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it's a quarter after one — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Greyer who has 255 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Adelard Gerau
September 9th; Late evening; Broken Clouds; 58.91° F, 14.95° C.

Just outside of his cave, Adelard lazed about. He settled his head on his paws, closing his eyes and remaining there until he had enough of waiting for the nap to come. On stiff joints, he got up and bowed down into a stretch. Rest after returning home had done him a bit of good, but the anxiety lingered. Towser had not come home; and, Adelard, being older, felt responsible. He had done everything in his power to defend the younger man and had forced the attacker to retreat. Every night when the Lyall did not return, Adelard had to remind himself. If Towser had been in worse condition, he would not have left him.

He meandered along one of Paradise Falls' many streams, repeating the fact over and over and over in his mind. Out along the marked borders, he came to a stop and scanned the spaces between the trees. His tail fell limp at his heels and he let loose a sullen sigh.

A tilt of his neck one way and then the other produced a small pop that brought his skull some relief. Then, after several moments of contemplation, he lifted his song to the last glimpses of the sunset pink skies. A small four-note call for the pack member the Falls had lost.
Played by Cade who has 5 posts.
Paradise Falls Pup
Constantin Valle
Constantin had found the older wolf's trail some time ago, and taken his time in pursuing it. Meandering when distractions came, wasting some extra bit of time by attempting to fit the larger paw prints exactly, stopping to wiggle his toes and wonder what might have been going through the others mind at such particular point. There was a lot to everything Tin did, real depth, you know?

When he did finally catch up, Adelard's lips were closing around the tapered end of his howl. The child regarded his elder with a slight cant of his head and a cocky smirk. A single longtooth poked into view and cruel amusement danced in his pallid eyes, the picture of a little bully.

"Why ya cryin'?"