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So Low... — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
A sharp scent stung his nose, and it was with incredulity written on his face that he stared at the loner, Aniu. Really? Were they that intimidating? Ice was huge and thick compared to her, but he hadn't even been aggressive, just - frustrated. Corinna's sharp eyes had a way of making even him cower, so he could understand that, but... Surprised, he kept blinking, until he felt his friend's gaze shift onto his face. Ice tilted his head to look at the she-wolf, focusing on something in the vicinity of her cheek. Only because they eyes frequently had met on the night Naira ran didn't mean he'd always be exempted from the submission required of his rank. He could tell that she wasn't impressed though, and grimaced for a moment. Truth to be told, he wasn't, either. He welcomed her decision as she stepped forth towards the scared loner, though... he would've expected her to run, but it seemed her muscles had locked themselves, for all she did was fall back down. Disgusted, Ice prowled forward and peered down at her. She reminded him of a fish on land.. except he'd never seen fish on land. He'd only seen a fish in Triell's mouth, really.

"You're not going to find him here," he said with a growl, trying to will her on her feet and send her off before he had to drag her out of the Grove by the tail. Probably she'd just suffer a heart attack instead, and he'd have to dump her in the river to be swept away or something that equally lacked ceremony. The guard stiffened, pulling his head up a little, snapping at the air in the vicinity of her hind legs. Honestly, was this even a wolf? And why on earth was he so obsessed by crowding her, as if her fear was something he relished? He didn't, not really, not.. not usually. A slight frown creased his face and he took half a step back. "Get up, and go, now. Kanasnask isn't here." Or whatever his name had been... Scowling deeply, eyes darkened, he gave her the second chance to run. If she didn't take it, well... He glanced at Corinna.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

What on earth? The girl didn't run, nor did she challenge Corinna's decision. Instead, she...fell over? Utterly submitting, the girl had fallen onto her back and was screaming into the sky. Head tilting to the side, Corinna's growls ceased; she was no longer bothering trying to hide her confused expression. Of all of the loners that the gray female had ever along the Swift River borders, this encounter was by far the most curious. And honestly, she wasn't quite sure how to handle it. The girl, Aniu, had been instructed to leave, but was instead here, screaming bloody murder for her brother.

Ice took up Corinna's sharp attitude, trying to get the girl back on her feet. His tone was blunt and harsh, an almost hollowness to it that Cori had never heard there before. Perhaps when this was over, they would be able to discuss it. Was it merely due to the loner? Or was this the effect of what had transpired the night Naira had left? Either way, now was not the time to question it. Woofing at Aniu, she flicked her tail in annoyance, hackles bristling. "Don't piss yourself near Ruiko's borders, looking for him. Do that, and you'll never get home," she hissed, watching her coldly. Was she going to stand still again or was she going to leave?

Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
<blockquote>Through the whirring panic in her mind her heart almost stopped with the realisation they were giving her a chance to get away. Scrambling and falling over, then scrambling again, she finally got her feet beneath her. Not daring to raise herself to her full insignificant height she remained low with her spine curled and tail tucked as she fled, rear legs often overtaking her front, giving her more the appearance of a scared rabbit than a fleeing wolf.

Her heart was pounding in her ears, her breaths short and choppy, the further she ran the longer her strides became until she finally managed to reach her top speed, crashing amongst the undergrowth and terrifying prey from her path. She wouldn't, no, couldn't stop now. She had to get far from this place.</blockquote>


Thanks guys! This has to be my favourite Ani thread yet! She's such a dork.
user posted image
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
This time, she had enough sense to pick her paws up and run. Ice stood stiff, watching her form disappearing among the trees, wondering at the hardness he felt inside - the way his heart refused to feel anything at all, the tight knot that passed for his gut. He wanted to sigh it out, to exhale and let it all fall off, turn to Corinna and give her a smile before padding back to the den... only, he couldn't. He found himself utterly incapable of it, and so he stood frozen, staring in the direction Aniu had disappeared. He'd never, as far as he could remember, felt like this before, this.. tense, propped full of rage and confusion and, most of all, helplessness. It wasn't that he questioned himself and felt worthless because he couldn't help, but more frustration at the world in general and the ways it worked. If it wasn't for the fact that Cori was still beside him, he would've screamed and run off somewhere where no one could witness his helplessness, his submission to the many emotions that coursed through him.

