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Whispered voices — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hartt Theos
Hartt waited patiently for Pakuna to finish eating. When she looked over at Hartt and nodded she stepped forward and began tearing into the does flesh. She had missed the taste of venison. Hartt wagged her tail as she devoured the delicious deer. When she finished Hartt took a step back, belly full of venison, and looked at Pakuna.

Hartt moved closer to her new companion and nudged her shoulder with her nose. <b>"Thank you Pakuna."</b> She wasn't sure why she thanked her, she just did.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Pakuna grinned a wide toothed grin, blood staining her ivory fangs. She dug her face into the carcass for a few more minutes until she decided she was full. Looking up to Hartt, she nodded <b>"Ye did a good job, goin' for tha' neck."</b> she said. Her tail flicked in satisfaction, and she seated herself. She released a deep breath. It had felt like years since she was as full as she was right now.
She suddenly plopped to her side, chuckling a bit. Her belly bulged with the meat of the deer. Her body felt warm and comfortable; she was very content.
Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hartt Theos
OOC: Sorry low muse

Hartt smiled as Pakuna complimented her. <b>"Thank you Pakuna. You did a great job as well."</b> She wagged her tail, happy to have Pakuna as her companion. Hartt watched as Pakuna flopped onto her side, chuckling. Hartt laid down beside her, space still between them so Pakuna wouldn't be uncomfortable.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
[ooc; My muse hasn't been too good, either. Would you like the end the thread here? :)]

Pakuna noticed that Hartt left a bit of space between them. She
appreciated the sincerity of the young wolf. Releasing a loud,
satisfied sigh, Pakuna lifted herself up, feeling quite heavy.
"Well, Hartt"
she started, eyes glowing "I don' wanna be
rude, but I should be on me way. I mus' continue me journey."
What journey? She didn't know where she was going, but
that was the point. Wherever she ended up, she would certainly
make something of it. Perhaps she would even find a pack, and
satisfy the longing in her heart....

She turned away from Hartt but craned her head around, smiling
at the female and flicking her tail in goodbye before beginning to
pad off.