane thought. Too long had they gone without intellectual challenge, too long with only their own selves for company - too long since they had tugged at strings and watched the puppets dance to their merry tune. It made even her pleasant face contort into a mask of displeasure. She craved that which they thrived on; deceit. Chaos. Not necessarily to drink the blood of innocents and bathe in the red to emerge some demon, but to twist and bewitch, to manipulate the world around her to suit her own needs better.

And yet, she hated the role she played.

Begging on her knees was not something Kyrja was fond of doing. And even so, as the burled trees rose tall on either side of them, she knew that the time would come for her to kneel soon again. A sharp intake of breath, exhaled as a hiss; her ears twitched, her purposeful walk fading into stillness as she stood poised, listening, breathing, scenting. The winds carried something they had not carried for many months now, the telltale intermingle of scents that meant only one thing: pack. Some part of the forest around them was claimed, ruled, owned, and here they were, brother and sister, traipsing into their home. For a moment, the pale lady smiled, a cold expression that held no warmth or joy. "Brother dear," she purred. "I think we have found our playground."

And then she was moving again, trusting him to trust in her - or just trusting the fact that their minds worked the same way, spun the same webs. Or, perhaps, she trusted him to lunge at her, grab her by the scruff and force her in another direction if he disliked her choice in residence. The thought of that made her grin for half a heartbeat before the expression faded. Her proud walk, head high and step gracefully carrying her across spring-wet grounds, faded, changed, became replaced by something else - something much less certain of itself. Her head lowered, her spine and tail too. Where she previously had seemed to glide, she now placed each step with great care, as if afraid that the ground would spring up and eat her. For good measure, she laid her ears back as she brushed her side against a tree, shook herself, destroyed her carefully cleaned and patted down fur. It took some of the sleek, dangerous winter edge off her. The image of insecurity was only reinforced when the darkness retreated from her eyes, replaced by the fearful kind of curiosity often seen in a doe's eyes. Valkyrja had shed her highborn gown of white, and adopted the rags of a lower born creature, someone who knew not what to expect - someone that was driven by the need to be protected, cherished, included in a hierarchy. Someone that slunk in the shadow of a black brother, hiding the dark truth behind satin smiles and worried eyes.

Firnen first, and then someone else please <3
also Tara feel free to slap me if I shouldn't have started this xD
Played by Tara who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fírnen Blödhgarm
Psh, of course you can start this! :) PS, small powerplay, hope it's cool Fenrir. <3 Switcheroo if Jaysyek could pop in (if you have the time) that'd be lovely. :D

To say that Fírnen was not as calculating as he was wild, violent and tempestuous was a crime—savagery leaked from his every pore and his every movement, but it was intelligence (albeit a crazed, chaotic kind) that gleamed in his eyes. He had guided them both, perhaps unknowingly to Valkryja, away from the packs he had spotted while scouting as his sister slept. They were not right, not suited, either too young, too underdeveloped for the Blödhgarm's purposes or too strong and solid for him to feel confident in their trickery. This one, though, he had identified a weakness that had drawn him to them, the leadership was not as stable, one part of a whole only, and more to his desire it was the male counterpart that was lacking. The borders reeked with the dominant scent of the female and her pack and yet the sweeter, more youthful scent of cubs was there too, and mothers always had a weak spot for the wounded.

Kyrja purred and Fírnen shivered in delight to the sound, twisting his long-legged, willowy frame close to her like a spider casting her in his web. Let the games begin, kjære. There was a softness in his voice that was not normally there, a harsh crackle for Fírnen, as he gently tried to ease the vicious snarl from his voice, the thing he struggled with most and the reason he left most talking to Kyrja during their disguise. He nipped at her scruff not too softly, his own way of affection, before clasping her jaws between his own with a surprising gentleness and holding them there for a moment. As they approached, and from then on in company other than their own, their identities were changed and Fírnen always loathed the loss of his freedom with his sister.

