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Cali's New Life... — The Wildwood 
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Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Cale felt many emotions as the short ritual was completed. Joy, Confidence, a slight nervousness about meeting the rest of the pack. She worried that they might not take to her. The one thing that left and she was glad to see go, was the fear in being alone that she hadn't fully realized was so strong. It lifted a weight off of her shoulders and her step was light as she followed the powerful male that was now her leader.

The land was even more beautiful to her eyes as they traveled over it and it was not long before the scent of the pack began to come to her. The territorial markings were hard to miss and she gave a small smile as Indru indicated for her to go before him into his land. Now also hers, as one of his pack members. The thought thrilled her... to belong once more. She breathed a sigh as she crossed the border and her brush wagged behind her. She glanced behind her and saw the look of pride and contentment upon Indru's face. Now she too could call this place home. Cali's new life had just begun...
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...