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immigrant song — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
A bright grin finally graced the she-wolf's face at his humor. Oh, Ava was a young girl, and though if ever asked she would deny it, she knew that when females her age became emotional, be that the cause of hormones or whatever else, they were quite irrational creatures. One could even say crazy. Some of them probably <i>were</i> crazy, at least for the time being. "<b>That's true,</b>" she responded with a 'well, what can you do' sort of shrug&smile combo. She took his change of pace with a silent gratitude. Wolves legs commonly got used to the strain of constant movement, so she had failed to notice when they began to pain her again, but when they eased up she certainly noticed the difference.

Ava was plentifully pleased with his practical advice. So it seemed her savior had not long since been in her own position. It helped, knowing others had too felt the cruelty that the wildnerness hid within its beauty, and had to seek help. She was not an arrogant wolf, but she was quite proud as she thought herself clever and of enjoyable character, which she figured were useful traits of a pack wolf. "<b>Well, that sounds reasonable,</b>" Ava began, although she wasn't entirely sure in what she had said. The black female was an Alpha's daughter, as she assumed most every other wolf had at one point had to have been, since usually the Alphas were the only ones to bear children. And of course, she had done her duty in pack hunts, and had been disciplined as she grew older, but she always had an intimate bond with her parents and siblings. She didn't know what a pack was like if it wasn't her family. "<b>I can't imagine the transition just yet... after all, what pack would have me now?</b>" She asked, not in self-pity but just brutal honesty. She knew she would have no choice, yet she decided for her mentality's sake she could at least recuperate enough to look desirable to some alpha.

His addendum quelled the worries growing in her mind, and her step perked up as a matter of interest. "<b>Yours, you say?</b>" she said quickly. He hadn't really interjected the comment so Ava wasn't sure if he was up for discussing the idea, but she was a curious gal and decided to press the matter - providing it wouldn't cause him to anger. "<b>How so?</b>" She was genuinely interested. Creating a pack of her own had never even flickered through her mind - Ava, a leader? Not a chance. But, she could hunt... "<b>I can hunt, by the way. I can.</b>" It wouldn't hurt to throw that out... on the off chance she wouldn't find a home before Rhysis made one of his own.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>He cast a half smile over his shoulder at her laughter. She found him funny. That was food. Naira found him funny too... so did her brother and so far they were the only wolves around here who actually seemed to like him. Whether that was a good or bad thing was yet to be determined, but for the time being he was taking her tinkle of a laugh as good news. It also boded very well for her that she too agreed females were crazy. At least she admitted it. He’d had more then his fair share of crazy bitches around here, some that attacked him for no reasons, others that were literally insane with voices in their head and all sorts. He’d had quite enough of them without the added nuisance of breeding season in the air. Having been only a yearling during this time last year, he hadn’t quite understood what the hype was about. Now it was upon them, and his mature body was blooming, he was finding it somewhat uncomfortable to remain the <i>gentleman</i> he was. It appeared it wasn’t just females who struggled with hormones during this time.

As she doubted herself, her talent and seemed rather pitiful as she spoke of her condition he stopped walking and turned to face her. He started to head towards her, eerie grey eyes met her own as he paced closer and closer. He said nothing, did nothing until he was a foot or so away from her. He took a deep breath, inhaling her scent deeply. He then paced around her, taking in each jutting bone and rib, the condition of her coat and her general air. Once he had completed the circle he began to walk again, expecting her to follow.

<b>”Well... you look like a wolf to me. You have four working legs. A good set of teeth. Maybe you need a bit of meat on your bones but that’s not a problem for a pack wolf. I’m pretty sure any pack would take you now. Especially if you’re an able hunter too... though I wouldn’t make that your only argument when you look like that.”</b> he said with a dark chuckle to himself at his own joke. He sort of got that one, it was sarcasm more then humour which made it easier to see the funny buried in it. <b>”I’d take you into my pack.”</b> he then said with a shrug. He’d been setting up the plans for his own pack since the day he left his own, things were finally falling into place but he had a tough decision to make- whether to cut out Valiant, the wolf who he had promised to let lead his pack or to sit back and wait for the fluffy fool to pick a female to lead, then hope the female was just as easy to use as Valiant was.
Since joining the River wolves, he had a lot of time to think. As a loner he’d spent his days travelling, wandering aimlessly trying to gather information on his sister, on the packs and wolves in the area. Now his sister knew he was here and her pack were out for his blood, now he had a source in the Hollow wolves and a place with the River wolves, he felt he had no other way to move forwards. A lot of his change of hair was due to that female, the one who he couldn’t get out of his mind. With the season upon them, and her greater age, he had been considering how she might be feeling about her life. She was so upbeat, but he could see how keen she was for the pups to arrive this year... how would she feel if they were her own pups? Of course, he would have to get over his “no touchy” deal, but he supposed he would need an heir too. His mind had been working over time as he’d been healing with the River wolves... but seeing this female, knowing Athena was going to follow him... he need only convince Naira to run away with them and all of his pack dreams would fall into place.

