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Everybody Wants to Rule the World — Riddle Heights 
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote>A small snort of disbelief escaped his throat at the thought. Really? Him lead the Hollow? <i>Not. A. Chance.</i> <b>”Yeah right, and that girl of yours will grow wings and start breathing fire to keep us all safe too?”</b> he responded sarcastically, although given her disposition the night he met her it wasn’t that far of a stretch in his mind.

Even if he did manage to kick Borden’s arse, his mind keenly remembering the limp his soon to be leader held, he couldn’t deal with the headaches that came with a pack like the Hollow, and he doubted Elettra would let him live if the thought even crossed his mind. <b>”Besides, I doubt any of them would hang around if I did. Not much fun running a pack of one. You want loyalty, you won’t find it there.”</b> he explained with a shrug.

In his experience, they were more a rag-tag gathering of strangers than a tight knit pack like Swift River. It suited him just fine, but if it was fighters Rhysis was after, ones willing to fight for him, they’d do better with fresh recruits.</blockquote>
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Typical. The one pack that wasn’t after his hide was the pack that was falling apart and had too many issues to worry about the outside world. Just his luck really that would be the case. With a snort to himself, he fell silent a moment. There wasn’t much to suggest for the time being. Another pack would be ideal but did he really think Valiant could run it without his help? Probably not. He wasn’t a thinker, he was a do-er. He’d dive head first into it and it could prove a hindrance rather than a help. Honestly, what was a wolf to do.

An outward sigh escaped his lips as he looked away; the excitement for his idea vanishing as quickly as it had come. <b>”I just don’t know then. I’d offer you a place with me, you know that and you deserve that for all of your hard work... but I couldn’t have you and Naira too close, not with her mood swings lately... she’d chew off more than your hide I’m sure.”</b> he said, nothing but truth escaping his lips. She might not have noticed it yet but her moods were all over the place right now and she had a very nasty side when it reared its head. Not that he minded of course, it was intriguing to see another side of her, similar to his own, but it wouldn’t help in this situation.

There were other options of course. Valiant could leave, go rouge as he was used to and loved, whislt sticking close to the Poisoned wolves... but it’d be a lonely life and he’d receive nothing from it. Maybe he could try to persuade Naira to have him on the lands, explain his actions... but he doubted she’d care much for that idea. The pack was another option but it would take time... time was something he didn’t have. He felt like smashing his head against a boulder, try to kick start it into some ideas but he was simply lost. As lost as their cause.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
Gonna wrap this up here, you can reply then archive or just archive :)

<blockquote>A laugh escaped his mouth at the mention of the tawny lady’s mood swings. The younger male had no idea what he was in for, and a small part of the silvery man was... smug? Satisfied. <b>”Well mate, you chose to how did you say it? Not run from your responsibilities?”</b> the tease was clear in his face, clearly not as weighed down as Rhysis currently was. <b>”Perhaps I’ll just have to put on the charm next time I see her ay?”</b> He would keep Rhysis’ offer in the back of his mind regardless.

<b>”Anyway, I’ll keep an eye out and have a think about it. At least I have a general idea of where to track you down now anyway.”</b> He took a moment to scratch at his ruff, simply enjoying the small moment of relief as the itch in his neck vanished with the majority of his tension. There was no point to worrying about what might happen tomorrow if you might get trampled by a herd of caribou today. There wasn’t really much more to be said so he rose to his feet and began to head back down the heights, only pausing long enough to see if the young male had any last words.</blockquote>
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