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take this pink ribbon off [m]y eyes — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Tasha who has 374 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer
M - Graphic birthing - Only Nash will be allowed inside of the den unless he decides to allow Apollo or Eclypse in. Please let Nash post first

Aquene has been resting when the dulling pains began, an early warning sign as she had come to learn of what was to come. She had called for Nash, remaining as calm as possible. There was always a risk when childbirth was involved, but after three other litters, she felt as though she was much of a seasoned professional as she could be from the birthing perspective. She had gathered her herbs, alerting Eclypse and Apollo as well. Though they likely would not be allowed inside of the den during the process, depending on how protective Nash was feeling and just how much Eclypse wanted to see of her mother… but afterwards, when the new pups were born, there would be much for them to learn.

Even if some of it was simple explanation rather than witnessing, like the immediate after effects.

She closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath as the pain began to intensify, focusing on her breathing as the sharp pains began to emerge. No matter how experienced she was, it still made her wince and whine gently… but such was the nature of what she was to do… to bring life into the world. Their last litter.

The pregnancy was hard, and she knew this would be her last… and so she’d grit and give it all it was worth for a smooth delivery.

Aquene Slayer
Played by Flywolf who has 667 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Nash was torn. He was trying to prepare for both the entrance to and exit from this world. His conversation with his mother weighed heavily on him and he wanted to continue collecting stones, but that took him to the far side of the lake and he knew the birth of his newest litter was fast approaching. He couldn't be too far. He finally settled on staying close to Aquene; he'd already gathered a significant amount of rocks, even scraped out a small divot for Moon if she wanted it...

He was made glad of his choice when he heard his wife call for him and he could swiftly be at her den entrance. He called softly down to her to let her know he was here, and he could come in only if she asked him to. There was only waiting left for him, waiting, and guarding her.

Played by Tasha who has 374 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

All she could focus on was the pain, the fact that it had a purpose that she had bore many times before. Her purpose in this moment was to bring these lives into the world, just as it had been last spring, and the spring before that… and even the spring before that. The pain radiated out even as Nash appeared. She beckoned for him, a soft cry out of his name. His presence always seemed to bring a calm out of her that she felt she could desperately use.

As the pain radiated further, and time seemed to wear on for days though in truth was only about an hour, she would find herself bearing down. With it, a small bundle of fur would be released into the world with a small cry out, and immediately she would pull it close to her, licking their fur for circulation before nudging her towards her stomach. The pain continued in a dull ache and she knew she was not done.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 667 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Nash waited, respectful as he had always been, and when she summoned him he answered, pulled by the gravity she had always had over him. He curled up beside her, lending his warmth and his presence to help her through this. It was the one thing he couldn't truly assist her in. He felt her muscles twist and contract as she labored, and he murmured gentle encouragement when it seemed to grow worse. He groomed her head and ears, and when the first pup spilled into the world he leaned forward to help clean it. A soft smile split his face. Another daughter. He thought of Matos and wondered how he'd feel if none of this litter were boys. He had Leo and Galen, of course.

Aquene's labor continued, and Nash waited patiently, watching his newest child snuggle against her mother. "She's beautiful," he hummed.

Played by Tasha who has 374 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

Aquene knew that she was not done, but she knew that now that the first had been born, any following children would be undoubtedly easier in the birthing process… at least she hoped that this had followed like Mona, Matos, and Magg had where it had been easier.

The pain radiated again and she winced, another low groaning whine escaping her as a second daughter flooded out after her first, licking her clean and turning her to her belly just as she had the first. As the pain started to subside, she knew she was done, ands he would turn to gently nose at her husband’s cheek. “Two beautiful girls.” Twins, as far as their fur would show.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]