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sharp teeth, fast feet — The Wildwood 
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Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

The creek as his profluent guide, he meandered along it's twist, and turns to the east. It was there he had spotted several coyotes gnawing on some sort of carcass, and it was worth a look. His run became a quick trot, not wishing to tire himself out. He needed to keep his energy to scare the other carnivores off, and this time he had backup. Pakuna. He did not know a hell of a lot about her. Almost instantly, he liked her, and that was enough for him. If his judgement was correct, or further proved he was hoping to find out in this chase. He did not forget she was padding along on this trek with him. He would twist his head enough to see her, and casually drift onward. He did not really speak, feeling small talk time was over.

It was the further east they became the more drastic the woods changed. The coming in of spring, he could see the small green starts of leaves, and see the grass underfoot slowly trying to wake. It was not quite the story in the Wildwood. The fire's scars were heavy on the trees it had clasped, and whipped. Most were dead like tall, daunting markings of their own graves so there was little life. The snow dominated this landscape because of all the open space, and hadn't quite melted as the rest. He briefly met the eye's of his companion, a question lingering in his own pair. Had she been her? What did she think?. Soon as they came, they left at the sounds of higher toned growls, and snarls ripping roughly into the air. He smirked this time. "Ready or not," he said with a quick wink of his eyes. Then he was off, with both power and speed barreling toward the smaller beasts. He snaked his head, bearing his teeth, letting a growl escape his open mouth. The one on the carcass, something that had once resembled a wild hog, was not very happy. It snapped it's teeth, and made a lunge to his neck, another his shoulder. He easily caught the first by his cheek, while the second grabbed the thick plush of his withers, yanking it harshly. Vander only further growled, before nipping the flesh in his mouth, and his mouth reaching for the next.

Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Pakuna followed behind Vander, both ears and eyes waiting
for the small tawny furred beasts. She felt her heart beating a
steady rhythm, and to that rhythm she walked. Her nostrils
were taking in the scent of Vander as she tailed closely behind,
her brain registering her scent. This handsome male was
one she did not wish to forget.

Pale emerald eyes observed the scarred trees as they made
their way through the forest. They seemed to be begging to
fall, but instead they stood, long mangled branches reaching
feebly towards the heavens. She had not seen a forest quite
like this one. She brought her head back down to shoulder
level as she continued forth, muscles rolling fluently beneath
her dark pelt. Her tail flicked as the sight of a carcass came into
view, with the rodents they called coyotes surrounding them.
Catching Vander's wink, Pakuna felt a sheepish grin slip
across her maw, but it soon disappeared as she burst forth
into action.

Her cream toned legs carried her at a full sprint, outstretched
and spraying wet snow all about. Her auds narrowed in a hasty
matter, focusing upon a coyote that had turned on heel away
from the carcass. Ears flattening tightly against her skull,
Pakuna bolted after the creature, gaining on it quickly. It had felt
like forever since she fooled with these critters. Her jaws opened
, ivory fangs exposed to the warm sunlight as she craned her
neck out, snapping onto the coyote's right hind limb. The scraggly
creature released a deafening yelp, flipping onto its side and
snapping at the air. Pakuna felt a sharp sting as the coyote
clipped her thick furred cheek. Growling, the shewolf grasped
onto its neck with her jaws. Her auds listened intently to the slight
whimpering of the animal before she released it, watching it dash
away. Pakuna turned back towards Vader, observing him mouth
at the coyotes. She grinned, and bounded forth to join the fun.
Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

A yelp screeched high from the second victim while it jerked hard to get away from his snapping jaws. He easily let it go, the second following close at it's friends heals.Two down. He was not aware how many they had to go. Keeping tabs on those close to him, he didn't see any immediate target.His fur bristled, and let out a threatening, sharp woof there was to be more pain. A young one scattered, and when he turned he spotted Pakuna, both powerful and elegant breaking the distance to get some more. He smirked, his fluffy tail wildly flying behind him, he did not stare long. He crinkled his nose, and made a fake snap at the closest coyote to him, a snarl ripping after the clink of his jaws. This coyote leaned back, sending it's own growl of warning. Crouching low his large shoulders widened, and his tongue snaked between his canines. They began circling, his eyes upon the faded brown. The coyote made the first move, rather quick biting just at his chest bone. He let out a soft yip as teeth met flesh. Now the coyote was beneath him, and his opened mouth encircled it's smaller neck. He dug deep into it until the coyote released it's hold. Before the creature ran off he nipped it once again at it's haunches to further encourage it to be on it's way.