Ever so slowly, Ice managed to crane his stiff neck to peer at her and her green eyes. Words that he couldn't speak danced on his tongue, and he found himself wanting to apologize despite not knowing what to apologize for. In the end, he managed to force out a strangled sigh before lowering his gaze to the ground again. Aniu was far gone, but the scent of her urine remained, and he wrinkled his nose in distaste. He wanted to speak, he wanted to say something, but.. the only things that came to mind were stupid, and his jaws were clamped shut so tight he wondered if he could even pry them open to say anything at all. Anxiety seeped into his veins, nervousness erupting in its wake like a thousand butterflies taking flight in his belly, and the desire to run away was near overwhelming him. It felt like his entire world had been turned upside down, but he didn't know any way to set it right again. And so, he just stood silent, stubbornly staring at the ground and hoping she would say or do something - anything.
.ice aesir

<3 I felt so bad for Aniu
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

It seemed that between her and Ice's intimidation tactics, Aniu was sufficiently scared. She tore off, quickly leaving behind the two River wolves and the abandoned, wet ground. She would never know if the frightened girl managed to find her brother. Incredibly disconnected to her own siblings, the River leader found herself in a position where she didn't honestly care one way or the other if the loner actually found her way to Copper Rock creek. A frightened child, despite her age, there was no reason a wolf like that should have left home, ever.

Cori watched Ice sniff at the wet ground and grimace, and she felt her heart go out to him. He surprisingly said nothing to her, and she opened her mouth, to ask him why. But she closed her lips again without saying anything, and merely rolled her shoulders in a shrug. The first lone wolf they had come across since Naira and Rhysis had lost, this meeting, and their harsh dealing with the lone girl was proof of what that particular betrayal had done to them. Leniency had not been granted, and as she stepped closer to the Guardian, Corinna wondered if she would ever be able to look a lone wolf and not see Naira's eager face in front of her.

Reaching out, Corinna's nose gently touched Ice's shoulder and neck. Holding there for a moment, she breathed in his scent, taking comfort in his companionship here with her. At least, she did not have to go through this ordeal alone. "It's going to be okay," her voice was quiet, but steady. They would get through it, of that she was sure. Pulling back, she returned Ice's personal space to him. Throwing a smile his way, she turned around, pausing to give him time to walk with her if he wished. She would return to her job at the borders soon enough, she was done with them for today, though.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He felt and saw from the corner of his eye as Corinna approached him after a moment, and cruelly enough he wanted time to stop before she reached him - although, his reasons for such a wish were not cruel in themselves. He simply didn't know how he would react, what he wanted, what he thought. But, wishes are never heeded and as the Guardian remained stiff her nose brushing along his pale fur and pressing so gently against his neck. The touch was so soft, so light, but firm all the same, and if he had thought it would've taken a war to tear down the walls of his mind, he was wrong. Featherlight as it was, her touch sent out another ragged sigh and everything seemed to go out of him at once, his body relaxing as his head sunk lower. It wasn't the image of peace, though, but more of temporary defeat, for certainly today had been a battle against himself, and one he lost. In fact, all of him was lost in some dark maze that he just hadn't figured out how to get out of yet.

A soft whine escaped him and he closed his eyes as she spoke, briefly leaning closer to her to press the side of his face against hers before she pulled away. Again, he experienced that queer sensation when the part of him she had touched felt deathly cold when she withdrew. Silver eyes flickered open, and the corners of his mouth tugged in a slight smile. They had survived their first lone wolf encounter after Naira's betrayal, so perhaps they would survive the rest of their lives as well. Ice hesitated only a moment, a glance thrown over his shoulder and at the wide world beyond, before stepping forth to join her on the way home. The encounter with Aniu weighed heavy on his mind, simply because it had shown him a darker side of himself he hadn't know he possessed. All in all, brooding like a thunderstorm, he decided he was done being the palladium of Swift River for the day. He took no joy in the duty if the aftermath felt like ashes in his mouth.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul