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A Lesson to Learn — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
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<blockquote> A small nod was all that passed her face. She was right, if she was going to get back in time she needed to leave as soon as possible. <b>”Eat from the cache to save time. Don’t get too close to the River wolves. They will try and tear you limb from limb simply for smelling as you do.”</b> Her thoughts drifted to Marsh whom she had only met briefly and managed to stay on reasonably good terms with... until she left without a word.

The anxiety caused by the whole situation was building in her gut. Worried eyes looked down the mountain and over Swift River. She could just as easily send her looking at Whisper Marsh but the truth of the matter was, the River was closest. Even the Iridescent Lagoon would be adding time they did not have. Meeting the dark girls blazing eyes to convey the seriousness of her words she kept her dismissal simple. <b>”Just be careful.”</b></blockquote>
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