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taking a bow underneath the stage — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The call roused Corinna from her nap. Half asleep, she had lifted her head in a moment of confusion, not sure what the sound was or where it was coming from. Worn out from her more-or-less constant treks to the border, she had made the decision that she would not move from her resting spot today. Of course, given that a leader was never allowed a break, she should not have been surprised that she would be interrupted during her nap. Putting away any irritation she might have had, she forced herself up to her feet, ready to greet whatever rogue had decided to waltz up to her borders this time.

She missed Fenru racing by, which was by far for the better for the stranger, but she did quickly catch up to the scents of Naira and Triell. A grin played about her lips as she loped towards them, head angled towards the ground to be able to follow more closely to where they were. It seemed that they were continuously popping up together, providing her aid when it came to keeping their borders secure. Certainly without them, she would have been run ragged doing it all herself. Better that they screen whoever was lurking along the borders first - Cori trusted their judgement enough to know that when they affirmed a lone wolf's call, they were worth checking out. And while there was no affirmation today, there was also not a call telling her to not come, which was just as good.

It seemed that their gray and black forms were always there. And falling into what was rapidly become routine, the gray leader nudged them both and stepped forward, eyes taking in the large, mottled gray wolf. He was a large specimen, that was for sure, no doubt would be more impressive if winter had not just passed. But when she stepped up, Corinna showed no intimidation - it was clear in her posture who was in charge in the situation. "Corinna Tainn, leader of Swift River. Are you here to seek acceptance or for some other purpose?" She assumed the former, but given the ongoing pattern, could not be blamed for it.

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
D: Hope you guys weren't waiting for me! Sorry!

<blockquote>Her skin prickled at the word. <i>Left...</i> and she struggled to suppress a growl, in no way aimed at the male seeking acceptance, but at the terrible demise of his former pack. Mention of what happened to the pups was skirted but she didn't probe further. It had given her something to think on. Something to stoke the memories of her own past. They hadn't lived in cat territory, but they had more than their fair share of bears.

Her silent nod seconded Triell's words as a familiar scent washed over her. Corinna was coming. Her ears and tail dropped, and she shrunk appropriately as her leader came forward and greeted her and Triell. This was becoming an increasing occurrence and she didn't know whether these meetings were good or putting more strain on their relationship. Perhaps she should just start running loners off and leave her leaders to rest. She gave Triell a small sideways smile as Corinna asked the strangers purpose. It was now a familiar routine.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>He listened as the pair reacted. The male curtly sounded out that he pitied the fact as the woman let out the essence of a growl. Angier grimaced; at least he was not the only one who felt that way about Amélie's sudden disappearance. There was nothing to be done now, though, and he felt its time to be dwelt upon had passed. The sound of someone approached caught his attention and he dared to look up. Another female stepped forth from the Grove and she effortlessly took command of the scenario, demanding his attention <i>and respect</i>.

She introduced herself right off the bat to keep things short and to the point then immediately asked what his purpose was, if he sought her approval to be apart of her pack or some other reason. Almost as quickly as his eyes fluttered up into Corinna's green eyes, they fell back to the ground, settling onto the space in front of her. <b>"B-b-both, ma'am,"</b> he began, keeping his gaze down in sheer reverence. Not sure where to begin again, he stated his name and repeated what he had told the two <i>guards</i>, <b>"Angier Lyall, at your service. I am in debt to Indru's benevolence. It was merely a favor - an exchange in information - but I have come to not let his deed go unrewarded. <i>Tenfold</i>... to make up for my delay in coming up with my end."</b></blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

The yearling would try to press the matter from his mind. This was not the first time he had thought about the demise of the mountain pack, and it probably would not be the last. He would like to put it out of his head for the time being. He did not that damned mountain. His ear turned at Naira's voice of displeasure feeling it as more of an agreement than outburst. Who wanted to hear such things? As it usually went Corinna came upon the scene eager to be done with yet another new comer. Theyd' had had quite the ruck of him this spring. The yearling was quick to bow his head, keeping his eyes upon Angier when Corinna inquired of his intentions. From the corner of his eye he saw the smile lift on Naira's cheek, but did not return it. His lip twitched in motion to, but the smile never extended. He didn't mean much by it. He was intent to listen, and watch what was about to take place. He was quite grateful for how she was as diligent as he was in prowling the borders.

