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A legend made — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avella Archer
She was bouncing on the toes of her hind paws trying to get at her father's ear. He should be paying attention to her and not the others. She was ever so bored with all this talking business and would much rather be playing. Avella half expected her mother to reprimand her for being disruptive but she continued. That was until it seemed the adults were done with their talking.

Finally they could get on with the eating, her tummy was grumbling since she hadn't yet had her breakfast. Scully was ahead of her but her daddy took care of that for her. He pushed her brother out of the way so she could have her turn. “Daddy the best,” she cooed before running up to the strange food thing to get what was hers.

Fade Avella
(This post was last modified: Aug 15, 2018, 02:40 PM by Avella.)
Played by Vami who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ragnar Stormborn
It would seem that the majority of the chatter would come to an end as the direction was set to the food which was in front of them. The topic which Ragnar felt should have been on everyone's attention in the first place. To his father's words he would playful growl and jerk on the horn best be could, wanting it released from the rest of the beast so he could play with it all to himself.

Everyone gathered closer, the other pups the first to arrival, his parents, and other members of the pack as they all gathered around the kill and took their turns eating. He observed through this, taking note of who ate first and who was on the lower end. Everything flowed naturally, happily and with a belly now full, Ragnar was ready for his nap.

Played by Hussar who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blackmoore Northcrest

The viking remained pretty stoic for the rest of the gathering pretty much. Maybe casting an eye or two towards the other members of this little gathering that have been louder or under a spotlight in a way. He'd would only broke his motionless composure and brighten up for the little ones as they scrawled around before eventually gravitating to either their parents or the main and only course that was to be served during the feast.

A keen observer would perhaps notice or come to assume the man felt a little bit awkward during the meeting. The promotion felt nice, but Blackmoore wasn't yet really familiar with the rest of the pack to 'feel at ease' without his bulwarks up. Nor the man could try to open himself to the woman he'd got an interest for. To be entirely honest in a moment the dark male regarded the whole as mere formality. Just another ritual to go through, at least that's what he'd thought in the moment. Who knows, maybe if other packmates show themselves more and mingle with the man he'd will have a totally different impression next time. The time will show, that's for sure.

In meantime it seemed that it was time to eat. Although Blackmoore wasn't particularly hungry, the man wasn't going to pass on a highlander creature as he'd didn't tasted any for quite a long time now. The viking will naturally wait for a right moment, after the children and the leaders to get a bit in just like the others.


A quickie to finish this one up.
(This post was last modified: Aug 24, 2018, 10:59 PM by Blackmoore. Edit Reason: Spelling. )
Played by Trix who has 20 posts.
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Freyja Mizuno-Archer

Pale blue eyes flicked up, catching a movement of silver-grey fur. Whoops. She'd been caught. Her ears planted themselves back while she chewed on her lip, doing her damnedest to look innocent. The act didn't work. Scruffed, she wiggled mid air, biting at anything that was within reach. And the next thing she knew, she was down again, much closer to momma's side.

She huffed, shifting her weight from one haunch to another impatiently. How long was this going to take?! This was boring...all she wanted to do was play and stuff her belly full of meat. All this grown up chit chatter was getting old. When Ravenna finally announced that everyone could eat, she let out a most audible sigh of relief. Dad was there to guide her to the feast, to whom she scurried, wedging herself between his legs. There she earned a good spot where she could gnaw at the flesh of the ram to her hearts content.

Freyja Fade

Played by Lightning who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enia Athesila

This was really something. Only one other time in her life had there been a pack meeting - it was to discuss the comings of her new siblings and lay out a reminder of the pack laws. This though, was everything she could have hoped for. A strong pack, one that could support itself and a family that seemed to want to strengthen the bonds within. It was something to be admired and the petite woman found a smile on her lips as the feast was announced, her gaze landing back on the prey their leading pair brought back for them. Glancing around those gathered, Enia decided to play it safe and headed towards someone she already knew, @Blackmoore. She was taking small steps towards integrating herself in the pack, and one day, the Athesila felt like she might truly belong.

{Enia out}
Played by Hawthorn who has 35 posts.
Inactive VII. Yearling
Emmaline Archer
I'M SO SORRY I DID NOT POST FOR SO LONG!!! D: Mind if I post again after everyone else so I can claim LP? Thoughts. Speech.

Emmy listened with intent as the leaders gave their announcement to the pack, including the roles for the pack members. When @Sven turned to her and @Lillith and spoke. His words made Emmaline struggle not to jump with excitement at the prospect of organizing a hunt for the pack, she smiled and turned to Lillith before speaking. "This is great! Now you can teach me what I need to know before the hunt!" She then turned to the goat and began to walk towards it.

