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easily attracted; the danger is to get distracted — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
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Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Time seemed to have slowed. The masked man felt as his forepaws planted into the forest floor, a sharp pain racing up his left forelimb when he managed to snatch up Raigo's scruff into his jaws. His breath pushed through his nostrils; his heart racing at the idea of triumph. He tensed, bracing himself for the youth to attempt to dislodge him or remove himself from the arc that the Lyall's frame had created. The bitter phrase of <i>"Let go. You won,"</i> snapped at the newly christened Hollow Second's ears. The words only spurred Borden to scowl and tighten his grip, only fully releasing him well after three minutes had ticked past.

Slowly, after pressing his bloodied lips together he stepped away from the young subordinate, eventually glaring down into Raigo's face. Had he been thinking properly, he might have thought to say something about how well the youth had fought or apologize for the actions he had taken or taken to heart the respect he had just lost. Instead, with an indignant scoff and a lofty wave of his tail, he growled at Vlarindara's brother to verbally confirm his supremacy then staggered away with his head held high. For the next few days while his body recovered he would lie in wait for the day that would hopefully bring Kade Attaya to his knees and Jaysyek Enap to his side.</blockquote>