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Cali's New Life... — The Wildwood 
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Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Cali was amazed at the beautiful new territory that she had traveled so long to get to. He emerald eyes lit with pleasure as she admired the imposing trees and gently waving grass that danced with the wind as it whispered to her and tickled her long legs. She felt as if she was nearly home and her wounded heart yearned to find a place to belong. After so much trauma in her young life, she just wanted to have the security of a home and friends again. <i>Would she ever truly find them?</i> It wasn't the first time the beautiful white wolf wondered that and it wouldn't likely be the last.

She shook her head a bit to clear her thoughts and continued on, scanning the unfamiliar terrain hopefully for friend or food. She hadn't eaten more than the occasional squirrel in days and the thought of a plump juicy rabbit had her licking her muzzle in anticipation and her belly grumbling in complaint. Sadly, nothing presented itself to her, so she moved on in the hope of having better luck around the next bend.
(This post was last modified: Apr 25, 2012, 04:44 PM by Cali.)
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Lone wolves were not uncommon in Relic Lore and they were always easy for Indru to spot—they smelt weaker, more vulnerable, without the scents of packmates clinging to them as well, and of course, they smelt hungry, a lone wolf was forever hungry. While Indru had siblings who had left, he himself had never found the life of a loner appealing, he relished in the company of his family and thrived around other wolves, why would he have any desire to be alone? The scent he followed now—female, mature, alone—was part due to boredom, but he couldn't deny the curiosity in it too. Swift River needed females and perhaps this female need a pack.

It didn't take long for the leader to catch a glimpse of a pale shewolf through the trees and he slowed his approach to a more cautious one, his fiery eyes watching her for a moment before he called out to her, hello there. His voice was rather hushed at first as he tried not to startle her, Indru wasn't a mean spirited wolf and he was aware his size could be intimidating to a smaller wolf. I'm Indru Tainn, he rumbled, and tried to step out from the trees to both get a clearer view of the female and to give her a clearer view of himself. The fact that he was a leader was clear in his dominant, musky scent, and Indru inclined his head back towards his borders as he made his introduction, I lead a pack east of here. My borders claim a swiftly flowing river. What also would cling to his pack, he knew, was the fact that the pack was strong (with the potential to be the strongest in the Forest) and also expecting cubs, it would be a prosperous pack for any loner to join, but Indru wouldn't accept just anybody.

Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Cali was feeling such a mix of emotions as she traveled through the beautiful terrain. She loved being able to explore it, but she wished she had someone to share the experience with. A soft sigh escaped her as a fleeting memory of her mate and unborn pups flared in her mind. She firmly pushed the memories away. She must move on. She could smell the faint scent of other wolves that had been in this area. Some of the scents were older than others. She knew that she was traveling through pack territory and the thought excited and terrified her at the same time. She could be attacked as easily as she could be welcomed.

She started slightly at a voice that seemed to come from nowhere. A large lupe with the most startling eyes stepped forward to show himself. <i>Indru Tainn.</i> A high-ranking wolf by the look of him. Likely a leader with the air of strength fairly emanating from him. His next words confirmed it. An Apha. She was quick to lower her head and tail a bit to show submissiveness to him. She didn't cower, but she made it clear that she wanted no trouble. She calmed her nerves enough to respond to his greeting. "I am Cali. Formerly of the Snowfall Pack. I am sorry for intruding on your land. I ... I seek a home." She had hesitated to admit that she was a loner, even though he was sure to be aware of it. The fact remained that she hoped to find a new home. Perhaps this lupe could help her out...
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Just a note, this isn't pack territory, so don't worry. If Cali was trespassing Indru would not be in such a genial mood towards her, haha.

The female was pure white and it was always dazzling for him for a moment, of course he'd seen pure white wolves but they were not ones he came across commonly—out of all of them he knew Jaysyek the most, and her he really barely knew at all. Yet he quickly rallied his thoughts and saw her drop down, submitting to him, and he nodded his head in acknowledgement of her respect of his rank. This wasn't his claimed land but it was near it and he appreciated the female's respectful posture.

Your not quite there yet, Cali, the leader smiled lightly, yet couldn't help but wonder why she would cross the land if she thought it belonged to a pack. Surely it was instinctive in wolves not to cross into a pack's territory? However, a home is something I could offer you. Swift River was a strong pack—one of the strongest and oldest in Relic Lore—however while they were short on female's in their ranks they were not desperate either. In return for joining our family and in turn gaining our protection, shelter and food... What could you offer us, Cali? It was a important question, yet it was spoken warmly and with curiosity. At this time of year, with cubs coming, Indru could afford to have no slackers in the pack, everyone had to work as a team.

Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
At his words Cali relaxed a bit, but was careful to keep her respectful posture. She pondered his question for a moment before answering. <b>"I am a proficient hunter. Although I admit that I lack the strength and drive of a true warrior, I can hold my own in a battle well enough. I am very good with the young."</b> This last was said with a bittersweet note to her voice. She had thoroughly enjoyed helping with pups when she was too young to be much help on the hunts. Yet, she was also reminded of the pups that she had lost, even before she had the chance to care for them.

Her emerald eyes carried a hint of that sadness in them, but were still filled with the hope of a new pack and a new start. She was unsure of what else might be expected of her as a pack member. All packs were different and she was far from her place of birth. <b>"If there is more you would expect of me, I only ask that you give me the opportunity to learn."</b> This male seemed genial, but he spoke for his whole pack when he spoke of accepting her and she understood his need to do what was best for all of them.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Indru listened attentively as she spoke, it was good to be confident of your abilities but not overly so and he felt she hit the happy medium, she admitted her weaknesses, and already by doing so she was making them not weaken her quite so much. It was her admittance of her skill with young that drew Indru's attention most than her hunting and warrior skills, and his abruptly perked ears demonstrated that clearly. We expect cubs this year and all three from last year were kept alive, the pride in Indru's voice at his unborn children and his grown ones was undeniable if his smile was not sign enough. Soon Hael, Fen and Kisla would be joining the adult ranks, but even yearlings had much to learn still.