When she reached the got she turned around and beckoned Lillith to sit by her while they ate. She was about to take a bite before realizing that she would be better off to let her superior eat first. She stepped back and turned to Lillith once more... "Where are my manners? After you ma'am." She nodded to the goat and lowered her head in respect.
Played by Switch who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
better late than never i hope <33 this is my last one here
though i'm empty when you go

Lilith did not mind having an apprentince so to speak. She enjoyed teaching. With the coyotes still numerous it was nice to be able to go with a consistant partner. But, there was much for Emmy to learn. As she questioned, Lilith only lifted her brows,canting her head, indicating she needed to pay attention to Ravenna and Sven.

It was where her eyes went, and most of her attention. No doubt it was important, and she was also interested. They had clearly went to a lot of work for the pack. Something that made her feel more appreciated than she already did. Another confirmation she was suppose to be here. Six summers, that was a great amount of time for a pack. At least from what she knew. Most seemed to splinter, and die. She couldn't help then but look at Sven. Could she be proud of him? She was. He was definately not his father. There was something greater there.

The rules didn't surprise her, but deep down she felt a small sting. Under the circumstances she chose to ignore it. Which was easily done as Ravenna continued to speak. She was open about the idea not all here would stay, and should simply tell them. It was preculiar to Lilith, but it seemed a better idea than those she was accustomed to.

With breakfast at the wait, her stomach turned, but there was talk of titles. Her eyes slipped to Leotie. It shouldn't matter, but hearing she would be the Lead Scout ground on a piece of her that was already raw. Still, she held her smile, and it broadened as Adeltra was to have one as well. She had a soft spot for her. Silver eyes were upon her, and she met them. Despite not being lead, the offical Huntress beamed, tipping her nose in silent appreciation. She would hold tight to the image of Ravenna and Sven from that moment. The mystery mother of Adeltra was next, and despite knowing little of the lady she was sure her own title was earned.

Sven gave the males titles, and she paid attention to who and what. Placing all the rest in her mind to keep, and maybe think upon later. Though her gaze hung onto Blackmoore a little longer. Maybe she'd put he effort to ask him to accompany her, and hear his ideas.

Everything seemed finished, but she perked up at her name. "Of course," she replied with the fainest hint of mischief on her lips. She nodded in agreement to Emmaline, then like others found a place at the goat. Lilith waited, out of habit, which was a habit of respect for the others. She offered a thankful smile to Emmy, and than began working on a piece of her own. Unlike the few others she didn't mind being in the middle of it all. Eyes wandering from pups to other adults. It was easy to see she was content, and never so happy to have slept in for once to wake to such a surprise. {fade}

i just wanted you to know
(This post was last modified: Aug 25, 2018, 02:54 AM by Lilith.)
[Image: g3SYtUY.png]
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Gradually the meeting began to wind down to a close and shift from the political standpoint of the Ridge with the other Archer ruled packs to what lay right at their paws waiting for its turn in the spotlight. Soon enough Ravenna did just that and brought the meeting aspect of the gathering to an end in order to begin the feasting festivities. An amused smile adorned the magpie's greying facial features as she watched the likes of Sven interact with the children whom thought to make a race out of who got to the slain ram first.

Unlike the rest of the pack that rose and found their rightful position in the feeding hierarchy, Enoki decided to hang back a bit and watch. Her silvered front paws slowly inching themselves forward to ease herself into a comfortable lay near the activities but not so much where her presence would obstruct someone from grabbing a bite to eat, the smoldering amber hue of her gaze watching over those she cherished dearly. 

Enoki fade.
Played by Hawthorn who has 35 posts.
Inactive VII. Yearling
Emmaline Archer
Sorry that I took a while on this post, life is hectic. Thoughts. Speech.

The tawny girl looked on as one-by-one the other members of the pack ate their share of the kill. She smiled with gratitude at the sight, it was pleasing to be part of such a large family, and it felt right. She walked forward when everyone else was done eating, there was not much meat left but Emmy had figured out how to find meat on picked-over carcasses in her few months alone.

She took a bite and tasted the sweet succulent meat, one of the most interesting flavors she had ever experienced. She smiled and continued to pick the rest of the carcass over, thinking about how she and @Lilith were going to plan the hunt. She thought and thought, but she felt it better to just speak to the expert on these matters. When she was done eating, she started to walk to Lilith, her face smiling with excitement. {fade}
(This post was last modified: Sep 08, 2018, 02:08 PM by Emmaline.)