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Vindicated — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Perhaps Elettra had some news on his children as well. He had instructed Angier to take them, save them. And Angier was Borden's brother, was he not? Though, at the same time, perhaps if they were under Jaysyek's care, he would be seen as a threat. Messing with the family balance, disrupting their lives. Alex wanted nothing more than to see them again, and then would he decide what the next step would be. But Elettra had said nothing yet. Then again, maybe she wasn't quite familiar with his name, though certainly she must have known of Midnight Plateau. But he waited in silence, his eyes dim and bleak.

His head canted upward slightly as she took a few steps forward, his nostrils twitching as the scent only got that much stronger. He didn't mind the distance being closed, but he did mind what exactly that scent was forcing him to think. Thankfully his mind was easily cleared by her next question. His head fell level, pale yellow eyes seemingly turning into dinner plates. <i>Your daughter.</i> And Theodore? Perhaps...He hadn't been kept as safe as Alexander would have wished. The man frowned, muzzle dropping towards his chest. <b>"Of-of course. More than anything."</b> The words were stammered and weak, but if he'd had the strength, perhaps he would have shown a bit more excitement. Of course, the sudden thought that his son, who took so much after his mother, was dead seemed hard to fathom.
(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2012, 08:29 PM by Alexander.)
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
She found herself in remit amongst him, even in her state of being in heat, where little she was allowed. Perhaps this was only a twisted test of her hormones, or perhaps she actually felt a bit more at ease with this man where she was not with others. After all, whilst others gaze her often reason to be weary and reclusive, Alexander Dieudonne had not.
His words were heard, but his deep frown would not go unnoticed. Perhaps he was quick to take into account that she did not mention his son, surely smart with his age which she would take to admire. After all, so many wolves around these lands that she had run into were younger and, had yet to fully grow into the hardships of life. Perhaps he would prove wise, a needed trait in the lands of Relic Lore, where few matched up to Elettra Archer's expectations.
"However, you must understand. She has been a lyall all her life...." She speaks, confirming that Arlette knew herself to be the daughter of Jaysyek and Borden, and nothing less then this. Surely, Jays (and even Borden as much as many others, surely) would like to know that Alexander had survived. To hold back such information, even if to keep the balance of the pack, would be nearly criminal. "Come with me. I'll arrange to have Jaysyek meet us at the boarders." This way, they could talk amongst themselves- in private- about the situation of the Midnight Plateau's leader returned.
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
It was his fault, really. Theodore was dead because of him. The moment he realized that he'd strayed too far, he should have turned back. He could have found a home in Grizzly Hollow, if Jaysyek and Borden would have him. But damned fear kept him at bay, away from his family and his home. And only now had he managed to conquer that fear. Unfortunately, it was too late for Theo. And maybe too late for Arlette. Who was he to tear away a child from her family? The wolves she thought were her brothers and sisters, her mother and father? The man sighed, head held low, though his eyes lifted to watch Elettra as she spoke, as if he was trying to hear with his eyes, rather than his ears.

Alexander shook his head, though there was something about the action that implied that he was agreeing with her, in a defeated sort of way. <b>"Yes..."</b> He responded shortly, taking a deep breath and holding himself up again. He stood as she spoke, but seemed hesitant. <b>"Perhaps I shouldn't."</b> Lifting his head, he looked back up towards the mountain. After a moment, he looked back to Elettra, and sighed, squaring his shoulders as he prepared to follow her. In the end, he supposed, it was Jayse's decision, not his. He had no say in any of this really.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
He nods delicately, taking in her words of the fact that although surely he meant to meet his daughter, the fact was, he was not a father to her, despite the fact that it was he which had spawned her. In a way, both men had left her, but the latter before Elettra at least had good reason for his absence- his injury and, his wish not to intrude on what he thought would be a better, safer, environment. Perhaps it would have, too, had it not been for Borden's foolishness. "It is your decision." She speaks, though he squares himself, ready to follow. She would turn back to the water then, fearing not to lower her head for a drink as she had previously. His eyes would scan the mountain side of his previous home, and hers would scan out words the heart of the willow lands. "Though I say this with regret, I am sure Arlette deserves a better father then what has been handed to her..." It is a grumbled whisper over her lips and, turning back to him once more, she would dip her muzzle downwards, turning around from which she came and pausing only to see if he was still willing to follow.
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Slowly, the man shook his head, and took a step forward, <b>"I need to do this. I didn't come all this way just to...Give up."</b> Swallowing, he watched her take a drink, though didn't do the same himself, although he was thirsty. Nose twitching, his ears pressed forward when she said something, though he wasn't quite able to catch it. It worried him, but he let it go. <b>"Is it far?"</b> He asked, though quickly regretted such a stupid question. Though he hadn't known that this place had existed, he did know that Cedarwood was practically on the other side of Relic Lore. And they were still rather close to the mountains.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
His first words were heard by her, but otherwise the darkly mixed woman remained silent, content to drink her fill before moving on back home. She would admire his desion to come, dispite the fact that he had not seen his child since infancy. "Not too far..." she would mention, motioning her head to the east where she had just come. "We shall follow the length of the drooping willows and then north. It will lead us straight into the cedar forest." With a small motion of her skull she would move forth slowly, unsure how well the older man could move with his damaged limb. Though perhaps weaker due to his damaged leg and lacking health, still she sought him out as a well ally. After all, wisdom gained much where else one may lack.

(Small, but I'm on a damn kindle)
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
<span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>it's fine. impressive, really. those things are a royal pain in the ass to type on.</span>

Hearing that the distance wasn't too bad, he decided that perhaps it would be wise to take at least a little drink. It wasn't food, but it was filling, and now that she'd finished, he wouldn't risk crossing some invisible boundary. The scent emanated from her had dulled to something almost unscented in his nose now that he'd been around it for so long, though focusing on the idea of it caused his muscles to seize up as he crouched by the water. So instead, he focused on drinking, only a few laps, before rising again, and limping towards her. At least he'd had a night to himself, to rest. The journey wouldn't be too difficult. It wasn't his leg that gave him trouble, necessarily. It was his own waning physical strength bunched with the normally easily ignorable bum leg that gave him problems.

But if he was having problems, it certainly didn't show on his face as he fell into stride beside his new companion.