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The crow's cold stare — Lost Lake 
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Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Moments after his howl escaped his maw, the three wolves had returned.
As they came into view, ddeJ lowered his head respectively. His neck
felt quite sore as he did so, but refused to show that it irked him. Bringing
his head back up, his pale eyes fell to the dark male as he questioned him.
The gray wolf took a breath in, wide chest puffing outward.

"I ain't gonna beat the devil 'round the stump" he said, gaze
strong and focused upon sisyhR. "I would protect your family
with my life. If one is not my best friend, they are my worst enemy."

ddeJ's tones were gruff, but very serious at that. He kept his dark
tail lowered in a sign of submission as he spoke. "Hell, I can provide
y'all with food, even if it means getting hurt."
a slight chuckle escaped
his maw as his gaze went to the dead mountain goat. His teal-green eyes
were back to the alpha quickly, though.

"Sorry if it was a speech you were expectin'" he huffed, brow
raising "But I ain't that kinda guy." His western tones were
coming out now- his true personality.
(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2012, 02:41 PM by Jedd.)
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She didn't find the silence between them uncomfortable, in fact it was quite the opposite. They weren't afraid to hold anything back from each other and it was refreshing to know their frustrations were aired often. It didn't give the thoughts time to fester. He had kept close by her for the morning. While it was a refreshing change, she had the feeling it had more to do with keeping her well and truly within the borders unless she was escorted. She wasn't feeling overly adventurous today anyway.

She watched with interest as sisyhR took command of the situation in front of them and she offered anehtA a small smile of thanks. The girl was doing far more than ariaN had ever expected her, and for that she was grateful. She paid more attention to the tone of the deep silvery males voice. It spoke of a land far from here and she would be interested to hear his story. She enjoyed stories, it was a small guilty pleasure of hers.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

The white lady glanced over as sisyhR began to speak to the grey male. Down to the point as usual. He never was one for small talk, neither was anehtA, but lately she has been more talkative with ariaN and him. She was finally escaping from her guarded shell. Maybe once the pups arrive, her lovable and caring side would finally show. It has been hiding in the deep for too long, it needs to make an escape.

As the gray male spoke, he mimicked the sound of sisyhR. How strange if sisyhR accepted the male, there would be two wolves in their ranks that had the same western tone. Three wolves in total that had a foreign accent. Two western and one that was French. Strange.

The male's speech seemed fit in anehtA's ears, but it was not her to decide if the male was accepted or not. He caught a goat, which is quite impressive with his state. He was formal and submissive another point on his record. However, until sisyhR gave the final say, the male was on his own. What a shame it would be to chase this wolf away, but if she had to, she will.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>So this guy didn’t like to waffle. Thank god. sisyhR hated small talk. Honestly, it drove him insane and having to partake in it was enough to drive him insane. That was a good start. He boded well that the male had returned with the goat, horns intact, with time to spare. His submission was lacking, sisyhR believed that grovelling on your back was the best way to go but he supposed not everyone had to be quite as submissive as he had to be when he was younger. Still, it was an area they could work on.

He took a glance to ariaN and anehtA, waging their expressions towards the male. They both seemed calm, interested. He supposed it could be an exciting time, accepting their first member into the pack lands. He should be excited too but something about the experience had him feeling on edge rather then exciting. Another male, competition potentially but an extra set of jaws to protect their lands. It was a tough call indeed.

<b>”Let us hope that you stick to your words.”</b> he said before he stepped forwards and snatched his jaws around the grey males. He asserted pressure, maybe more then he should have but he wanted to make it clear who was in charge here. Dominance had to be put in place and he had no intentions of letting another take his pack, or his female, from him. The action was both acceptance and marking- this wolf was now one of their own.

The dark brute emitted a low growl as he released his muzzle and took a step back. It didn’t matter that he didn’t know this wolf’s name, all that mattered was that he would perform his duties and more. <b>”anehtA will show you the entrance to our home and where to store your kill.”</b> he said with a glance to the little white wolf. There was no way he was going to offer up ariaN as a tour guide, bounty or no bounty on her head, she was carrying young and strangers could turn to enemies in the shadows.
With a final nod, he turned and nudges ariaN’s side in order to follow. He wasn’t going to leave her here alone. With nothing more to say at this time, and a meeting to prepare for, he slipped back towards the entrance of their homeland to get ready for a summoning of their pack and to lay down the plans of the future.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]