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"When I'm all turned upside down..." — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
Daesamar Silverveil
There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.

OOC here!

Daesamar’s heart was racing under his fur, having little experience with these pests, he wasn’t sure what to do. Alvar spoke, and he nodded, moving to stand opposite of the other male, Daesamar’s ears folded back against his skull. He gave a small shake of his head. “My pack’s not near here.” he said shallow and growling, his hackles rose over his shoulders. “Looks like I’m about to.” He said, narrowing his eyes to slits and taking a moment to breathe.

{b} “Any tricks to fighting them?” he asked, calling over his shoulder, keeping his attention on a couple of the coyotes that started to drift closer. His ears perked, catching Alvar's words, his face screwing up in surprise. He was pretty sure that wasn’t going to do much, though, he added his own low growl t the words, preferring to let his actions speak.

[Image: q2GKNw0.jpg]
[Image: cwt.png]
Played by Hawthorn who has 95 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alvar Forsberg.
We don't have long to do this before they beat us! :( Thoughts. Speech.

Alvar listened to Daesamar's inquiry about how to fight them, and thought about it before giving his reply... "It might be worthwhile to try to grab their tails and pull them down that way, but there are no guarantees." He looked at the nearest coyote and shouted to Daesamar... "Fight!" Before running straight at the coyote in front of him, trying to grab it's tail.

After a few moments of fighting, Alvar could tell that they were not going to win this fight, he had already received several bites that were going to be hard to clean out properly, and he had only managed to bite the end of one of the coyotes tails off. He yelled to Daesamar... "Knock them over and RUN!!!!" He then proceeded to push over the vermin in front of him, but his leg was caught in the jaws of another, as he tried to wrench his leg free he could feel the teeth of the one he had just thrown away from him bite into his shoulder. He howled in pain, and growled at the one that had hold of his leg, which thankfully was enough to have it start moving its rear legs. Alvar took the opportunity to swipe it's front legs out from underneath it.

He then threw himself backward and pinned the other coyote under his back, he did not waste a second longer, he picked himself off his feet and ran... But he did not get far before the ones he had been fighting grabbed both of his legs and bit HARD. Alvar knew he was not getting away now, so he desperately cried out for help. "HELP US!!! ANYONE OUT THERE HELP US PLEASE!!!" He only hoped it would work.
(This post was last modified: Jul 30, 2018, 05:44 PM by Alvar.)
Alvar Forsberg. [Image: Alvar.png]
Played by Brian who has 206 posts.
Inactive XI. Subordinate
Daesamar Silverveil
{ooc} Want to end it here or with one more post from you? [/b]

The large wolf gave a small nod in response to the advice he had been given by the older man. His silver eyes flicked over the coyote's numbers. They were outnumbered, quickly he turned his head, trying to find a good escape route that they could follow. Alvar provided that for when he charged forward, drawing the vermin’s attention onto him instead of the yearling. The yearling tightened his muscles, preparing to follow suit when he paused and watched the events unfold before him.

Run, that’s what he had heard the man say, he watched as Alvar bowled one over like a bowling ball, only for two more to replace it. Daesamar grimaced when he heard the sudden howl of pain. Momentarily, he felt weightless, drawn away to another time when such a cry had cut through the air. He had been running, running along that treacherous mountain path of his home. His young paws thundering along the trail.He hadn't been sure if it had been the cry of a family member or the invader.

He still never knew, yanked from the flashback sudden sharp fangs digging into his own leg. Ge snarled in pain and used his larger size to his advantage, Daesamar shook violently, Alvar was forgotten as he managed to dislodge the vicious coyote from his foreleg, fresh blood running down his black fur. Most of them had been focused on the other wolf and without thinking, Daesamar charged off, dashing into the trees, his ears folded back against his head, his heart racing.

Daesamar's exit
[Image: q2GKNw0.jpg]
[Image: cwt.png]
Played by Hawthorn who has 95 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alvar Forsberg.
Sorry this took so long! I have been busy. :( Thoughts. Speech.

Alvar watched as Daesamar ran away from the fight with his ears to his head, and as he saw this he could feel the dual sensations of relief and terror coming over him at once, relief that Daesamar was safe, terror at the fact that he was now alone. He sighed and turned his head in front of him, where to his surprise, the largest of the coyotes was standing in front of him, growling and yapping something that Alvar could only assume was an insult, he then proceeded to bark at his subordinates, one of them then took hold of Alvar's neck and pulled back hard, while Alvar howled in pain as he felt the teeth pierce his skin.

The large coyote then closed in with his teeth bared, growling more unintelligible sounds that were made to be very threatening. As the coyote closed in for the final kill, Alvar was frantically trying to fight out of the coyotes grip, but to no avail, he felt his flesh tearing with every motion, so instead he lay still, ready to accept his demise, then the large one barked something and began to open it's mouth, ready to bite hard.

As this was happening, and as Alvar could feel his end drawing near, suddenly the teeth of the coyote on his neck came loose as it slipped on some mud. Alvar suddenly opened his eyes and lunged forward, grasping the lead coyote by the neck and crushing it's windpipe with all his strength, he could feel every muscle in his body working together as he used all of his body to tear the creatures throat out...

The rest of the coyotes looked on in horror as they saw their leader killed by this ragged wolf. Alvar set the leader down and swallowed the chunk of windpipe he had bitten off, he then positioned himself and spoke directly, as best he could so the coyote would understand him... "Die now in vain, and know that you die by my pack's teeth!" He was sure the coyote did not understand him, but nevertheless it's eyes widened with terror as blood trickled down it's throat, to settle in it's lungs and drown it if the blood loss did not kill it first.

Alvar watched as the lead coyote's eyes glazed over and it became still on the ground, he heard it desperately trying to bark something to it's pack, but he could not understand what it was. When he turned around, he could see that one of the coyotes seemed to almost be crying, and bowed it's head in respect before it looked at Alvar. It drew closer in an unafraid manner and bowed in respect to him, before barking at the rest and running off.

Alvar was confused, but this was no time to dwell on things, he smiled at his victory and set off for the pack, all the way thoughts of his day brewed in his mind, to be remembered forever.
Alvar Forsberg. [Image: Alvar.png]