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Warm Whispers — Poison Path 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Ok, Its 24th my time. I adjust for everyone else, I think its only far I get one!

For now I think it should just be Rhys and Nia, if anyone else wants to jump in, PM me and I'll let you know when its ok.

Follows on from <a href='http://relic-lore.net/index.php?showtopic=2345' target='_blank'>The Sky is Falling</a>

<blockquote> The descent was steep and she stumbled more than once. The contractions were growing closer and closer together. It was a wonder she could remain upright at all. She wasn’t even paying attention to the sound of those around her. They may have stayed, or they may have followed. The howls of a few still remained on the wind, but she didn’t care to analyse who. Her way was lit with the falling stars, but her eyes were no longer drawn to the sky but to the very earth beneath her paws. Every fiber of her being was focused on reaching the rockslide that made their home... <i>before they came...</i>

After what felt like an eternity, her home was finally in sight. She had to stop for a moment to catch her breath. Panting furiously the rippling pain was growing closer and closer together. <b>”Nonononono...”</b> she all but whispered as she began to drag herself closer to the entrance. Her legs were shaking. Her whole body was shaking. She just had to make the last few steps.

Finally the comfortable darkness surrounded her as she all but fell to the earthen floor. She knew she needed to calm her breathing. A shadow passed by the entrance of her den and a low warning growl was emitted. Any who dared even poke their nose in would have the offending intrusion removed by her teeth. It would be a damn shame if that happened to be a whole head. Contractions or no, she would not risk <i>any</i> harm coming to the young now fighting their way from her body.

It felt like a life time of pain before the first caused wetness to pool between her legs. Instinctively she reached around to clean the pale tawny squirming squealing mess and nudge it towards her stomach where he settled himself and greedily began to feast on her offerings. The first was quickly followed by a darker tawny bundle. A little girl, and she repeated the procedure. She already knew what to call this one but would wait to announce it until her mate was near enough to hear.

She was almost convinced it was over when another wave of pain hit. It would seem there were more yet to grace the world with their high pitched peeps. Finally a dark little bundle made its appearance and she almost sobbed with joy. While she had been hoping they would all look just like their father it would seem the fates had only seen fit to bless her with one little boy. The spitting image of his father. She treated him to the same as the others and as soon as he was settled at her side another, the last ripple of pain bought forth a pale little girl, half the size of the others, and once she had cleaned her, half as loud.

Concern was clearly painted on her face for her youngest daughter and a frantic whine passed her lips as she nuzzled her down amongst her siblings and tried to encourage her to suckle. She half heartedly tried but was quickly pushed aside by her largest brother. She knew it was the way of it, only the strongest would survive but she would be damned if she was giving up on the pup so easily. Nudging the tawny boy aside to make room she attempted to encourage the girl to drink again. To will herself to survive.

Outside, the stars were still falling from the sky.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>She had vanished from his side in a panic, something clearly wasn’t right and he wasn’t going to hang around by the lake. Having ignored the fact she was carrying his young since the instant they had conceived, made it hard for him to tie the quick absence and the pain she seemed to be in to the little issue of her being about to drop a litter of puppies. No, instead he thought perhaps the story had upset her, maybe she was feeling tired or hungry… maybe she just wanted some space. He felt the same, he liked having some space and whilst it was good to see the pack gathered together he couldn’t help but feel a little clostrophobic sitting so close to them all. Whilst he had been getting better at the physical contact thing, he only did it when he had to, like marking wolves or chasing them away; it was part of the job but sitting in a little pow wow circle had been more then he wanted to handle.
So, as she stood so quickly he not only followed her to ensure she was alright, but also to get away from the bodies . So you could imagine his shock as he heard her muttering to herself, saying <i>nonono</i> over and over again. Clearly something wasn’t right, something more than just being tired or hungry. Something was seriously up.

