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Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hartt Theos
Hartt travled for quite a few days to reach another pack. She wanted a home, a family. Something she had no memory of. She was still very nervous about joining since her last experience didn't go over too well. She walked up to the borders and sat down, waiting for the pack leader to come and meet her on their own time instead of calling for them as she had done with the last pack.

Something smelled, <i>familiar</i> about the border. As if someone she knew lived in the pack. It was strange though, the scent was similar to hers. Memories tried to resurface, Hartt only remembered bits and pieces. Playing in a river, a white female pup with amber eyes that was the same age as her, a howl, running and more running, and then fire, nothing but fire. Was that what happened to her family? Was she the only one who survived? Maybe not, if the scent she picked up was a family member maybe they could help her put he memory back together. Was she just too young when it happened or did she just bury the memory so she wouldn't have to deal with the pain of loosing her family. Hartt shook her head, she didn't want to deal with that at the moment. She had to concentrate on making into a pack this time, especially if a family member was here. Hartt sat and waited, hoping for the best this time.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>He was happy to be home, but his patrol was interrupted by an intruder. His coat bristled. <i>Too close.</i> Again another had entered their borders instead of attempting a meeting on mutual ground and he had had enough. Did they have no manners? The last wolf to do so was Rolu, and only through Aeylen's intervention he was allowed to remain, but the pack were on high alert, perhaps this stranger had not picked the best time to go wandering all over another wolfs home. If the stranger had waited at the Spring he would be more leinient but she had entered his home without invitation and the slight could not be dismissed.

He stalked forward, the white female coming into sight, his tail and hackles raised in challenge, lips pulled back from his white teeth in a threatening snarl. <b>"I suggest you retreat to the Spring before another stumbles across your intrusion."</b> the golden male growled in warning. Clearly the wolf was young, but that was no excuse for intrusion. If she didn't move soon the well built male would pursue with teeth unsheathed and she would be forever a lost cause in the eyes of the male second.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2012, 12:07 PM by Kanosak.)
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Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hartt Theos
OOC: I have Hartt on the edge of the border, not past it. She isn't trespassing.

Hartt saw a large male come towards her, clearly angry. Maybe she missed the marker and was too close to their territory. She submitted to him quickly and backed up. <b>"I'm sorry sir. I thought I was on the edge of the border. I didn't think I was trespassing. I just wanted to speak to the leader of the pack about joining."</b>

She kept her eyes on the male in case he decided to attack but made sure not to meet his eyes. <b>"My name is Hartt Theos. I have no intention of harming you or your pack sir."</b>
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu was coming back from a lone hunt when he smelled the intruder, it was female he could tell. She was close to the borders but not in them like Rolu had been when he first joined. He trotted towards the smell, and something familiar drifted through it. It had the slight tint of Ismeme, but he could not understand it. He did not remember anything about her having a sister, but than her remembered the fire she had talked about. Rolu speed into a wolf's lope trying to get there as fast as he could.

Rolu came from the trees just as the female said her name and was trying to make friends with Kanosak. he chuckled and entered the scene still keeping his self at a respectable low. Walking into the sights of them he said to Kanosak hoping a fight didn't break out,<b>"Now, now, Kanosak. Don't go getting huffy, she is exactly at the border not past it."</b> His voice was polite enough, and he knew how badly he could get beat. His face and stomach wounds where still healing from his encounter with Thanatos. He looked at the female remembering her name, and wondering why she smelt like his lovely Isa.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
OOC: It's in the Copper Rock Creek forum, so even if it's on the borders Kano is going to see it as trespassing (he's uber paranoid like that). Also, would just like to point out you can only have one wolf per pack, so since Ismeme is already in CRC Hartt won't be able to join (otherwise Naira would be all up in CRC too or teaming up with Val and Rhysis once they get their pack started!)

<blockquote>A quiet smirk crossed his face at the sight of Rolu, it would appear his mouth had gotten him into strife with another wolf, and he was relieved to know he was not the only one who found the man unbearable. <b>"<i>On</i> the border is still too close. Once pups are born do you think I won't hesitate to rip the throat out of anyone who poses a threat?"</b> he questioned the male with a growl. There was respect, either leaving a mark or howling from neutral ground and then there was camping on the front lawn and hoping the tenants won't freak out, and Kanosak was prone to freak out whenever anyone got too close.

