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Tired Bones — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>He was a little confused by the chuckle. He didn’t realise he could be funny. That was a new trait he should remember; making others laugh seemed to ease tension and build bonds. He’d seen it happen a few times before but never really tried it himself. It might have been intention, but he made a note somewhere in the back of his mind to try it again in the future and see what sort of result he would get. Still, he appreciated that the golden wolf felt the same about Rolu. Whilst he couldn’t turn around and offer to take care of him, he at least knew one wolf wouldn’t miss him too much. Rhysis couldn’t seem to harsh on him though, he didn’t want the paw pointed at him should Rolu ever disappear.

<b>”Just waltzed right in there? Wow... guy must have a death wish or something.”</b> he said with a casual shrug. With any luck, behaviour like that would lead to his demise anyway and he wouldn’t have to get his paws dirty. The satisfaction of seeing him die wouldn’t be the same, but as long as the job was done. Rhysis didn’t have time for pleasure, he was all about the work.

He glanced down at himself as the other offered his help. It must have been something about their family, they were all about caring for others. One might consider it sweet, but Rhysis actually found it a little annoying. He felt like no one believed he could care for himself, which amused him on some level but irked him on another. He’d survived an entire winter alone and he’d been in worse shape then this. Still, he smiled politely as he shook his head. <b>”Nah, just a few bumps and bruises. The tree branches came off worse.”</b> he said, attempting another light joke. <b>”Just need a good sleep and I’ll be fine. Thanks for the offer though... you can tell Naira is your sister. You guys are all about the healing.”</b> Why did he drop her name in again?! They had just left the topic.

He wanted to bash his head on a tree.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>This guy was full of jokes, another short bark of laughter escaped his mouth at the mention of the trees coming off worse. The comment on family resemblance bought another smile to his face. <b>"It was not optional learning... Our grandmother was particularly concerned that we learn it all..."</b> and it had all come in handy at some point or other, whether it was raids from neighbouring packs or outright war. Diplomacy, guarding, fighting, hunting, healing, they had been put through their paces on them all and assigned tasks according to their own strengths. His smaller size and agility had often found him scouting the borders or locating prey, where his avid curiosity came in handy.Things ran so smoothly when everyone had a task.

There seemed to be a recurring theme about this conversation and he took a moment to truly look at the younger male. A little young yes, but he had good form, seemed polite enough. Perhaps he would be good for her if she ever got over her aversion for physical contact, but then again if she was in a pack it could be difficult to make her budge. Once she got settled it would be hard to convince her it was in her own best interests to leave. The poor guy seemed at a loss and it probably had something to do with his young age. He would learn. <i>They</i> would learn.</blockquote>
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>More laughter? Well that was certainly one way to win the smaller wolf over. He would have to remember that. He seemed to enjoy laughing, something alien to Rhysis, but if it worked, he’d use it. He was clever, he got sarcasm... surely he could crack a few more jokes along the way.

He nodded at the mention of their grandmother, all to familiar with family traditions but they probably weren’t similar ones. His had been forced, included beatings for mistakes and made him into the wolf he was today. He had images in his mind and Kanosak and Naira as young pups, huddled around an older wolf as they learnt which herbs did what. It was fun... it was a lovely picture... it made Rhysis feel a little sick.

<b>”Well it’s a skill that comes in handy. Your grandmother must have been a kind wolf to give your family such a useful gift.”</b> he replied with his southern accent. Slowly he stood then, testing the weight upon his paws before he allowed himself to take a well deserved shake, sending debris and twigs this way and that. He instantly felt a little better and knew he’d made the best decision to let it dry before he tried to remove it. Still his body and bones ached, but at least he didn’t feel quite so itchy.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>Something ghosted past the golden wolfs eyes when the young male suggested she must have been kind. Kind wasn't the word he would have put to her exactly. She was dedicated to her family, but ruthless to any who crossed her or caused harm to hers, and a stern disciplinarian, particularly if you didn't listen. He knew others had suffered far worse, and he was grateful for her teachings.

Perhaps this stranger was right. Perhaps it was out of kindness that she had taught them what she did. <b>"Should tell that to grandpa's old pack...well not that you could, they were kind of wiped out by the time she was done with them..."</b> But in her defence, they had threatened her pups and attempted to take her mate away. He wondered what it would feel like, to fall in love and then have someone try to rip that from you? He couldn't imagine he would take that too well either. <b>"Enough about my family, what about yours?"</b> he questioned, the nostalgia making him somewhat homesick. Beyond the fact that he was Volkan's brother and had been thrown in a creek by his sister he knew very little about the young man in front of him, and he had a feeling this wouldn't be the only time they crossed paths.</blockquote>
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Ah. That was the question. What of his family? Volkan had obviously bent the truth when she told Triell about her upbringing. Most didn’t even know that she had a brother; anyone who he had asked about her had been surprised when he revealed their relationship. She’d told Triell her family had been wiped out, but they were very much alive and going... it’s just that the pair were not permitted near the lands ever again. He never had been fond of lies, they only caught up with you sooner or later and so, he would tell the truth.

<b>”Well... you know that Volkan is my sister. We’re from a pack quite a long way from here.”</b> he paused then, for dramatic effect. He did love to tell a good story. <b>”We were exiled just after our first birthday.”</b> Speaking of it matter of factly, as if it was just yesterday’s news rather than the real tragedy it was. <b>”No... I didn’t kill someone.”</b> he said with a quirked brow and a little humour. <b>”<i>Daddy</i> had a few issues... we got in the way. You know how pack politics work.”</b> and then he shrugged, as if it were the most normal thing to have happened to him in the world. He pondered a moment then, wondering if Volkan had ever spoken about the truth to another wolf. He thought it unlikely, she had always seemed a little ashamed of her family and her previous life and by all accounts she was happy here... which pissed him off. He wasn’t happy so why should she be?
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Haha still humming full of squee, its hard to be as serious as Kano, but i'll try! (on my phone again).

<blockquote>A solemn nod waved his head in agreeance. They had more than their fair share of politics, but most of it was justified he guessed. Maia certainly was. He couldn't imagine any pack wolf behaving differently. If only the leader of the other pack had taken care of the issue when it first eventuated, with the birth of her daughters half-dog mutts. Neither family would have been put through the heartache... But sometimes it just wasn't justifiable.

He looked back over the larger male. The family resemblance was certainly there but he seemed more relaxed than his sister, happier to share. His impression of the girl so far was a positive one. Where she came from didn't matter. All that mattered was what she decided to make of herself. <b>"She's learning to heal too..."</b> he mentioned conversationally.

He had almost in his mind, accepted the majority of his pack mates as brothers and sisters, most of them younger than he, so he tended to possess a bit of a protective streak towards them all. Especially those who were younger than he.</blockquote>
user posted image
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
I’m gonna wrap this up here, keep their meeting short but sweet I think. :3

<blockquote>So there it was. Out in the open. The other wolf didn’t give anything away and Rhysis couldn’t be sure just how much Volkan had disclosed. He didn’t think Triell had lied in his understand of their past and it made sense that she would want to hide her past from her new life. Afterall, it had been tough and he’d never thought she’d been quite as <i>proud</i> of their heritage as he had been. There was so much more to their history, but for now the details didn’t need to be known, especially not with a stranger so he was grateful when the golden male said nothing to respond, a simple nod was all that was needed.

So, she was learning to heal aye? That didn’t surprise him... she never seemed to take much in when they were growing up. He’d been separated from her a lot of the time and whilst his knowledge of healing wasn’t vast, he knew how not to die from a wound and that was all that mattered to him. Putting a variation of weeds on a tiny cut was a ridiculous idea to the dark male and something he was sure he never needed, or wanted, to learn. <b>”Well I hope she enjoys the skill.”</b> was all he said without sounding as uncaring as he felt about it. It didn’t matter how much knowledge she had, nothing would save her by the time he had finished with her. It’d been pretty obvious when Aeylen hadn’t met with him again that Volkan wasn’t keen on the idea of a reunion. All he could do at this time was be a supporter for her, no matter how much he hated it, and convince others who were closer to her that maybe he wasn’t all bad... that he had changed and wanted to make amends but was ready to go at her own pace... then he’d lure her away. <b>”She deserves to be happy.”</b> was that a lie? Oh dear.

<b>”I should probably start heading home. It’s quite a trek yet.”</b> he then said as he shook once more and freed his thick fur from the debris which refused to shift. <b>”I hope we bump into each other again, Kanosak.”</b> he said with a half smile and a dip of his head. He might be <span class='word'>iniquitous</span> but he still had manners. With a final glance at the other male he took a few steps backwards which allowed his form to melt into the shadows and once within the border of the trees, he turned, a little awkwardly, and headed back for home, carrying his limp with as much pride as he could muster. Yes, it was certainly going to be a long journey home.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]