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Where to Look? — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Arya who has 4 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dante Moon

Why couldn't he find her? Was she really dead, like his father said? However, Dante had a feeling that she was not dead. She could not have drowned in that river, she was too smart. She would find a way to survive as she always had. She was the strong one. She could not just abandon him like that and not say goodbye. There has to be another side to this story. His father had to have lied to them and he was sure of it. Now he was on a journey to find her and reunite with his lost sister. However, where should he look first?

He was new to the lands of Relic Lore and he had never been in such a vast land. The brute entered into the area their Blackberry Fields and he found a suitable den to stay in for a while. He had to find her, but he had no idea where she was. Dante had followed her trail for a while, until it entered into the mountain and disappeared. He had no desire to trek up the over sized boulder, so he took a route around it and hoped that he could find her trail then. However, there was no trail or sign of her, so now he was on his own.

The male parted through the tall grasses with his muscular form, scenting the ground occasionally hoping Athena's scent would be there. No such luck was befallen upon him, but he did come across a blackberry bush with a few unripened berries. Carefully he plucked them off their bushes, not entirely enjoying their tartness, but it was something for his empty stomach. Now if only he could find something else that would truly satisfy his hunger.
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate

Each morning I get up I die a little...

The speckled wolf hated the openness of the fields but they were the easiest places for her to find small prey. She had reached a point now where she could handle the open spaces as long as she was left alone, and there was no other scent of wolf on the breeze, and so foolishly, the spritely little girl had decided to block out the smells of anything but her prey. The pangs of hunger were really starting to get to her now, her hunt with Volkan seemed like a lifetime ago.

Stomping through the blackberries like an excited yearling, she still resembled little more than a sooty cotton ball mounted on toothpicks. Every thing about her was gangly and minute, but she was fast and hunted with a skill that would dash all imagery of youth from her facade. Finally a rabbit scooted terrified from under a berry bush and she shot after it, zigging and zagging to follow its escape route, anticipating its next move she snapped and the satisfying crunch of bones told her she had hit her mark. She almost did a little dance of joy as she settled down to enjoy her entrée. She had every intention of leaving this place full.

After little was left but a small blood smear on the earth, she set out again in a similar fashion, flushing a rabbit almost immediately. She hadn't expected to find another so soon with the scent of blood still fresh in the air. Perhaps the rabbits here were simply more stupid than they were back home? As soon as she began to chase after it, she knew this one was a lost cause and lessened her pace, merely chasing it for fun now with a small laugh as it disappeared into it burrow. With her scent selectively tuning out the smell of wolves she didn't scent the man until she was almost upon him.

A terrified yelp escaped her mouth as she reflexively dropped to her back, panting in fear. She was such a fool.

Can barely stand on my feet...

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Played by Arya who has 4 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dante Moon

The songs of the birds were soothing to his ears. Melody upon melody was sung and it was a mystery of how they never seem to tire. They could sing their little heads off, but their voices never cracked or wavered. Strong little things, yet fragile at the same time. That is how you could summarize Dante. He was strong and willing on the outside, but inside he was a wreck. With his few words, however, nobody seemed to notice he was on the brink of falling over the edge.

Finding his sister might solve his upcoming depression. She was always caring and sympathetic to him, well when she was a pup. Who knows if she changed? She could be a cold-hearted killer for all her knows, but he just needed to find her, see her kind face again. Then he might be able to rest.

The scent of blood in the air stole his attention from the birds as he looked around for the predator that was sure to be there. There, she was chasing a rabbit fiercely and she was veering in his direction. He started backing up, hoping she would see him before she ran into him. His foot stepped into a rabbit burrow and he quickly sidestepped and moved backwards again. Thankfully, she stopped at the burrow laughing as the rabbit disappeared from view.

He cocked his head in confusion. Why was she laughing? There was blood on her speckled maw, so perhaps she already caught a rabbit. The scent of blood in the air conformed his question. As she finally registered that she was quite close to him, she let out an unexpected yelp and fell on her back. He again looked at her in confusion. He hoped he was not intimidating her, so he backed up more to give her room to be comfortable.

"Are you alright?" He asked, concern in his voice. He had no idea why she was acting this way. Maybe it was something in her childhood that made her so scared or someone made her this way. But the man of few words, had no desire to scare her. He was merely looking for his beloved sister.
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate

Each morning I get up I die a little...

The world looked so different upside down. At least this time she was comfortable, often she would find herself in this position on top of roots or sharp rocks, it was nice to land somewhere comfortable for a change. Why had she let her guard down? It was hard to focus on any one thing right now. She was still partially in hunt mode, her belly grumbling at her that she hadn't eaten nearly enough, it wasn't time for resting yet.

The other voice was... kind. She had encountered so many kind wolves since she came to these lands, but long gone was the confidence to expect anything more than sharp teeth tearing at delicate skin at the first sight of a challenge. "Y-you promise you won't eat me?" she questioned quietly, her tail still tucked and ears flattened, her eyes drifting anywhere but in the direction of the other wolf. You could never be too weary. Some wolves were touchy.

Can barely stand on my feet...

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Played by Arya who has 4 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dante Moon

It was odd to see a wolf upside down on her back in front of you. It just was not a sight that he has seen all the time. He could not recall anytime that a wolf has done that to him, so he was quite appalled at why this female was doing just that. It reality, it actually made him slightly embarrassed. He never liked that other wolves looked at him with a weary glance because of his size. He would never harm another wolf unless he had to. Either to protect someone or if he was told to by his leader. Even then, he may be reluctant if there was no reason behind it.

As the shaky words of the female before him entered his ears, he felt even more embarrassed. Was he that scary looking that he looked like he would eat someone? He hoped not, but by the way, the female said it, it sounded like she believed it. "No, ma'am. I mean you no harm." A man of few words, he said all he needed to say to get his point across.
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate

Each morning I get up I die a little...

The voice was gentle and she slowly, very slowly, rolled to her flank and over to her stomach. She remained low to the ground and kept her ears pinned, eyes avoiding all but the large males sooty paws. It wouldn’t matter if he had been as small as her, she would still have reacted the same. She was terrified of her own shadow these days. ”I-i-i’m sorry to disturb you.” she said with a wince, her own sooty coat beginning to shudder.

She was still convinced sharp teeth would soon attempt to sink in to her coat, once they passed the initial fluffiness, all they would find would be bone. She had always been a lithe creature, but there was very little meat left on the dejected lady’s bones. It was probably best the last rabbit had escaped. If she ate too much she would only make herself sick.

Can barely stand on my feet...

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Played by Arya who has 4 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dante Moon

Her watched as she finally rolled over onto her stomach. He felt a little bit better about himself. However, he still felt like her could crush her at any moment with his large size. One little trip on his feet could be fatal for the tiny wolf in front of him. He wondered if Athena was this small. She was pretty small when he last saw her and he doubted she grew out as much as he did. It did not seem like she would.

As the little wolf talked, he still felt bad. He knew he would never hurt her, but this wolf still thought he would. His rump found the ground with a silent plump. He thought that maybe his relaxed position would ease her mind a little bit. His tail lay limp at his side. "It's fine. It seems that I have disturbed your hunting, actually." He said softly, trying not to scare the little wolf.
(This post was last modified: Apr 19, 2012, 08:23 PM by Dante.)
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
<blockquote>The stranger seemed to be in good humour so she chanced a glance up at his hulking frame. Involuntarily, the end of her tail began to twitch in the beginnings of a small wag. <b>"Oh no, it's best that one got away or I'd be losing both of them later..."</b> she responded quietly, her shyness still keeping her almost pinned to the ground but she was beginning to relax enough to let her spine un-arch and extend her paws until she was laying down properly.

If it hadn't been for the arctic ancestry of her mother she wouldn't be carrying nearly this much fur. In fact of all her siblings she was the closest in appearance, except both her eyes matched and she was more of a miss-mash of black and white where her mother's coat had been as pure as untouched snow. Her father was as black as a moonless night, so perhaps she had inherited a little of that from him, unlike her siblings who managed to inherit his towering height. Not for the first time she wished she was just a little taller...</blockquote>
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