Sparked with the idea, he glanced back to her again. <b>”What if I were to hunt for you. Now. I’ll find you something to keep you going for a few days... then I will return, and we shall leave, you, I and two others... and make a pack of our own. A pack where wolves like us, not quite the norm, can live without fear, without rules and only loyalty to our own. What would you say to an offer like that?”</b> he asked, not feeling guilty he was using her obvious starvation as a bribe here. Typical male, they do anything to get what they want, no matter how low they might stoop. But Rhysis wasn't your typical male, and quickly realised how bad that sounded. <b>"I mean, I will hunt for you regardless. You won't make it anywhere, maybe not even another day as you are. I will hunt for you regardless, but is what I offer something you'd consider?"</b> He chose to ignore the issue that should this come to fruition... Naira most likely would want children. Just one step at a time aye... he wanted his pack first and most importantly, and this skinny wolf could play a crutial part in its future... and he, could play a crutial part in her own.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
An intense alert popped into her amber eyes as Rhysis wheeled around. Her legs locked instantly and she stood uncertainly, not staring into his somewhat eerie gaze but not taking her attention off of him either. The skinny wolf did everything she could not to show fear, for that was weakness, and though she trusted him as so far as their encounter had lasted, she still knew her place as an easy target and thus remained aware of him as he circled her, listening for the tell-tale scratch of claw against earth that meant he was springing to make short work of her. Of course, the noise did not ever appear. He had completed his circle, the reason for which she had no idea, and suddenly began to move again. When he turned his back, Ava exhaled a giant, but mostly silent, puff of air. That was the closest to a wolf-equivalent of a heart attack she had ever been! A split second later she continued after him, making an extremely confused, squinty face that would disappear if he ever swung his head back toward her.

She tilted her head at his rendition of her, unsure if she disagreed or not. Sure, she was physically a wolf, that bit was never gonna change, but she figured a decent impression was her best bet at being accepted into a pack, as she'd never had to make a first impression before, and -- wait, "<b>What?</b>" It came out of her mouth without warning, and she barely realized it herself. What was that he had just said? She smiled to herself a little. Was that some sort of jest? Ava wondered. Even if it was, Ava couldn't help the feeling of excitement that began to spread through her. The cogs in her tired mind whipped into shape and she began to imagine - why not run away with the idea? It wasn't like she had even the slightest clue of other packs in the land. Shit, she didn't even know what "the land" was, how far it went or if she would be able to survive here on her own. Time wasn't made for wasting, she reminded herself. Besides, wouldn't it be interesting to be the founding member of a pack instead of the scrawny bottom-feeder who just appeared one day? Besides, she wouldn't have to seek out others when she had an offer right here. Could she handle it? Oh, of course she could. She would make herself handle it. It was such a brilliant idea, truly--

Ava had to stop herself to make sure she caught the rest of what he said. She listened intently, but couldn't put out the gleam in her eye. She raised her head slightly as he began, surprisingly taking no offense to the authoritative tone. She was much too interested in the idea to be bothered by his bossiness. Besides, if he was to be her alpha, then she would respect it from the beginning.

Her footsteps quickened and she repositioned herself at his side - within respectful distance of course - and glanced at him confidently. "<b>Yes,</b>" Ava answered clearly, almost surprising herself with her own boldness. "<b>I won't bother consideration - I'll do it. I have no plan for the future and am in no position to seek one out for my own, so, sure, I will take yours.</b>" She muscled up the strength to straighten her spine and stand tall on her legs - she was no large, grandiouse wolf as she sometimes projected herself to be, but she wasn't the puniest thing out there either. She hoped her voice would project the strength her body could not. "<b>You needn't hunt for me unless you're truly fearing for my life,</b>" which could very well be the case. "<b>I can prove myself. You show me where there is food, as originally planned, and I'll catch it. Whenever you're ready, call to me and I can seek you out and show you that I can fulfill my capability.</b>"

Wolves were born to run, Ava knew, so run she would.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Sorry for the delay yesterday. I was in bed and I cannot type on my phone. :c If we wrap it up here it will give you the chance to meet some others, I'm sure you don't want me hogging you much more, aha! I will PM you as soon as we're ready to pick you up and head over to the mountains. Unless of course you want another thread before then, just let me know! <3

<blockquote>Rhysis inwardly smiled at the acceptance of his offer. Of course, he didn’t know this wolf well, she could change her mind at any time but well, that wouldn’t be a wise move on her part. He didn’t take kindly to those who didn’t keep their word... it was fine for him to do it however. Double standards were his thing. He didn’t care about stabbing Valiant in the back with what he was doing. He’d offer the guy a place in the pack sure, but he wasn’t sure the invitation would be well received when he would learn that he did all of this without him. Yes, he was definitely going to be one pissed off wolf.

<b>”Wait here.”</b> was all he said as they finally reached the borders of the meadow and the flat grassy area turned into a forest of trees and thickets. He didn’t glance behind him again, hoping she knew to follow rules. It would make things much easier for them in the future. Soundlessly, his black figure slinked off into the shadows and left her there alone.

A short while later, he returned with not one, but two rabbit carcases within his jaws. An adult and a baby it seemed. What a poor parent that bunny had been allowing its offspring to be the first to go. Uncaring however, Rhysis had taken whatever was on offer and not too much effort. These would tide her over for a day or so, hopefully water, a meal and sleep would give her a bit more life to care for herself for a few days. He might tell Naira about her, she might take it upon herself to come and give her a medical once over as opposed to his physical, if she lasted that long that is. <b>”Eat.”</b> he said as he dropped the pair of animals from his mouth and onto the floor with a dull thud.

<b>”There is water, half a mile or so in the direction I left in. It’s fresh and should keep you kept until I can return here.”</b> he said, instinctively glancing over his shoulder in the direction of the River wolves homeland. She shouldn’t move closer to the borders, else she might change her mind in waiting for him. <b>”I will return in a few days. However, if you need me sooner just call as you did tonight and I will hear you. I will meet you by the stream I pointed out. I’ve marked it so you can find it easier.”</b> he said, almost talking to himself at this point as he hoped she was taking notes. Ever the dictator it would seem. <b>”Try not to die on me by then, alright?”</b> he then said as he glanced back at her with a quirked brow. With any luck the female would be fine. She was tolerable and he was certain Naira would like her a lot. If he was going to take her from her homeland, she would need good company and he was certain that this wolf and she would be good friends... they both liked to laugh a lot and seemed happy creatures, no matter how tough the situation they were in.

With a final nod, he turned and headed back towards the shadows. Time to go home... <i>great</i>.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
(No worries :3 and alright! I'll be seeing you in a bit then, hehehe...)

They had reached the end of their journey, apparently she noted, as he instructed her to wait. Ava lifted her head in agreeance and watched as the male disappeared. Having not killed her the last time he pulled something creepy, Ava was at ease with him leaving her alone there, sure that he was to return. And in time he did, carting a mama and a baby rabbit as his victims. Ava could not surpress the pain in her belly at the sight of fresh, bloody meat and when the scent of it wafted to her nose she began to salivate, amber eyes wide with focus on the tasty morsels he had brought back. When they landed on the ground she padded forward and craned her neck out, snatching the rabbits closer by the fur of their necks. She dropped down to her stomach, creatures between her skinny legs, and gave Rhysis a thankful glance before hunger overtook her.

In an instant her jaws parted wide, dark lips curling back to reveal a set of big wolf teeth, but their appearance was nothing more than a flash of white for before their shape was even recognizeable Ava dove her head into the warm, succulent flesh and ripped the baby bunny apart, greedily feasting on the flesh. She was so hungry that the baby was gone in only moments, its blood soaking her maw and even her cheeks as the starvation had turned her into quite the messy eater. Snapping and chewing the last bits of meat off its bones, she listened to his directions, her tail twitching almost excitedly. The feeling of food in her belly was already working on her strength. That, coupled with fresh water nearby and a plan for the future, Ava became extremely content. "<b>Thank you,</b>" she called after him as he began to walk away, then wasted no time in sinking her teeth into the larger rabbit's flesh. Her life had begun once again.