He watched her as she walked away, her delicate, feminine frame becoming more pronounced and more vulnerable with every step before he glanced over his shoulder, his wintery eyes taking one last look, before he too prowled forward. Each step that took him closer to the borders saw some of what him him fall from his body to be replaced by another persona, his ears slicked back and his once proud, arrogant head now dropped below the height of his shoulders, his body the epitome of meekness. Slowly his tail dropped and began to curl underneath him and, seeming like it had always been there, a limp developed in his right forelimb as he exaggerated the wounds he had given himself earlier by scrapping his paws just that bit harder than necessary against the sharp rocks he had sought. Eventually the pair reached the borders and halted, the Blödhgarm's were near unrecognisable, their newly matted and dirtied fur, the scared, worried postures and their underfed bodies all helped towards the weakened and unguided youthful mask they wished to portray. The fierceness was not something Fírnen could cast from his eyes so easily, but as he positioned his weakened, innocent and delicate frame protectively over his sister it could only be mistaken for a brother's love.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
finally some different blood for el, other then all these good guys. :D

Elettra Archer's past was as mysterious as herself. A forever protective (possessive) and respectful creature, she took herself in high regard by a breeding of perfection, of royalty, unknown to these lands but a name in which she intended to live on beyond it's home territory. By the air of dominance and fierce nature, quick tempered and hard to wiggle into her trusts, it could be easily enough determined her background was anything but...pleasant.
When she arrived, viewing the pair far within the comforts of her cedarwood home, she would study them intently. It was this very breed of wolves which beyond these boarders she had become accustom too. Grow upon harsh traditions and even harsher rules, she had learned well of the worlds cruelties and a wolf's weaknesses. She had been taught how to survive. At the leave of her family's vast empire, she had been introduced to everything she had been taught the world would hand to her: cruelty, malice, bribery, lust and betrayal. This was the very breed of wolf which had toughened her beyond her parent's instruction. But they were bred tricksters and so, for the moment, she would accept the act in which they fed her.
As she arrived, her movements were slow and poised, her stance an air of elegance, power and regal expression. Had they not known anything of the pack, one might even think her the leader, with her head level, protected ever so delicately as in hunched back, but her tail high in show of dominant display. She could not obviously know the truth of their false show of weary submission but by nature as it were, Elettra Archer's guard consistently remained high and her questionable nature of a stranger, so close to her boarders, at it's peak.
"What is it you seek so close to these boarders?" She need not tell them it was pack territory for any fool of a wolf had the ability to simply take a sniff. So, she merely questioned why they had decided to come here. Food? Water? A place to rest? Perhaps even her knowledge of herbal remedies had come to light and they sought an ailment? Or even, to join this pack? So, standing before them, she would simply wait.
(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2012, 04:25 AM by Elettra.)
Played by Fenrir who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valkyrja Blödhgarm
sorry for the wait. :/ life hated me.

Teeth pulled at her scruff, pinching. Valkyrja's steps halted, her momentum dwindling until it did not exist anymore. Dark eyes closed as her ears angled back, and teeth rested against the skin of her maw, the pressure so light against the sensitive nerves and bones beneath. It felt good to know that he was there, to have the assurance just before the act begun. The touch was too brief, though, and as he let go of her, her dark eyes slipped open with regret. She could've stood there forever, and forgotten everything. Though, she guessed, after a while it would be boring.

With their new faces donned both of them were the opposites of a pachyderm, nothing but vulnerable, innocent wolves that seemed younger then they were. Kyrja slunk low and sleek by his side, watching pride fall from his shoulders like a discarded garment. How it easy it could be to pretend. She knew that the day the pride fell for real from his bones was the day they would die. That day, was not today. And so when she sighted a dark female, she slowed again, stopping respectfully where she was. Even though her head was bowed and her eyes averted, she shot her spine up ever so slightly, refining the slim curve of her chest and waist. Her tail promptly hid itself somewhere, and even though her warm heart beat with anger within her delicate ribcage, she was nothing but the image of submission, a pure little she-wolf begging on their doorstep. With an uncertain and whimpering voice she answered the question, wondering if this was the leader or simply a pack member. She was proud enough, for sure.

"Shelter, ma'am," she gave as their cause even as she sunk lower. "For me, and my brother." To rip your guts out, was what she wanted to say as she bowed. To break your pride until there is nothing left. The darker thoughts coiled like angry snakes beneath her skin, but she held them at bay, as she always did. On some days, she nearly forgot herself and became the whining, insecure little darling idiot that stood here now with her mussed fur.
(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2012, 11:01 AM by Valkyrja.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    we'll bury the castle.

