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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
elettra is calling for jaysyek, specifically. however, anyone is free to come join along in the long run. :D

Night had become them, the sun having finally fallen passed the horizon, alighting the lands in a glow of red, orange and yellow before fading away to the moon's embrace. With the night, came silence, savor their breaths, lingering in the slight chill of the air, for winter had only just passed. Elettra Archer would remain in front, leading Alexander along without question and, although it was an odd display for her, kept her tail low, nearly pinned at her backside as she crept along, head leveled with her spine, ears perked for the sign of others as she approached closer and closer to the boarders of her home.
She knew not how Jaysyek might take the news, or even Borden, though only expected that they might be relieved that Alexander had lived, thoughtful that they might have been friends. Alexander seemed to know them all enough, and surely Jaysyek might have some connection to the battered man for having taken in the burden of his children after his..."passing". Still, how Arlette might take all this would be much, but something Elettra figured she would not be a part of. She was not her parent, nor 'fake' parent, after all.
...Elettra would clear her throat and pause, when they arrived, taking in a deep scent of the boarders, a smell mixed with her own, Jays, Raigo and newly...Kade. Her silver gaze would toss to Alexander, a glow by the reflection of the pregnant moon. In the dim lighting, no grey would be left to signify his age and his mangled leg would not be so noticeable while at a stand-still in the night. He was large, though seemingly weighing around the same as her, if only due to his extremely emaciated state. He was longer, taller, and she tried to imagine him with a much more powerful bulk, a clean and smooth coat, an air of confidence and wisdom about him. Surely, he had been something great at one point... And now, to achieve that once more, he would need rest and plenty of it. Elettra began to wonder of where he might go after this and where he might stay...Surely not alone, should be plan to survive much longer...?
Her ears fell, shaking her head to re-direct herself. Where he went and what he did with his time was none of her business, she decided. Turning away from him, her head would lift then, calling out for Jaysyek and Jaysyek alone. Surely, none would bother coming to her, for there was little allies she held even within her own pack. Many were still new members themselves and unless they caught scent of Alexander, would surely have no business coming to Elettra's call not suited for them.
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
<span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>if there are any typos in the form of correctly spelled words in here, i apologize. i made like...8 mistakes in the first two sentences o-o</span>

Fading day transformed slowly into night, and he felt as if he was making some progress. Though every inch of him ached now from this walk (he even felt the slight throbbings of a headache just above his eyes), at least time wasn't so...fluid anymore. It moved slowly, or at least at its normal pace again. He wouldn't suddenly become aware of the moon in the sky and wonder if days had passed him by. Elettra was still there, leading him along, and he knew quite solidly that they had only been walking for a few hours.

Trees unlike the willows had risen around them, and he tilted his head slightly to sniff the air. It smelled like the woods he'd lived in before moving to the mountain. He could remember his first time here quite clearly, though anyone he'd encountered had long been scratched from his memory. Frightened, despite his age, mourning the loss of the family that had been ripped out of his paws, Alexander soon grew, realizing that perhaps being taken away from that place so close to the humans was for the better. And it had been.

The strong scent of trees was soon overshadowed by the <span class='word'>selcouth</span> scent of Grizzly Hollow. Though perhaps it wasn't so strange. It merely...Interrupted the natural scent of things. Noticing that Elettra had stopped, he took one limping lope forward to come up beside her, and he sat. A shiver ran up his legs and his chest heaved glad that the journey was finally over. He turned his head to look at her, again getting smacked in the face by another strong scent that he felt was easy enough to ignore now. He'd ignored for all these hours now, hadn't he? Resisted it? Alexander couldn't help but tip back his head as she howled, his own breathing slowed, wishing he could do the same. Wrenching his head down, he fixed his eyes straight ahead, trying to sit in such a way that wouldn't make him look lopsided, and squared his shoulders. He wouldn't be a cripple. He wouldn't be pitied.

His eyes shifted towards the black female, and he smiled slightly, breaking his strong facade for just a moment. <b>"Thank you,"</b> He offered her, ears twisting back as he dipped his head just slightly. With another breath, though, he faced forward again, waiting the appearance of Jaysyek.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

The day was coming to a close, and she hurriedly trotted around the edge of her borders, diligently checking for any breaks. There was nothing unusual, and she had great relief in this. She rather not scent anyone to close, or spot any new faces. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to welcome them in. Her mood was not the greatest. She was on edge ready to snap, and someone to close to her home may be the one thing that sent her off the edge. It was getting harder, and harder to resist what the spring time was demanding of her. She could not, and would not yet fall into it's trap. Or she told herself. The coarse of that path had not ended the best, and she was not about to put herself in the same place again. With a sigh tugging out of her throat, her ears shifted against her skull, and she sat upon a fallen long staring at the bright moon. She kept asking herself what she wanted, none of the answers seemed to be the right one. Her mind was in two places, wanting two different things. She brushed her tail around her body, not sure if she was ready for sleep.

Contemplating her life she welcomed the thin coat of coldness that nestled against her bones. It kept her alert in the silence that was the night. She had little time to sit when the call for her by none other than her trusted Second shattered the conflicts in her head. It did not sound urgent, but specifically for Jayse. It wasn't usual to hear, especially at this hour, and the leader assumed it must be important. Collecting a steady breath she jumped to the ground welcomed by the faint rustle of dead leaves, and grass. Body stiff she collected herself in a clam manner, and jogged swiftly to answer the call.

The list of ideas for the call ran through her mind, and her paws would rise and fall over the ground. Had Elettra found someone she saw fit to join? Or was there some sort of conflict she had stopped before it had gotten to far? She tried to believe it couldn't be Kiche, Borden, or Kade in some kind of scuffle. It had been the first thing in her mind, and the picture that would not fade. Feeling as if there was some impending doom, her breath became ragged, her heartbeat rapid, she wondered if it was even in a rhythm or just wildly beating.

What Jaysyek was about to see she would never be prepared for. She cut around the large trees she saw Elettra was not with any of Grizzly Hollow. It was a large white, and grey male who had a face she could not have forgotten even if his body looked all wrong. Alexander. There was no doubt in her mind, but she did not want to believe this wolf was him. Crown and tail high she cautiously pulls herself where they wait, her mismatched eyes looking from the dark lady to her past leader. Somewhere she was aware she was breathing, and moving she would question reality. If to make sure her nostrils would twitch, and she would stop two wolf lengths in front of them. Alex didn't exactly smell like he once had, not like she had remembered. The eyes, the same as Arlette could only be his. She tried to wipe the astonishment from her pale facade. How could she? It was like she was staring a dead man.

Some point of quiet, she tried to find her vocal chords. "Alexander, what.....a surprise." It was much more than that. She embraced a soft smile, just stunned to know he was not dead. She could only think of one real reason he was here. "You've come for her, haven't you." She said most hushed, trying to keep her voice from shaking.
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
He came to sit directly next to her, close in a way Elettra would normally not allow. She couldn't pin point it, if this were a lingering trust by his chivalrous, respectful nature- rare it seemed to these lands. It could be this...or perhaps, her hormones getting the best of her? Her hairs bristled to the thought, allowing the black, grays and silver of her coat mingle with the off-white of his own and instantly, she took a shifting step back away from him, but her hairs fell and his dip of his muzzle was respectfully countered with her own. "Your welcome."
It was odd in a way, how he displayed himself. He did not snap off at Elettra arrogantly, nor act childish (probably due to a lot of the wolves in these lands younger then herself, until now). Nor, was it a pissing contest of dominance, which the overly proud woman had experienced much of. He was not just friendly, as some she had met, but respectful in a way that held a nobility which little seemed to hold.
These were the thoughts which turned in her mind, her attention placed on the man at her side through a silvered gaze, opposite to the pale of his gold. It was Jaysyek's approach which pulled her from her reverie. She was hesitant, tensed, weary. It only caused Elettra to grow into this stance, her body side-stepping away from the large graying man and her hunches arching to where she would be facing them both off, looking from one to another. Jaysyek's words were a whisper, and Elettra would tense. She would be damned if anyone would come in a steal a member of the Hollow from it's den, but she doubted that Alexander would make such a ruthless approach.
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Alexander wasn't sure what to expect. It hadn't been that long since the fall, but it really had felt like a lifetime. Who knew what Jayse looked like now. She was a mother as well, was she not? She'd taken in Arlette and, rest his soul, Theodore. His mind failed to concoct an image, however, so he could only wait until he was greeted by a mismatched pair of eyes. Alexander could only smile. Their meetings had been short, but terribly sweet. He felt a kinship to the woman. As if she was his sister...If anything, she was the one who saved his children. As if he really needed a reason to smile.

She smiled as well, and a guilt gripped him. What a welcome. What a creature he was. There was no friendly embrace, but merely the immediate knowledge of why he was really here. He dipped his head, his ears back. <b>"I am. But only to see her. I have no right to take her from you Jaysyek. She may be my blood, but you are her mother."</b> His pale eyes flitted up to meet hers, and his smile turned down. <b>"I'm sorry."</b> He offered simply and sighed, picking himself up again. What a monster was he.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
How could she have thought for a moment Alexander would demand for Arlette and take off? There was no logical reasoning behind the assumption. It was right where her mind had went. She had come to expect the worst of things, thus why she'd come to the ill conceived notion. She really stood there speechless, seeing him smile at her, then have it stop. Her bringing the frown, and a lump formed in her throat.

She wanted to put it back up, and mumble she hadn't meant a word. Though she wasn't sure how to form the words that would make sense. His tongue and brain were not tied in a knot, and he spoke first. What great fear that had pressed on her drifted away upon hearing the words, her mother. Her eyes sparkled with moisture, and she tried to push back the huge, dry lump. She really just bobbed her head like an idiot. After all this time, he was a thoughtful fellow.

Once she trusted herself to speak, she gently shook her head, a worn smile curving her cheeks. "No Alexander, don't be sorry. I just..things are not exactly ever going right, and my mind went to the worst without thinking. Of coarse you wouldn't do that. Forgive me." Smile became stronger, and to assure Elettra, herself, and the large gentleman she'd be alright she sat down. He did not ask of Theodore at this point in time, and she was not about to bring it up. Elettra might have filled him in, and why make this harder than it was? Certainly, she would tell him what he wished to know about his boy if he asked. And her mismatched eyes would hold his pale gaze, knowing he had been through his own hell and maybe seeing what a wonderful young lady Arlette was would help him. Jaysyek may not have everything running smoothly, seeing Alexander she realized how lucky she was for all that she did have.

"If you just give me..some time to tell her the truth before she knows?" She asked, finding her voice more solid, yet weak all the same. Quickly she added, "You know you'd be more than welcome to stay, and get to know her while I figure how to sort this....." She offered with a faint flick of her tail hoping it might ease his mind.
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Guilt continued to grip the man, the frown on his face strained and clearly pained, and it wasn't from hunger. How hard would it be to merely turn tail and run now. Perhaps leave them in a daze, let them convince themselves that he truly was dead and perhaps they'd just been confused. She looked so upset. Could he really take her daughter from her? Mentally, Alex shook his head. She was still his, in a way, and he would leave it up to the girl. It would hurt him to be rejected by his own living child. The last of his blood. But he would let the girl decide. He convinced himself to smile as he was forgiven, though it seemed weak and rather unconvinced.

His eyes flitted momentarily to Elettra, before landing upon Jaysyek again. He was certain that his short travelling companion wasn't to pleased the idea of having a member of her pack taken away. He understood the feeling. Jayse was nearly the embodiment of it. But she had had her choice, and Arlette would have hers. Shifting his hind end, the grey male stood up, and dipped his head to the Hollow's leader. <b>"Of course. I shall keep myself scarce,"</b> Alex paused, letting her words sink in for a moment. Had he just been offered a place to stay? <b>"Well, I suppose. I wouldn't want to eat you out of house and home, however. It's been awhile since I've had a decent meal."</b> No longer able to resist, he let mild laughter coat his words. It was real, but felt out of place, and faded quickly.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
Scare? She began to shake her head. "Alex, she can meet you. She just wouldn't know who you really. I don't know I think that might be an easier thing...for the both of you." Her white tail beat the air behind her, wanting her words to make sense. He could hang around Arlette all he wanted. It wouldn't bother her. She thought it sounded like a good idea. She could know him first, and than be told who he was to her. Meeting a wolf and being told he was her father, not Borden seemed harsh. Especially for Arlette. Jayse felt she was bound to reject the idea, and him all together. That's not what she wanted.

Pair of mismatched eyes widened when it appeared he would decline any offer from her. He couldn't be serious? He had to realize the shape he was in, and Jayse was offering help. If Elettra was tolerable of him, then she saw no reason not to have him stay. He needed nurishment, if he left so be it. The real problem might be what Borden would say or do. She did not forget how angry he had been. Then he had wanted to fix things at one point? Her triangle points twitch to calm her rampant thoughts.

Then he humbly accepted with a mild laugh, and she smiled broadly. "No worries. It's spring, and we recently hunted Caribou so make sure you get your fill." In turn she looked to Elettra to see how she felt in this. "You mind showing him around Elettra?" She inquired, thinking it'd be for the best if she kept around him. If Borden saw him before she could talk to them she wouldn't have to worry to greatly if Elettra was there. If he ran into Hocus or Trisden El could assure them. Accepting her answer, she stepped closer to the his tall form, and nudged her neck against his. Everyone else who met him would know she was letting him stay. How long or short would be up to him. Pulling back she let out a pent up breath, and exchanged glances. "If you need, let me know." This she meant to know the full story of what had happened in his abscence or if he wanted to ask something of Arlette. She stood waiting to see before turning to head off.
(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2012, 04:40 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
She would listen to most of this in silence, only her body doing the talking for her. Although Elettra was big on showing others around the pack who was boss and who was her right hand, Elettra's lawful nature and simple knowledge alone would be enough to allow her to know that this was no business of her own. Pack member or not, Arlette was Jaysyek's mother and pack member, and Alexander's true father. Though Elettra had done much to raise the child, this did little in the face of blood family.
Alexander's correction that he meant not to steal Artlette away and quick and Elettra eased to this. After all, had it not been for Jaysyek taking the children it, the lone pups might have otherwise died. Jaysyek's worry was obvious upon her, stressed by the breeding season and the pull and push between moving forth with Kade or moving back with Borden. Much decision was left in the balance- all of which Jaysyek would have to make on her own, it seemed.
As quickly as it all happened- it had been decided. Arlette would have to know the truth that her true father had been considered dead, but had survived and was here, now, in this pack. He would be staying with them and, although he would be allowed to meet Arlette, would be considered no more then another member then her actual father. Elettra's eyes would dance between them, until Jays attention upon her stopped her certain upon her leader. "Not at all." She spoke, even somehow seemingly formal in these words as she would dip down her head to Jaysyek, silver gaze following her each move as she lifted and rubbed herself along Alexander, formally marking her scent to him to show that he was now, a member of the Hollow.
Elettra's throat would clear, nodding her head once more to Jays before turning her attention back upon Alexander. If she was going to baby-sit a crippled old man, she would do well to make him the strong, powerful older wolf he had once been. She had no doubt in her accomplishment and knew that with her along his side, there would be little chance of anyone getting in Alexander's way when it came to forced submission or fighting for something to eat.
“Come with me.” She spoke, already in the turning motion, as though he would not object her kind offer, and he would be a fool if he dared to do so. Perhaps she would not trust him enough just yet to lead him to the family's main den site, but she would be willing to lead him to her healing quarters for perhaps a bit of treatment. The limb, however, had been injured for so long, there was little she could do to align it properly (from it's otherwise twisted outward angle) other then to re-break it and mend it from there, but it was a risk and of course, extremely painful, and she doubted the wolf would enjoy going through the healing process (although properly this time) again. Even if she could straighten it out and even if he could put some weight on it, she doubted it would ever become fully useful again.... Still, her infirmary was comfortable with furs and feathers and she had a thing or two to help him rest, ease him, or even tend to any soreness. Other then Theodore, whom didn't last long at all, he would be her first 'long-term' patient.

after your next post, we can end it here if you'd like? she is taking him to her 'den' to eat and rest, so if you want to rp that out, we can as well.