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A Question, Please... — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Cali lifted her head and saw that Skittles had turned back and she tensed for a moment, wondering what he thought to do. He just stood there, seemingly studying her in deep thought. She wondered what went through a mind like his, that was so scattered and child-like. Failing at the effort to guess what chaos he must have to deal with, she gave him a friendly smile and a nod by way of farewell. <i>Good luck to you Skittles,</i> she thought kindly. He then turned away and faded of into the distance. She didn't even know if he had seen her goodbye, but she hoped so.

Thirst slaked and stranger gone, Cali continued on her way, her sore muscles feeling better as they warmed up once more with her continued patrol. She could only hope that the rest of her duties today would be so easy if only to give her time to heal. If not, she would deal with it as she came. Her fatigue was catching up again and she would have to rest soon, but she intended to continue her round of the borders, before she slept this day. With determination, she pushed past the tiredness and just put one foot in front of the other.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...