Things hadn't exactly been quiet among the hollow. There was now a number of new faces, and whisper's of spring. On this fine sunny day she had felt the need to stay home, and see just how well her new recruits were getting along with those whom made up the backbone of the Grizzly Hollow force. She heard no mutters of disagreement in the confines of her home. The quiet did little to settle her. It was the quiet that bothered her, sometimes warning there were deeper problems festering beneath the surface. A hushed sigh tugging from her lips, she traveled along the stretch of her borders. The wolves of the woods needed to gather, and she needed to see how well they could get along. If things worked out one way or another she would need a strong, and secure pack for the coming months. She had not decided her own future because there were to many what ifs. Still, it was probable pups were in it, and she was not about to become a swollen, waddling lady while things were in chaos. If she considered the idea of future offspring, half of her problems would have to be solved having both a Leader, and mate at her side to even consider.The time being she wasn't so sure if she could do it all again. The back of her mind nagged her things would not go well the second time either.

Shifting her course, her delicate nostrils flexed detecting company in the distance. If it weren't for Elettra's scent mingling she would be very alarmed. Since it was she was not dangerously concerned, but still anxious who was here now. There was a considerable amount of loners, and it seemed they were frequent to visit the forest. Raising her white crown high she further tested the air, and noticed their scent appeared the same, one female, and one male. What did it mean? They were friends, related, or mates. What could they want? She trusted Elettra, and did not doubt her strength she quickly maneuvered her long limbs to investigate.

The leader strode forward in a graceful, and yet swift motion. The air along her spine was smooth, not yet ruffled since Elettra appeared neither angered, or happy. While her head was carried to it's natural height, she kept her muzzle pointed down letting her mismatched eyes take in the two wolves before them. At the same time her white banner was held high behind her to show she was no subordinate.

They both seemed rough around the edges, thin with long appendages that made them appear even more starved. She had just caught the words brother so meekly from the female's mouth when she halted beside her loyal Second, and friend. They were in search of a home? The pools of her eyes one of gold, and the other blue suspiciously took moment to study them further. It made sense they were siblings by the guarded stance of the large, dark pitched male. Her mind went to work, making up possible backgrounds for the pair. The first was an image of abuse, and cruelty they had left behind for safety. The wolfess did not speak yet, and kept her posture cool while turning to look at Elettra. She was aware things might be strained between them on current issues and so she wanted her opinion on this matter. Could the hollow have two more mouths to feed? They looked young, unkempt, and in need which tugged on the mother's heartstrings. And the brother did look capable of pulling his weight, but she didn't want to stretch things any more then they were."Well, Lady Elettra what do you think?" She asked, keeping their figures in the corner of her sight.

(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2012, 06:15 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
sry for skipping, but with the meeting, i wanted to make their joining a bit more 'official'.

Her body hunched, slinking to the earth with such submission, it seemed a little too much. It lacked the respect for one's higher up, and more of the pitiful, pathetic weakling- perhaps exactly the plan in which the rogue younger woman was going for. She spoke of shelter, for her and her brother, and Elettra's lip twitched, forcing herself to hold the snarl from her lips. The Hollow had a run it with many whom came and many whom just as quick went; betrayers to their pack who seemingly came only to live within the safety of their lands, drink their water, eat their food and piss where they please. Perhaps Jaysyek held the kindness to help the homeless and needy, but Elettra Archer did not accept freeloaders.
Before she could speak, even going so far as to open her mug, her alphena came into the scene. Her tail was high, just as high as Elettra's own before the rogues and, noticing this, El's tail would lower if only the slightest, her muzzle dipping downwards in a respectful gesture to her queen who placed her position freely at the side of Elettra. Though there was much tension between them due to Jays decisions, Elettra's protective nature (even possessive over her allies) was not lessened in the least bit. Her fur bristled at her nape lightly, and to Jaysyek's question, even the small comment of 'Lady' added to her name, Elettra's prideful composure would turn back, a gaze offered once more to the two strangers.
"The Hollow has seen it's share of freeloaders and my tolerance grows more and more thin. If a temporary shelter is what you seek, it is not my decision to allow it..." She pauses, just enough to where her gaze could shift to her leader once more before back on the siblings. "However, if you wish to stay, with the influx of rogues and the pack growing increasing larger, I would expect you to pull your own weight in the pack; hunt with your brethren, watch over it's boarders, protect it's kin, and take down any who are foolishly enough to trespass." These were simple enough tasks that any whom called themselves a pack member should be able to accomplish. "Do this, and I'm sure you'll turn out perfectly." There was no hesitation to her ruling, having it being asked of her leadess. Spoken true, there was an obvious air of leadership over her.
(This post was last modified: Feb 27, 2012, 12:50 AM by Elettra.)
Played by Fenrir who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valkyrja Blödhgarm
( revived this to get a post up for some closure. if you guys just want to end it here or get one more in before archiving it it's up to you. ^^ )

She could feel heat in the silver eyes, even though she didn't see the gaze - she could feel it and she hated it, wanting nothing more but to fling her head back up and let pools of darkness match her stare for stare. She wanted to feel bone breaking between her teeth, to rip out those gray eyes that were but a mockery of the beauty hidden in her brother's gaze. The anger roaring in her soul threatened to ruin her cover, her carefully composed masquerade. Vicious, wild, she shoved the rage back where it belonged, ears twitching to the sound of another approaching. A brief upwards glance showed white paws, elegant strides. Certain. No bowed female. The leader herself... Excitement bubbled in her veins. The game was on, and Fírnen played his part of dark, silent protector. She could've said he was a mute and no one would be wiser. When among strangers - even among themselves - he was scarce with his words. It seemed that Kyrja had been stranded with the vocabulary gene.

It seemed that the dark female knew the language of violence, of impatience and anger. Brutal. Barbaric. Valkyrja scorned her and hated her and judged her, even as she quivered in the mud at her feet. The bite in her words, the edges of her teeth clipping air... She was one to watch, and to be careful around. Paint a smile in blood on your face and some would not be able to see it was faked, but some would. She had a certain feeling that at any sign of trouble, this dark female would see them out in the blink of an eye. Do not give her reason. Taunt her, skirt around issues, dance with the flames like a maniac, but do not get bitten; perhaps she should make a point of showing up in the wrong company at all the wrong times, just to spite her. It could be a fun game.

Distractions. All of it distractions. She could've kicked Fírnen in his silent mouth for all the help he was, but instead she just chanced a fearful glance at the white leader. She'd not look at "Lady Elettra" of her own free will. She was probably ugly anyway. "O-of course," she stammered, returning her gaze to the ground. "We have managed on our own.. so surely we must be able to contribute with something." Low voice, mumbled; insecure. But inside, she was burning.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    we'll bury the castle.

Elettra stood like the regal lady she was not back down from Jayse's question, but speaking wise words of advice to the asking duo. Jayse would regard this with a quiet mask, her eyes not leaving the silver pair of her Second, while indirectly she watched for any change from their new, requesting company. What Elettra did not surprise him but confirmed her suspicions. If they could not be useful to them they had no business here. Jayse would agree with Elettra in this. They did not need to make weaker the tie between them, and she tipped her face to see what the siblings answer was to this. Could they help? The female did seem quite timid where the brother was silent.

It was about then she met the dark eyes of the smallest, and noted how empty like some vast dark void of starless nights they were. They were fearful much like any animal had before greeting death. She stumbled over her words, but the fact she produced any was enough for Jayse. She was managing to keep it together, and pledge they'd be able to do something for Grizzly Hollow. She would like to hear better, have something more firm. It was a good point what the girl said. They had lasted this long, and could apparently pull their weight if to take care of themselves. Much what Jayse had thought upon sight. The leader was aware Elettra would probably kick them in gear one way or another if they were not doing their part. Sending them on their way, or encouraging them with her sharp teeth. This was why Jaysyek was most grateful to have the companionship, and loyalty of the more hard layered female by her side. Elettra was pratical in her ways not letting her heart govern, but logic and the laws of nature. If only she could the same. Maybe life's cruel ways was why she was kind instead of cold, and unforgiving.

She regarded them with a quiet gaze, the debating battle masked by her quiet composure. "Very well, you'll each have you chance, and I'm sure your aware what will happen if you don't keep to your words," she said keeping her tone serious, and sharp while her eyes held tightly to the rogues if to dare them to tell her otherwise. It was then she'd take quick, bold steps to the brother clamping her muzzle around his black muzzle. The motion was over in a blink, the edge of her shoulder brushing against his inflicting him with her scent. The swift motion not ending she had continued drifting to the plae of the sister. She was already dominating over her, and was not about to stoop to rub against her. She plainly took her the gray muzzle in her more pale mouth, and swiped her muzzle along the girl's cheek. It would be enough to claim her into the pack. She did not see her brother going to far from her side. A silent release of breath and the last bit of dominance she stared into their eyes before walking to Elettra's side. "Thank you," she would quietly state in the confines of Elettra's ear, adding ,"If you wouldn't mind showing them home?" There was no need to request her keeping an eye on them. A sudden twitch of her tail upon answer the leader continued the rounds of her patrols.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]