He almost stopped to call for Ava to follow, maybe she would need a medic there to help her with whatever was wrong. He could handle battle wounds but anything more serious was beyond him. Damnit, maybe he should have asked her to teach him a few tricks. They would come in handy right about now.
Panic. Real panic set in as she continued off, he following her at a distance from behind. He felt utterly useless. She was clearly in distress but all he could offer her was a sarcastic remark, an argument or a nose bump. She needed help, real help.
As he looked over his shoulder to call for the black female, he realised just how far away they were from the group. He hadn’t even noticed reaching the den until he could no longer see the group of wolves behind him. He called regardless, how paniced howl slipped into the air so simply he felt almost jealous of it. Turning his head back around, Naira had vanished.

His stomach lurched until he heard shuffling within their den.


As he heard her soft body flop to the floor, her panting heavy and the whines of pain escaping her lips he clocked onto what was happening.


Shit shit shit.

The puppies were coming.

He didn’t know what to do with himself. Did he go in? Did he stand guard? Did he simply stand there and hyperventilate until he passed out from the stress of it all?! What the fuck was he meant to do.
As he moved closer to the den, his shadow cast across the entrance and in response a growl slipped from the cave to his silky ears. It brought him a moment of peace, of clarity. She was in there, scared, alone. It was times like this when he needed to step up and not be a douche.
So, with a deep breath, he stepped into the cave.

He saw her laying there, pain evident as her body twitched and convulsed in an almost unnatural way, to his eyes at least. He left the view of her stomach and met her eyes, his cold stare meeting her warm orbs and he held that gaze. <b>”You’re doing great…”</b> he said, not sure whether that was a lie or not. He wasn’t exactly an expert in this field but no matter how helpless he felt, he had to be here for her. Whether she wanted him there or not.

Slowly, silently, he stepped behind her and laid aside her, his head rested upon her shoulder, their bodies so close he could feel each wave of pain across his skin. Each contraction tingled his bones and each push she began to give took his breath away.

When a warm splat hit the floor of their mossy den, he didn’t leave her side, his head would not move from the comfort of her shoulder. Whilst he felt he should be comforting her, the warmth of her body and sound of her breath comforted him equally. He didn’t look at his son as Naira scooted him around to her belly. He didn’t look at his daughter as she too moved around to the soft fur of her mother’s stomach. As the black boy was born, despite his longing for a son just like him, his gaze remained firmly on his female.
Another splat sounded, this lighter than the others had been and curiously, he glanced over Naira’s body to see the small, vividly white female squirmy pathetically. She was so weak; so ill to look at. As a whine escaped his love’s mouth he felt his heart lurch a little.
This one wouldn’t make it.
This beautiful, sparkling little girl wasn’t going to last. In comparison to the others, which he now took a look at, she was so fragile. Utterly helpless.

Slowly, surely. He stood after rubbing his cheek against Naira’s soft head, and moved around to where the little white pup hopelessly tried to nurse. With a nudge of his nose, he pushed her forwards, urging her to feed like the others.
He grew irritated with the oldest, the ginger male, as he batted the little female away from their mothers teeth; hogging the milk with demand.
The female in the middle, she seemed almost to move aside but there was no space for the little white girl. To the end, a black male, as dark as he nursed quietly towards their mothers rear… there was no room for the girl here.

With an angry snarl, he moved forwards and buried his nose between the golden boy and peppered girl, pushing them aside to make room. There was a space, small and compact, but he nudged the white girl into that space as gently as he could.
Her sucking was slow, like it was the hardest thing she had ever done and compared to the others who guzzled hungrily, she made such an effort of it all.

Lost, helpless. He felt it all as he watched the little one struggle. With a glance to Naira he could do nothing but watch. It was the way of things, he knew that, but it was breaking his heart to watch it. With a soft whine, a look of guilt and helplessness, he nuzzled his females muzzle tenderly before he laid behind the young to encircle them together.

He finally had his family.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]