Panting, his breaths tore from his lips in pearly, white wisps, and he was grinning despite the small blood oozing at his dark, creamy chest. He strode over to the lady, sending a harsh bark at yet another coyote. He did not intervene what she was doin though.. She looked like someone who knew what they were doing, and could handle herself. Yet, when it appeared the coyotes sat in the distance, glaring at them Vander lifted his muzzle, and let out a deep howl. This was his, not theirs and they would have to fight for it. The truth of the matter was they would not. The scavengers would return when they had gone, nibbling the rest.

The male's note faded, and he let out a triumphant bark to Pakuna, his tail never had quite seemed to stop wagging. He quickly jogged over to the remains, his nostrils testing the many aromas it carried. He wasn't sure what had killed it, if the coyotes had actually killed the sow or something else. His brows furrowed in deep lines across his face. Maybe, they had, maybe they hadn't. He loudly huffed, and his pink tongue curled over his lips. There was some left they could both share. He waited for her to come take a bite. They were equals after all. And to prove so he motioned with his nose, pointing to her then tipping it to the meat.

(This post was last modified: Mar 07, 2012, 04:58 AM by Vander.)
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Pakuna watched as Vander warded off the other coyotes. The
creatures scampered off but turned back to observe the two
wolves, waiting to return to their carcass. Sneering, Pakuna
looked away from the smaller canines and approached Vander.
Her eyes focused on his tail, which seemed to be working like a
metronome. Pakuna dipped her cranium graciously as the male
pointed his deep brown nose to her then the sow. She had only
eaten one boar in her life time, so tasting this creature again
would be something interesting.

She lowered her head to the animal, letting its scent fill her nose.
Pale emerald eyes peered up at Vander's "Ye were quite
she smirked softly, looking to the coyotes before
glancing back at Vander. She parted her jaws now, gripping down
upon the dark stomach flesh of the sow and ripping her head
upwards. The meat tore easily, releasing a metallic scent into the
air. Her jaws worked the meat, tongue picking up every taste. It
was sweet and gamey- very enjoyable. Pakuna's fluffy tail flicked
briefly in delight. She lifted her head, swallowing the meat, then
looked to Vander, waiting for him to try it.

As she gazed at the male, she felt a sort of magnetism within her-
like she did not want to part ways with her new found companion.
Nay, she did not know him all that well, but she picked up good
vibes as soon as she met him. They had rid of their boredom,
chasing coyotes together, which is something she had never really
done, but found it quite enjoyable. Pakuna realized she was still
looking at Vander, and she shook her head, looking back down
at the sow. Feeling her face grow warm, she was thankful for her
thick fur, as Vander would not be able to see her blushing.
(This post was last modified: Mar 07, 2012, 04:33 PM by Pakuna.)
Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

Faded, green eyes stared into his. They seemed smooth like the top of water on a creek. He did not let the contact last too long. Instead he smirked, shifting his own gaze to match hers to the whining coyotes. "You're not bad yourself." It was not much of a flattery way of words, but it was not intended to be. It was more of an admiration the way she had handled herself. Skills, and quick thinking were high on his list of things that matter. Sharply his blond ears shot back, and he licked his chops when the tear of flesh crack in his ears. He hadn't eaten anything large in months, only measly morsels of pathetic varmints, and birds. It only took one look from her for him to join in. He started working at the bit of meat behind the shoulder blade (or what was left), gripping the carcass with his paws before ripping a large morsel free. He ground it between his teeth eagerly chomping it, and rushing it down his throat. He continued in this manner. Who knew the next time he would have a decent meal?

When he caught her eyes holdin' to his once more, he took a moment to breath by clearing the crimson from his lips. "Good, I hope?" He asked with a raised brow, "Or have you not had some before?" He wasn't sure what was special about him to be seen, instead figured she was trying to study his reactions as he might hers. Or had she been like he? So deprived of company this was actually a welcome change despite them merely being strangers. He let out a quiet laugh, shaking his head, and stealing another bite. He didn't want to appear to peculiar of fellow, and kept his mouth full for a good awhile.

He did not mean to gorge himself, became rather full quick. He felt quite bloated he rolled his weight to his haunches with a soft groan. It was good to be stuffed, at the same time he did not want to move. "Eh, I think I over did." He stretched out onto his belly very gingerly, resting his head o his long limbs. His eyes drifted to her mixture color of her thick coat, the dark browns, tawny, and blacks. He was quick to try to catch her eye. "So, what's your plans now?" He inquired, knowing it might be a snoopy question, but curious all the same. A brief yawn, he arched his neck before returning it to his paws. "I'm hoping to find a pack myself." He grinned, but looked away to the charred trees in quiet thought. "Wonder what happened here...you know beyond a fire."

Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Pakuna lowered her cranium again, tearing into the flesh of the fallen
beast once more. It was delicious. She lifted her head again, looking
to the clear sky before sighing in satisfaction. Pink tongue ran 'cross
her crimson soaked maw, only taking a small amount of blood away.
She grinned a bit at the male's compliment. She was not full, but sat-
isfied. Resting on her haunches, her bushy tail flicked to and fro before
resting on the ground next to her right haunch.

She nodded her head slowly at his question "Aye. I've only had boar
once in me life. It be a pleasant meal to have once more."
Her ears
perked up, and she rose to her feet once more. She looked to the sad,
charred trees as Vander munched on the carcass. A slow sigh escaped
her mouth as she watched two crows land in a dead tree. Their ebon
feathers shone in the sunlight, their beady eyes scanning the forest.
Pakuna turned her head, thick fur on her neck ruffling as her head
came 'round. A slight chuckle rumbled in her throat as she watched
Vander lay down, obviously very full. "Eh, I dunno" she said.
She really had no clue where she was to go, or what she was to
do. The shewolf looked at the ground "Aye, a pack would be
she said quietly. Her green eyes caught a ray of the sun-
light, shining a brilliant jade tone.

She craned her neck, head facing the crows again, and eyes scan-
ning the charred tree. Pakuna shrugged her shoulders, muscles
raising her dark pelt up and down slowly. "They be sad lookin'."
she said rather blatantly, a small frown tugging at her dark lips.
Still looking at the trees, her tone changed a bit "Surprised ye
aren't in a pack yet. I think the females would be all over ye."

She tossed her head slightly, gazing at the cream-blonde brute
before looking back to the pair of crows in the mangled branches
of the tree. She was always fascinated by those with feathers.
(This post was last modified: Mar 11, 2012, 01:53 AM by Pakuna.)
Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

She appeared to enjoy the free meal, laughing at his inconvenience. He returned a toothy grin, but it was of no threat only a mere joke. Then he bobbed his cream head to her. "It is nice, I just wondered what they eat, and how the hell the coyotes got a hold of it." He said, a little disturbed if there were that many coyotes around. He shook the back of his shoulders, before rolling onto his side to stretch the lump in his stomach.

Again came the problem of gawking, and he did his best to look indirectly at her, or at the gnarled branches while she thought. He was glad he wasn't the only one with uncertain future. He pondered about sticking with her. He often did not because he hated to form close bonds. They did bad as much as they did good. He did not do well with attachment. He became protective, and aggressive. Sometimes blind to anything else. He had learned his lesson once. Packs were better. He could keep busy spreading his attention. "Well, I think I've caught enough scents around. I just hope they are decent, and not at war or something." He roughly snorted, swiping at the snow, leaving claw marks against the colder bits. He kinda wanted the rest of his life to be quiet compared to his first years. The light made her eyes glisten, and he couldn't help but wonder why no man had her by his side. The thought was put out, as quickly as it had come. He watched the birds as well, aware they wanted their turn for food. They would have to wait, or dare venture down. When she answered about the trees, his own reply was short. "Ey." Who knew what secrets this had.

He was very surprised by her swing in mood, and bold statement. He actually blinked, taken back. Eventually a lazy grin worked it's way unto his lips, and he shook his head. "I think that's more the reason I'm not, to many girls eager for first love" he stated scraping his tongue over his dark brown lips. He wouldn't deny he'd caught the eye of a some ladies, he was handsome apparently. He took after his mother's side in color, while his build was his father's. The problem of being easy on the eyes the young and fool hearted where like moth to flame --him being the flame. And this time of year he didn't much care for. It made those already weak times tenfold. The brute snorted in amusement. "I'm getting up in age, and never had a mind to have pups. I've raised enough second hand." Each new litter he had taken under his wing, helping them thrive and learn the ways of name pack. Eventually they turned into good little warriors, spies, and hunters. A life he did not want any pups of his to have. Life had to have joy. He had no mind, no reason to start a pack. "I don't know, I guess if a lady caught my fancy I couldn't resist to try to be a good mate." He shot her a look, but what was in his eyes was anyone's guess.

(This post was last modified: Mar 11, 2012, 07:42 PM by Vander.)
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Pakuna watched as the ebon feathered creatures hobbled up a
mangled branch, their bodies teetering as a cool wind passed
between the scarred and ashy looking trees. They took to the
air briefly, eyes obviously on the boar below. Pakuna closed
her eyes, allowing the breeze to thread itself within her dark
coat. She took in a breath through her nostrils, smelling nothing
but the old scent of the boar's blood. Ears were intently
listening to Vander's voice as he spoke.

