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the temper trap — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by Cade who has 558 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Backdated to 2/21, after Eros comes home and before Chan comes with Sephrina's body. For @Viorel only.

The news had been broken to him; that his trio of baby siblings were all gone, that his mother was still missing, that indeed nothing would ever be the same for the Valles. Is this how @Seri must have felt, effectively losing both of his parents? Completely... hollow?

He needed to see his father. Ma told him where Viorel could be found, grieving, and Eros made his way through the dark, ice-coated forest to reach him.

"Dad?" he asked, voice quiet and somber. Somewhere deep down he was happy to see him again after so long, but that couldn't be felt, smothered by his own grief as well as by how deflated Viorel appeared. Eros never should have left.
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
Just a note for me: this is before Viorel becomes mostly mute as Sephrina's body hasn't been returned :( also warning for some swearing

The leader felt all in a daze. He couldn’t believe that the news that had been delivered by Nash, and things wouldn’t feel real until he actually saw her. For now everything felt awful, but some small part of him was still hopeful there had been a mistake. Maybe she had had an accident and they had thought she was gone but she would wake up, or maybe it was some other kid.

How fucked up was it that he was hoping someone’s kid was dead? But he was. Viorel was desperately hoping that some other dad had lost his child in the last few days and just didn’t know it and this was all a big misunderstanding.

A larger part of him knew this wasn’t true, that he was just trying not to accept what was real, but he couldn’t help it. So he lay amongst the frozen trees, counting his breaths and the seconds that ticked by since Nash had left. Every second until Chan was sure to bring both of his girls home safe and sound and apologize for everything. Viorel would be gracious and accept what they had to say, and never send his kids anywhere near the mountain again. But, he would be nice about it.

A voice rang out, and he picked up his head and turned blinking. Okay now he knew he was going bat shit crazy, because Eros didn’t live here, he had left and yet it seemed he was standing here now. Brow furrowed and he blinked hard a few times trying to make the apparition disappear, but it didn’t. What the fuck.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Cade who has 558 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Eros' father lifted his head and regarded him with stark confusion, leaving the younger Valle to feel utterly unrecognized. He blinked back, jaw moving but no more sounds coming out. This was not what he'd expected, and at first he wasn't sure how to react. Tears burned at his eyes, and urged him to try harder. His paws shifted and he swallowed a thickness in his throat.

"Dad... I'm, I'm so sorry," he finally sobbed out.

He had been so certain he could make a difference out there, that he really would bring his mother home again, but now that he knew better he regretted it all. He should have been here, watching over them. Thankful for what he had instead of chasing what was missing.
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

None of this made any sense to Viorel. He just couldn’t add up how all of this was happening all at once, that his girls may be dead or missing and Eros was here. What kind of sick joke was this? He was so tired of the gods taking things away at a faster rate than what they gave him back, knocking him down and then giving him some kind of consultation.

Yellow eyes watched in an almost glazed over manner as his son began to cry, things still not really clicking until Eros spoke. That was when everything finally came to him. Getting to his feet quickly he rushed forward to pull his son into an embrace and all he could say was, ”You’re home? You’re back?” Tears welled up in his eyes as the scent of his child surrounded him. He wasn’t just an apparition, he was living, and breathing and he was here. And soon Chan would be here to explain the misunderstanding surely, then almost everyone would be back. Viorel would finally feel full again, there was no other option.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Cade who has 558 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Eros wasn't sure he'd ever been more grateful for a parent's embrace. He leaned heavily into his father, nuzzling his face into Viorel's chest like he might have done as a child. There were so many things that could be said or asked, but he understood that the older wolf's grief did not just match his, but rather outweighed it. Details could wait, now he just wanted to be there for his family as he should have been all along.

"I am," he confirmed, tail giving a few lackluster thumps to say that this at least was good, genuine, "and I'm staying."

The notion that distance could help had disintegrated completely in the face of this trauma. Eros understood now that if he wanted change, if he wanted safety and wellbeing for those he loved, he needed to be right here to fight for it. One way or another, they would get through this, and the young Valle would find some way to piece what was left of his family back together... right?
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

The father felt his son bury into his chest and for a moment he was transported back to a simpler time when his first litter had been small. Back when he had thought parenthood was tiring but easy, when his children had thought he could do no wrong. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against Eros’ neck and let the tears fall down freely, not worried about looking strong or holding it together. He had at least learned that lesson from his kids.

He stayed like that for a long time, just silently crying and holding his teenaged son close to him. Finally he murmured, ”Thank you.” There was nothing else that he could think to say, nothing else that needed to be said. Then he pulled away and nodded, trying to sniffle back any more tears, ”They probably made a mistake, they’ll be bringing her home soon.” His words were firm, and he really truly believed them. He couldn’t let himself believe anything else. Still, he looked away from Eros as soon as he finished saying them, afraid his son would question him or make him doubt his resolve in any way.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Cade who has 558 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Eros remained silent, even after his father spoke again. The words surprised him, but that and confusion was all he was able to feel about it. He simply hoped that someone Viorel was right, that this really was just a terrible nightmare and someone was coming to wake them up, fast.

Of course, it wouldn't be.