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What's Mine is Yours — Lost Lake 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Naira>Rhysis>Athena and Ava can fight it out depending on who is online at the time :p

<blockquote>A small part of her system was still in shock. They were going to have a pack of their own, and what a pack it would be... A pregnant wolf, her mate, a miniature wolf and a scrap of a thing, but they would make it work. She was sure they would. She wouldn't let them fail.

It felt like they had been walking for weeks, stopping to catch little more than what they needed to get by. It was loner life all over again, but with far better company. She was only aquainted with Athena, and she knew nothing of this new girl, <i>Ava</i> she reminded herself, but Rhysis seemed happy for her to tag along and so she had conceeded. Perhaps once they were settled, she would have time to get to know the two other females better.

Why they were headed to the mountain she had no idea, but she had made the choice to trust in Rhysis and so she would. The looming form of Dire Mountain teasing her with it's height. Surely he didn't mean to have them climb all the way up there? It was a great relief to stop at the lake for a rest. After drinking her fill, she sat happily, enjoying the way her muscles finally had a chance to relax. Perhaps they would stop here for the night. She kept in the dark but she wouldn't let it show to the two subordinates that were joining them. She needed to seem certain in the face of adversity.

It was then she first noticed it, the small tendril of nightshade which eventually grew to a thicker clump. And another, and another. It wasn't scattered as one might expect, instead it followed a singular line, is if lining a path. Curiousity painted clearly on her features, she looked to Rhysis and cocked her head in the direction of the path. Perhaps it was worth investigating?</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>The days had merged into one, long, dragged out venture. The four of them ate, slept, drank and moved on. Moving as far from the River wolves as possible. Naira was still worried they would be caught, and Rhysis kept it to himself that he was annoyed she didn’t have faith that he would protect her. He’d been somewhat quiet on the trip, quieter than usual at least. The group had so far been pleasant enough, though they seemed reserved. He supposed it was only natural. He was leading them to an area they would soon call home. He’d spotted the place from his recent trip to the Riddle Heights but hadn’t investigated it closer, up until now. As the group stopped at the borders of the Lost Lake to rehydrate, he took his share and sauntered away from the group, trying to find the path he had spotted from his high vantage point. He was certain it was this side of the lake and he never forgot anything.

He glanced back over his shoulder to check on the rest of his group, feeling somewhat responsible for the entre band of them now, but mostly for Naira. Her gaze was fixed on an area across from him. It was as if she had read his mind for her honey eyes was settled on the dark trail he had seen from the heights. He knew the plant well, nightshade, but it would be an excellent deterrent from those who came snooping and a landmark for those who came looking. He moved back to the group, bumping Naira on the chin with his maw as he passed.

<b>”There. We follow the path of Nightshade. If we travel deep enough, there is a cluster of forest, thick enough to keep us hidden.”</b> he said to no one in particular, and without waiting he headed off towards the naturally made path. He took tentative steps, allowing his nose to test the area, he found it fresh, unmarked. A herby scent filled the air, a mixture of woodland and spice and he found the scent pleasing. His leather pads travelled along the line of the dark plant, keeping his distance but never losing sight of the winding path. The lake was still in the distance. As he glanced back over his shoulder he saw that the line of trees provided enough cover for him to remain hidden, but wasn’t so dense that they couldn’t see the shores of the lake. Moving onwards, it wasn’t long before the nightshade filtered thinner and thinner, until he found himself within a small clearing, right in the middle of the woods. With a satisfied smirk, he nodded.

<b>”Welcome home...”</b> he said, to himself and the females before he threw his head back and called to the world, The Poison Path Pack were here!
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
(Sorry for the quality - I'm posting inbetween classes lol)

Ava followed the pack faithfully, although quietly, drinking in as much of her surroundings as she could as the four wolves trekked through the land. She had leaders to serve now, the dark wolf recognized, and so she took their journey more seriously than she might have had it just been a gaggle of wolves meandering around. There was an odd stirring within her as the forest began to wane and the dirt turned to stoneav. She had been here before, though obviously not on the exact same path. It was almost as if her encounter with the Rhysis lookalike had been foreshadowing this all along. She glanced at the male, her expression strange, but only for a brief moment. Soon she shook her head clear of thoughts and stepped into the cool water where they had come to a rest.

She sighed contentedly as the gentle swirling of the lake eased her weary paws. The female lapped until she was satisfied and then padded back to the group to take a seat. She had barely put her rump on the floor when Rhysis made his discovery. Her eyes followed their path and suddenly the dark flora appeared to her. For something so striking, it was easy to miss if one didnt care to look. Ava followed suit as he lead the females down the poison path. While she thought the way there to be somewhat sinister, when the path broke into its clearing she smiled brigtly. It was a perfect place for the pack to gather, and as an extra bonus to her she had taken a liking to the Lost Lake, but that was a personal gain.

Excitedly, Ava joined the territorial claiming howl. At the same time, she claimed herself to be a Poison Path wolf with great pride. It had now begun.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

The land beneath her feet, had always felt the same as it always had when she traveled through the lands of Relic Lore. Now, though, it felt different. It felt alive almost. Not quite like Sacred Grove, but it felt like you could feel the water underneath, crashing against rocks. They had to be near Lost Lake. For some reason it always felt like this when she came to this glorious place. The lake was absolutely beautiful; it almost compared to the sunrises and sunsets, but not quite.

But nothing could compared to the sight of the marvelous Mountain of Dire. Her tail started to wag excitingly when she realized this was going to be her new home. She loved the mountain; it had always been her refuge when she was alone. Like the others, she quickly got a drink from the lake and followed the group after Rhysis. She had to tear her eyes away from the humongous mound of rock to focus on the path in front of them. The nightshade clumped along the path for a while, before thinning out when they reached a clearing in the trees.

Wow, what a place, she couldn't help but think. It was truly beautiful with the mountain in the background and enough trees for protection. The ultimate place for a pack. The melody of howls erupted into the sky as the wolves finally claimed their lands. Athena thrust her delicate muzzle into the air and joined along. This was finally home. A home worth living for.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||