The leader gave himself time to ponder as he watched the white female with a polite but assessing eye—she wasn't at her full potential yet (not lone wolf would be) but even then she was certainly not a weak looking wolf. At Swift River our pack is our family and we honour loyalty and trust above all else, and Indru's tone adopted a seriousness too it at these words, the pack had been wounded by a deep betrayal from it's member's recently and he would not tolerate it again. If you too value these—and swear your loyalty to the pack as we would to you—a family and a home is something I can certainly offer you.

(This post was last modified: Jul 01, 2012, 02:49 PM by Indru.)
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Cali's heart leaped in her chest as she heard his words. They were serious, but accepting. She let humor dance in her eyes at his obvious pride in both his birthed and unborn young. She would be accepted, if she offered loyalty and honor to him and his pack family. Loyalty to pack came easily to her. It was in her nature and had been shown to her daily in the Snowfall Pack. They were a tight-nit family and she would be there still, but for Grindle. She mentally shook herself from her thoughts and gave him a small, but grateful smile. <b>"Thank you for your generous acceptance. I can promise loyalty easily. My family was a pack such as yours seems to be. Loyalty and unity were vital and came easily."</b>

She felt that she owed him a small explanation of why she was no longer there, to explain her apparent lack of loyalty to them. She chose her words carefully and gathered her wits before she spoke. <b>"I would still be there, but for meeting my... mate. We did attempt to begin a pack of our own, for that was his desire. He was killed protecting me and... my unborn pups. Thus, I am here alone."</b> She knew that her apparent lack of young by her side would explain the fate of her babes. She didn't think she could voice their fate out loud and keep her composure. Now that the words were out she took a deep breath and stood a little taller, awaiting his next action.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Small powerplay, PM me if you want it changed. :)

At her words Indru couldn't help a small smile curl his muzzle, so far he could find no fault with the female, he just hoped she stayed true to her word, but there was only one way to know that for certain and it required time. After she expressed her ability to be loyal to his pack Indru nodded in acknowledgement—family packs were not common at Relic Lore, but he couldn't help but think they were stronger. However, feeling she wished to continue talking, Indru offered no verbal input and instead waited as she began to explain why she was no longer a member in her birth pack.

The shewolf's story was not a happy one and Indru lowered his ears briefly in an expression of sympathy, I am sorry for your loss, Cali. His words were sincere as he could not imagine the loss he would feel were Corinna to lose the cubs growing inside of her at the moment. Gently Indru closed the gap between them as his posture morphed into one befitting the titles they now both held: leader and subordinate. Indru's tail rested confidently on his back as his head rose proudly, but when he was infront of her he leaned forward to gently grasp her muzzle in his own, a gesture that doubled as both acceptance and reassurance as well as representing his new dominant role towards her. It was a soft grip, and easily broken, but her acceptance of it would be her pledging her loyalty to the pack.

Welcome to Swift River, Indru rumbled once he had pulled away, his tone soft still as he hoped that a new pack at least could provide her with a small comfort in the face of her loss. The leader walked forward with the intention to mingle his scent with hers, his musky, dominant smell that would be soon left on her fur the tell-tale signs to other wolves of her unity with a pack, and therefore her protection by them. Ready to go home? Then, with a quick, encouraging look over his shoulder Indru left the Wildwood and headed towards the borders, planning to led the way for Cali.

(This post was last modified: May 01, 2012, 08:07 AM by Indru.)
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Cali's emotions rolled beneath the surface as she waited. Fear, sadness, hope, joy, all jumbled together at this next step in her life. She saw the sympathy in the male's vibrant orange eyes at her story and it comforted her to know that he was sensitive enough to feel for her. Many leaders and males would feel nothing as it didn't affect them directly. She was grateful to come from a supportive pack and to apparently be headed into one. <b>"Thank you."</b> Her voice was soft and cracked slightly with emotion at the memories.

As he moved forward and gently took her muzzle in his, a tiny part of her still wanted to pull away, simply because it was a step into the unknown. But the much larger and intelligent part of her knew that this was an important step in cementing their roles as subordinate and leader. She let herself relax completely in his grip and gave a small lick of respect and newborn affection to his chin as he pulled away. Then she lifted her head and took a deep breath, feeling stronger already. She gave him a happy smile accompanied by several waves of her lush white tail. Her green eyes were bright with excitement as she replied, <b>"Lead the way!"</b>
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Okay, last for me as your reply would make it 10. :) Feel free to archive when you're done.

It was a simple ritual, but one Indru had always known—he had witnessed his father accepting the rare, few strangers he allowed into his pack, and so in turn Indru had adopted the old ritual. It left a mutual bonding, a trust, and at her lick to his chin he smiled as it rose proudly in response to her respect. At her eagerness he nodded quickly and his tail waved briefly from on top of his back and his movements were clear with his beckoning gaze as he turned.

It was not a far trek to the borders and as soon as you entered the Grove Indru's dominant markings were clear from a few miles of. Swift River had claimed this land and still remained unchallenged and so naturally as their ranks had expanded so had Indru begun to increase their territory, knowing that he had more wolves to patrol it's borders. It didn't require him to introduce their lands when they finally reached their outskirts as only a fool would e unable to notice the scent but with a smile he inclined with his head for her to cross the invisible line and soon stepped after her with little hesitation. Home.