The conversation unfolded he listened, not moving a muscled. It was again time to wait and see if there would be another River wolf. What he, Triell, would be required to do. It was kinda tedious standing there. This was life, and part of working together. Swift River could use some decent members, strong, and loyal. Angier seemed like he could be a likely canidate, more than most with the way he spoke, an did things.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
OOC: I apologize on the delay.

Gone Tomorrow

It was becoming a ritual. She spoke, and the rest reacted. The lone wolf ducked in a stance of submission, made more difficult by his size. But he was successful, and that alone caused Corinna to relax some. It was always easier dealing with unknown wolves when they were respectful of the established hierarchy that they were walking in to. And as soon as the lone wolf spoke his name, Corinna knew immediately what her decision would be; no need to catechize. Indru had mentioned him once, so long ago it felt like now. In passing maybe, and it wasn't until Angier continued was Corinna able to place a context to his name. There was a moment of silence given, as she brooded, remembering the Mountain pack. She had never met its leaders, but she knew of its painful history and how it had affected some of the wolves she loved most. Like Triell. His friend...Adonia, she had been with the mountain wolves.

"Indru talked of you, way back when." She started, her voice kind as she remembered the memory, bringing it to the forefront of her memory. "I apologize for the loss that you and yours have suffered, and appreciate the gesture of returning Indru's favor. He's not here currently, but I certainly won't turn away a friend of his. Welcome to Swift River, Angier." She ended her short speech with a smile, and a movement towards him. Crossing the invisible line marked by the scents of the pack, Corinna approached the mottled gray male. Jaws parting, she moved to take his muzzle in her mouth for a gentle muzzle grab, asserting her dominance over him. Pulling back, she gestured towards the invisible line, inviting him over it. "Come, I'll show you the pack den. Perhaps we can find Indru along the way." A nod was offered to both Triell and Naira, and then she set off towards the pack den, waiting until she heard the footsteps of Angier behind her.

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Sorry it's short and terrible. It's difficult with everything else happening so fast to remember she wasn't so... Moody back here.

<blockquote>So his story had been truth. Confirmed by Corinna's acceptance of the stranger. A relieved smile crossed her features as her entire being relaxed. After all, he was family now. A slight wag of her tail was all the greeting she would give for now but she took note of his scent incase she wanted to track him down later and get better acquainted. She was sure there were many more stories of this mountain pack.

Hearing the dismissal in Corinna's words, the large girls tawny head lowered in acknowledgement and she turned to continue her patrol of the borders. The new man's appearance was a fresh reminder that there was never a reason to grow complacent when it came to protecting what was <i>theirs.</i></blockquote>

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>Angier kept his gaze to the ground, quietly nodding once as the River leader's words met his ears... how Indru had spoken of him on one occasion and that she was sorry for his loss. She welcomed him, with open arms it seemed even when Indru was currently away, and a small wag of his tail expressed his gratitude. Then the unexpected came. She gently grasped his muzzle in her jowls then pulled away with an offer to show him the pack den. He smiled again to the two guards who had initially greeted him then as the two ladies began to part ways, he heedfully fell into step behind Corinna after offering a small 'thank you' to the dark man.

Dens, as far as he was aware, were reserved for the superiors of the pack - the leaders and their children - but to turn away the offer would be considered as unmannerly. If Corinna meant to show him what he ought to be protecting as a new member of the pack then he would certainly be mindful of her instruction. And if Indru happened to be nearby he would make sure that his appreciation would be voiced even further before taking up the mission to familiarize himself with his new, albeit temporary, home.</blockquote>

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