<i>No intention of harming the pack</i>, as if she could with her tiny frame and pretty blue eyes. It still unnerved him the number of unnatural eyes he had encountered since coming here and he fought back a snort of annoyance. Perhaps if he hadn't just returned from Grizzly Hollow and had been allowed a few days to settle back in the females presence so close to his borders may not have grated him so, but he had done little but worry the entire time he was gone. His stance didn't change. He wasn't backing down this time. Someone had to make a stand.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2012, 02:02 AM by Kanosak.)
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Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

Near by voices bounced around the woods, and rocks. What the? He strained his ears, stretching on hise toes, and tilting his head every which way. There was something going on, and with haste he picked up a choppy trot to investigate the disturbance at Copper Creek Rock's borders. Took a little time, he had not quite gotten the hang of his direction, nor landmarks to guide him very well. It was actually Kanosak's scent that lead him straight to the commotion. He kept himself back in the protection of the trees listening to decide what was going on before making an entrance. The girl wanted to join, and Kanosak was merely doing border patrol. This was the sort version.

He padded into the open, his blond coat looking more plantinum in the bright light. There was nothing to sweet about his posture. With his blond ears pinned back, and his eyes half slit in supsicion he stared from Second, to the wolf just above him, and then the girl. Another one? She looked quite familiar, but the eyes were new and he would have remembered seeing such a tone...not to mention his nose would have recollected her in an instant. He caught the tension between Rolu and Kanosak, sensing it went a lot deeper than just the girl. He could be reading things wrong, it'd been awhile since he'd had much interaction to be confident in his guess.

Respecting and knowing Kanosak he glided up to his side, keeping himself lower than the younger wolf. There was no reason to ask what was up, he was merely here to back up Kanosk until a leader arrived, or the wolf left."He makes a good point, it's better to be safe than sorry.'"

Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hartt Theos
Hartt felt uncomfortable with three large males around. Especially since she had just gone into heat the other day. Technically she was still a yearling too but she was going to turn two in just a few days. She didn't expect to go into heat before her birthday but now that she had and there were so many males around she felt like turning around and running. One male seemed to be somewhat protecting her from the more dominant male in front of her. He had wounds on his cheek and his belly. Hartt assumed he must have gotten in a fight recently and that it would be rude to ask.

She turned to the other male as he spoke to her. <b>"I apologize. You're right sir, I should have been farther back. I wasn't thinking."</b> The large cream male spoke to the one who defended her, backing up the more dominant wolf. Hartt still felt very uncomfortable around the three males until she picked up that scent again. It seemed so familiar and she didn't know why. She followed her nose to where the scent was stronger and found herself standing in front of the male with bright green eyes. Hartt quickly stepped back once she realized how close she had gotten. She eyed the male, curious. <b>"What is that scent on you? The female. What's her name?"</b> She paused and waited for an answer and then realized she should state why she wanted to know. <b>"I don't remember much of my family and my past but for some reason I remember that scent and amber eyes."</b>
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu chuckled knowing what Kanosak ment. As he was thinking another he wolf stepped in, and Rolu was rather confused. He shook his head noticing that Kanosak didn't change. If a fight did break out he was sure to attack Kanosak, even with the major possibility of him being killed out of the pack. Rolu didn't really believe in the attacking females thing. Yet he was still protective of her and he didn't know why.

As the female neared him, he was calmed it reminded him of Ismeme, and his sister. His ears pricked up when she asked, and he was not totaly bothered by the female's closeness.<b>"Ismeme is her name, why?" he paused, "Have you met anyone by the name of Yela?"</b> his voice was low, not sure if he should have asked her that. He looked over at the two males making sure they didn't start fighting with her.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>There idle banter was only putting the male further on edge but he trusted Vander far more than he trusted the arrogant wolf who sauntered into the encounter on his tail. Not for the first time he considered challenging the male to accept the position of lowest, about all he was worthy of in the eyes of the second. Dissent was something he was well acquainted with and he would not let his new family fall to it under any circumstances. Although it now seemed their earlier encounter had rub off enough to force some manners from the man, so for now he chose to ignore Rolu's existence at all.

Someone had to make a call and Kanosak didn't see the need to disrupt Aeylen or Ruiko when other things would probably be occupying their minds. <b>"If you wish to continue your discussion I suggest you move it further from our borders. Next time, make sure you leave a mark and retreat to neutral ground, or howl from somewhere that isn't our doorstep."</b> he said smoothly, his tone brokering no argument, as much a dismissal as a suggestion.

Rutilant eyes settled on the tawny male as he held his ground, almost hoping he would challenge his decision and give the golden male another excuse to put him back in his place. He wasn't going to budge until the woman was far from his doorstep, with or without the throw rug in tow.

He was almost relieved as the female turned tail and ran. Hopefully far far away.</blockquote>


(It's nothing personal! The conflict keeps things interesting ;))

**Ok, editing to end this. You guys can either post your own exits or leave it at this :)
(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2012, 12:39 PM by Kanosak.)
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