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Hunger — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Beautiful? Her? Vlarindara lifted her head, eyes widening as she listened to him- a piece of fish dangling from her lips.. "I-...There's nothing special about me." The white female turned her attention back to her second fish, returning to devouring it greedily, that is until she heard a howl not too far away.. and whipped her head around to spot the source of it.. another wolf. In an instant, the emaciated white female was up on her feet and whirling to stand over her fish, legs spread and over-large ears pointed right at Silver.

A growl of warning trickled from her lips, single amber eye searching until she found the other. She said nothing, only stood protectively over her meal - then.. as an afterthought, moved and darted her head down to pick up the remains of the thing and clamp it securely in her jaws. There, it was safer there - RIGHT there, in her teeth. TRY to take it from her. Of course, she didn't know Silver wasn't after her meal.. but darn it if her actions didn't bespeak of her intention to guard it with her life.

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Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
Thanatos thought it was cute when she lifted her head and some fish was dangling from her lips. She seemed surprised that he called her beautiful. He chuckled before he spoke. "Roo ar be-auti-ful Vlar-ind-ara." He meant it too. With her beautiful white fur and her amber eye. It was too bad she was blind though, she didn't seem to be used to it yet and be able to hunt for herself. He wondered what happened.

He heard a howl not too far away. He was confused why the wolf felt the need to howl if they were so close. His black fur stuck out like a sore thumb against the snow so she could have just come right up to them. Vlarindara seemed nervous about the newcomer though so he stepped forward so he was beside her. He tensed up, ready to attack and protect Vlarindara if need be.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
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Silver Wintercoat
Silver looked back towards the shore to see a black wolf. She pricked up her ears in relaxed expression, "Why didn't I see him before?" Silver thought. She trotted down the water's edge, hoping he could maube let a helping paw to find food for the pack. "Well he is a lone wolf he mite not help," she thought again, "Its hard enough for lone wolves. Maybe I'll fix up my fishing skills." Silver picked up the pace down the slop.

As she got closer she jumped back in surprise to see the other wolf standing there. Silver picked up her tail a bit and barred her teeth, warning the female that she wasn't in for a fight. Silver had enough of those. She stepped back giving the female her space. She couldn't quite make out what she looked like nether the male or the female. Sweeping her tail on the snow and flattening it she sat. She noticed the scars, but couldn't see the other side of the female's face.<b>"I am Silver Wintercoat, from the Grizzley Hollow. Whats your name?"</b>Silver directed the question to both of them.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Think we can about wrap this up.. lol. It's kinda older o.o;

Grizzly HOllow? Vlarindara lowered her head before she frowned, ears filtering back against her skull with a sigh. No.. She couldn't... Wouldn't stay. "I-I'm sorry.. It's best you don't know my name. Actually..It-It's... best that I leave." The white female took a few steps backwards, amber eye focused on the female, shaking her head. "Apologies, Miss..It.. was nice to meet you both."

Vlarindara turned away, her long, thing legs carrying her towards the distance - towards.. anywhere that wasn't here. Perhaps it was best that she didn't stay here. Didn't interact with any wolves from Grizzly Hollow. With her luck, Kaysyek would see her interacting with them, and would be after her again.


(This post was last modified: Apr 10, 2012, 05:11 PM by Vlarindara.)
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