Lids raised, green eyes sliding over to the cream wolf. Pakuna
smirked a bit, before circling the male for a brief moment.
"I ne'er had the chance to take care of some younguns'.
What be it like?"
she questioned. For a moment, her brows
furrowed in slight frustration at her sudden realization- she
never took care of pups. She had been a lone wolf most of
her life, and she had only seen pups a few times. Suddenly
grunting, the shewolf flicked her tail in a bit of annoyance.
"I be gettin' up in age as well." Her voice seemed to
quiver for a second in a sullen way, but it dissolved as she
forced out a slight chuckle. "Was never sure 'bout 'em.
Tried to avoid males as much as possible durin' the matin'
She now walked in a circle a bit closer to Vander,
her tail just barely brushing his cream and blonde toned flank.

She wondered if this wolf had ever been in love. Pakuna
tried to think of a male wolf she was once bonded to, but
she could not think of one. Her mind was a film running in
her head, but it only starred her. There was never any other.
Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

His creamy brows raised in a sudden surprise, then they lightly touched while an uncertain smile shaped the side of his muzzle. It was a poor assumption to think because she was female she would have had time with little ones. "Huh," he murmured not sure how to quite share nor hide his dumb moment. The flick of her tail caught his attention, and his cream face smoothed. "No shame in that, it's one of those things that come natural to some." He doubted it would make her feel better about the issue, but at least he tried. The lack of knowledge on the subject might say she hadn't been in a pack long after she grew up, or there was just no pups. That idea in mind, he lifted his head, and then pulled himself into a sit. "It's alright. Some days are better than others," he lifted a hind limb to scratch at his chest while continuing, "I enjoyed it for the most part, watching 'em grow, their curiosity, and how they seem to absorb everything. I actually hope I get to see some more before my time comes." He placed his paw back down, straightening up. He didn't feel as much as a bloated cow now, and found sitting to be pleasant again. He wished he might explain better, he wasn't much for words, not when he didn't know someone very well.

He was completely loss for what to say when she mentioned her own age. It could often be a delicate subject among females, and he wasn't about to disagree. She was his age, and soon enough four became eight. He lightly chuckled in rhythm with hers, letting his tail lazily twitch back, and forth."Well, I don't know about you I'm glad my young years are behind me. I think I'm smarter then I use to be," and he grinned, though it was quite lopsided. He had learn the hard way in his time, and would never want to go back. He did not miss home, and right now was eager to start a new life.

Slowly the wrinkles that had formed from smiles, and grins disappeared. He bobbed his head thoughtfully at what she said next. "Smart lass," he stated, the slight touch of her tail not going unnoticed. He cocked his head in his bemusement. He wasn't sure if it'd been intentional or not. He wasn't about to ask. He was a bit wary what his company might be to her, especially in the presence season. The way she had avoided other males. He was getting ahead of himself. An audible, not overly loud sound, he cleared his throat. "So, if you don't find a pack, maybe we could meet up here again?" Two was better than one, saying this out loud he wanted to not only ease his mind, maybe figure hers out. Far as love, Vander had never been in it. Half of him didn't believe in it, because he'd never felt nor seen it.

Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Green eyes watched Vander as he spoke, absorbing his facial
expressions. She could tell that he attempted to make her feel
a bit better, and she appreciated this. Black tipped tail swayed
slowly as he continued to speak, now about the pups. Oh how
she now wished she had some of her own. Once she passed,
what bloodline was there to be of her left? None. For all she
knew, her mother and father were long gone. Tossing her head,
Pakuna sighed slightly, watching as Vander seated himself

The shewolf nodded as the wolf said he is smarter than he used
to be. She could completely agree with that statement for herself
as well. Through the years, she had learned to cope and survive
on her own. A pang of sadness shot through her chest as she
thought of the day she left her mother. It wasn't guilt, no, but worry.
How was her mother to survive on her own?

Pakuna felt older, wiser. Nay, she was not a dowager, for she
still had a few years left to her life. She padded back around to
Vander's side, and nodded her head softly. "Aye. I think that
sounds good. All the luck to ye findin' a pack."
she said,
her voice suddenly sounding sweet. She grinned a bit before
turning away. "I hope to see ye again, Vander." she cooed,
beginning to pad away from the handsome wolf. She honestly
did want to see that wolf again. Out of the wolves she had recently
met, she felt an attraction to him, one that she did not want to
[{Pakuna Exits}]