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the siren's song — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Van who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lanx Australis
A youthful wanderlust had suddenly enraptured the Australis woman. Instead of heading back south as she had initially intended, the black wraith found herself weaving steadily eastward, skirting company as best she could along the way. Arriving, without incident, to a small wooded area clustering a waterfall-fed gulley, Lanx found peaceful pause in the humming afternoon air. The dark wolf closed her eyes, claws finding purchase in the loamy soil, and ears pressed back against the chilly mist that slicked through the fur on her face—she reveled silently in the marvel of the falls, and felt a shiver traverse her languorous spine when she reopened her eyes and beheld the mighty thrash of water she’d heard from miles past. Her senses had led her well.

Lanx peered calmly up at the mountain looming beyond the falls. She was not fond of heights, and would therefore not be ascending these particular crags. Perhaps a nice hill… Her thoughts rounded about, as did her gaze, and she peered luminously into the bramble bushes sprawled in a sort of protective circle around the pool’s clearing. Perfect for smaller prey to hide in; and though she wasn’t particularly hungry at the moment, she figured she would be here long enough to get there.

In the meantime, she sat elegantly upright, muzzle lifted towards the drifting mist again, and eyes low. A low hum began in her throat, mimicking the horse- and dragonflies that buzzed about in the evening vicinity. A setting sun peered through the canopy, dappling everything in golden light.
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

I have kissed honey lips, felt the healing in her fingertips...

It seemed these days he spent less and less time amongst the cedar trees of his pack and more time wandering aimlessly about the lore. The wolf was large, well muscled, well fed. His pale coat topped with silver and mocha tints around his face, highlighted his honey golden eyes and gave him a rather handsome appearance, further enhanced by his ridiculously fluffy coat. It was both a blessing and a curse. While it made him appear less imposing... well, when observed in some of his more confused moments, it only served to enhanced the fact that he wasn't exactly the brightest crayon in the box.

The last time he had been at the falls he had encountered an interesting female who seemed to have a skill for fishing. While he himself had never bothered to learn such a thing, prefering to keep well clear of the water when he could, he found it fascinating to observe someone who did.

The wounds on his side had finally healed completely, and without the assistance of a healer. It was a relief that he hadn't needed to risk being poisoned by the silver wolf. He was slowly becoming more accustomed to her presence but it irked him the way she seemed to watch his every move. Maybe it was something she had picked up after being raised by a fox. What a ludicrous idea he thought to himself with a snort.

So intent on his own thoughts, he hadn't even noticed the dark lady by the falls until a low hum began to resonate from her chest. He wasn't one to ignore a pretty lady and mentally kicked himself for not realising she was there sooner. Deciding right away to make his presence known to avoid an awkward situation later he gently cleared his throat. "Hey, I haven't seen you around before..."

It burned like a fire this burning desire...

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Played by Van who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lanx Australis
Over the gentle vibrations of her throat, filling her entire body with an imagined sense of tranquil warmth, she heard a disjointed cough from somewhere to her left. She flinched mentally at the noise, outwardly blinking and feeling an invisible tremor travel the length of her spine. She glanced at him once he spoke, eyeing the strapping, grey-white virile amongst the greenery some yards yonder. Her eyes narrowed slightly at first, but it was more an icy disposition from being startled. Slowly she relented, parting her dark muzzle when she finally found a level tone to speak with.

I am not from around these lands. She blinked, shifting her body very slightly so that she didn’t have to strain her eye to see him—but she did not, for whatever reason, face him directly. His scent wafted to her, warm and heady, mingled with that of many packmates. I did not inadvertently trespass, did I? she asked, turning the full vivacity of her azure gaze on him, holding but for a moment before returning her vision to the water.

She knew she hadn’t. She wasn’t that careless.
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

I have spoke with the tongue of angels...

It would seem he made her uncomfortable. It would seem he made most females in these lands uncomfortable. Oh how he longed for the outside world. There had been no shortage of company, and it was so much easier to run when the time came. He wasn't about to get himself caught up like his foolish friend had, no-sir-ee.

Why was that always the first question to pass from the lips of loners? Who cared if you were tresspassing as long as the company was good? A small smirk crossed his face as he lowered his front half in a mock bow to stretch. "Not this time love." he teased playfully. She was so uptight. Perhaps he should introduce her to Rhysis. It would seem they would get along just fine with their stuffy formalities.

Padding closer to the water, but still keeping his distance, he lowered his head to drink from the cool clear water. He didn't want to get too close lest she lashed out like Rhysis's bitch had. The fur was yet to regrow over his fresh pink scars from her attack, but at least he no longer had to watch which way he bent in case he reopened them. Once he had drunk his fill, he sat back observing the rippling surface of the water.

It was peaceful here, he didn't have to worry about the politics of the Hollow wolves. It seemed more and more he was running into his pack mates away from pack lands, and some had vanished altogether. Not to worry though. What was a worry was the mess his friend had landed himself in...

I have held the hand of a devil...

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