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Come out,come out where ever you are! — The Wildwood 
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Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu walked between the trees, and auscultation the trees by putting his ear close to them. Rolu was on his way to try and find Silver. He was tracking her scent for a long time now, but never had gotten site or even a sound to show he was close."This is useless!" he thought as he flung a stick with his foot. Rolu sat at the bottom of a tree and looked around."At least the landscape is pretty," he thought. Sniffing deeply he picked up the smell of prey,"Vole really!? Well I guess its food," he said getting up.

Rolu stalked around some trees and through a bush. As he came around he saw the vermin. It was scuttling in the leaves finding things to eat. Rolu quietly came up behind the vole. When he was inches away he leaped and slammed down into the small vermin. Grabbing the vole's neck he lifted it into the air. He let it hit the ground hard, braking its back. It squealed then Rolu sunk his teeth into the vole tearing of a mouthful. The vole wouldn't be much, but a couple mouthfuls. Rolu was to focused on his meal to hear anything that would approach him. His noisy kill would attract attention, he new that, and tried to finish it of quickly.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>A small creatures squeal filled the air. Rhyis had been dozing within the darkness of his den, dreaming of chaos and brutality as usual- he was such a stereotype sometimes.The small animals dying sound had pulled him from slumber and his ghostly grey eyes had opened in an instant. At first he had assumed the kill was by an owl, but there was a wolfish scent upon the air. There was a wolf hunting nearby and that was too close for his liking. With a grumble to himself, the large black creature rose to all fours and pulled himself from his log into the cold outside.

His nose showed him the way. The scent of blood mixed with wolf was unmistakable upon the cold wind and it wasn't long before his grey gaze landed upon the large adult. They were far away enough from his den that he felt safe that it wouldn't be discovered accidently. With his defenses ready, he cleared his throat to get the others attention. The usual routine would follow, put on the "nice guy" act, find out who this was, why he was here and if he would be of any use to Rhysis.</blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu turned at the sound, slowly. It wasn't anything he couldn't handle. The wolf was black and looked rather young. He was about the same size, but Rolu could tell he was a little smaller than himself. The wolf seemed fit enough, the way he stood reminded Rolu of his uncle. Rolu walked towards the wolf then stopped. He seemed not so social as other wolves Rolu had met. He hadn't asked Rolu for his name yet and he decided he would ask the black wolf his name.<b>"What is your name kid?"</b>he asked.

Rolu could see by the wolf's stance that he was a little interested in why Rolu was around. "He probably lived around here," he thought. "This is such a set back," he thought.<b>"Are you from around here? Because if you are then go back to your hollow, get yourself some sleep and stay out of the big kids business,"</b>Rolu said dramatically. Then he thought about some thing and asked, <b>"Are you interested in taking over a pack?"</b>
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Sorry for the delay! I've been on a course all week and this is the first chance I've had to reply!Sorry for the delay! I've been on a course all week and this is the first chance I've had to reply!

Rhysis kept his guard up as the older male heard his interruption and turned to face it. With a brief exchange the stranger moved closer and Rhysis felt his muscles instantly bunch on instinct; he didn’t yet attack however but allowed his silky black ears to twitch as the other male spoke. <b>”I’m Rhysis... and you are...?”</b> he asked, leaving the question hanging in the air between them.

<b>”I might live here... I might not.”</b> he replied simply for he wasn’t going to give away his beloved den location, or even that it might have been close by. It was his and his alone and after a recent encounter with a crazy female, he wasn’t giving anything away about it again. <b>”What do you mean by interest in a pack? I am a loner... I like it that way.”</b> he said simply. Which was true, he did like being a loner, but it was no way to survive.


[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
-Nice repeat. Did you do that on pupose? :)

Rolu listened to the male, turning to face him again.<b>"The name is Rolu, Lone Wolf. Born to the noble Sencal pack. Well it was tell Sebro," Rolu trailed off a bit then shook his head,"Anyways Ryhsis you said. Nice name I like it,"</b>Rolu said. Ryhsis reminded him even more of his brother,Susku. Black pelt, weird personality, antisocial. Every thing Susku was, or is. "I think I can deal with him. If he decides that attacking me is good," he thought. Rolu rolled his shoulder and grinned.

<b>"There is no way a wolf like you never dreams of controlling a pack. Especially your kind, you sneaky wolves, and there tricks. Come on now more nice guy act,"</b>Rolu said. If he lived with his brother, he could tell this kind of wolf from any situation.<b>"I'm going to join a pack called Copper Rock Creek. And I am getting in, I'll tell you info, try and get you in, then you can take it over from the inside out. If not then have fun, because I'm going to succeed?"</b>Rolu teased the subject in front of Rhysis's face."Come on take the bait, come on I'm not kidding around if I don't have a wolf like him on my side. Then I'll be fighting him!" Rolu thought.<b>"So you in our out your highness?"</b>Rolu said a little insanely. Rolu whipped his tail around his feet waiting for the Rhysis's answer.
(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2012, 06:35 PM by Rolu.)
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Haha no, I didn’t even realise I had done it!
Can I just say before we continue you really need to think about what you’re writing. For instance your wolf seems to think that Rhysis is sly and anti-social and knows that Rhysis wants to start a pack; now you know that because you’ve read his profile but you wolf does not know that and couldn’t possibly. All your wolf knows is that a black wolf has said hello- there has been nothing anti-social about that at all, nothing sneaky and nothing to suggest he wants to have his own pack. You have to remember that even though you might know the ins and outs of the wolf you are roleplaying with and the plots which are going on with other wolves, your character won’t. Sometimes its helpful not to read a wolfs profile until after the first meeting so that way you can’t accidently do that.
I also noticed that you had Rolu join CRC and in that thread say that Rhysis is a danger to the pack etc; we haven’t even finished this thread yet and in a chronological order, your wolf technically doesn’t know Rhysis in the CRC join thread as we haven’t finished this thread here, they’ve only just been introduced and you’re having Rolu say a lot of detail which can mess up other plot lines which are happening.
I’m aware that you may be new to this and I don’t want you to take all of this harshly, but you should be aware of these matters when it comes to any sort of roleplay. It might be an idea for you to read the guide to roleplaying if you haven’t already? I hope you take this as constructive criticism and not something negative- we all have to learn at some point after all.
With that I’m going to have Rhysis leave, we can start up again at a later date but with the timeline confusion it would be better that they next meet when Rolu is a CRC pack wolf, else everything is just getting muddled up.

<blockquote>Honestly, Rhysis really had enough of crazy wolves over the last few days and it appeared this male was no different. Maybe it was how he looked, but everyone assumed him sneaky and evil... and yes, he might have been on the inside but from the outside he was certain he was just as normal looking as any other. Maybe they were colourist? Because he was black he had to be evil. The very idea was absurd and he had to refrain from snorting at the idea. Still, he just didn’t have the energy to stand around and either get attacked for no reason or listen to crazy ramblings.

<b>”Would you excuse me? I think I left my den on fire.”</b> he added with a sarcastic smile before he turned and bolted, his full and rather swift (though gangly looking) speed.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
-OOC:okay, i didn't really notice I had done that ethior. So ya I'll post once more than arichive it then you can get the points or what ever. And I do like that idea better, it would make sense. I'm having some little miss happs for some reason. Ya okay.

Rolu watched the wolf leave. noticing his words Rolu smiled. "I think we may meet again," Rolu decided. He had a thought to follow the wolf, but decide not to. "Leave the wolf to it's own, it'll figure it out," Rolu thought. Turning Rolu looked back at the wolf that walked away. "At least he isn't an enemy, yet. I'll see to it I carry out my part of thy plan. I'll get in then get out. This Rhysis shall fall, or join. We will meet again, I swear," Rolu thought as he walked away.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek