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Little Circles, Big Steps — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
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Chantille Idasis
Chantille noticed Sloane's tail wagging, and a wily grin placed itself quickly upon her face. With a glance back behind her, she brought her eyes right back to the young wolf. "Yes. There's nothing else like them." With this, she took yet another step toward him, taking in his scent and registering it with his face within her mind. Suddenly, she turned herself around, tail flowing behind her like a river. When she turned, it almost brushed against Sloane's nose, but barely missed it.

"What do you say...would you like to play a bit of chase?" The thought of it entertained her greatly. The young man was large, and it would be interesting to see how he would handle the mountains, agility wise. Chantille was almost a master, and was quite daft with her capability to maneuver the jagged rocks and crevices. She wondered briefly if Sloane had seen her almost fall upon her face. Shaking her head, she chuckled lightly, head turning back and chocolate eyes gazing at him. Her paws began to carry her back toward the foothills. Would he accept such a playful offer?
(This post was last modified: May 25, 2012, 02:03 AM by Chantille.)
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
She agreed with him and stepped yet closer, turning and brushing her tail just beneath his nose, giving him another sample of the sent that was Chantille. If he didn't know better, he'd think that she was flirting with him. Of course, his experience with females was exactly zero, so he had no idea if that was the case or not. Either way, she invited him to play <i>chase</i> of all things. He hadn't played chase since he was a gangly pup with ridiculously over-sized paws, but he had to admit it sounded like fun... a run across the rugged mountains with her.

Taking in her teasing tone, he concluded that she thought he would not be able to keep up with her. Perhaps not, but he would sure have fun trying to do so on her own 'turf' so to speak. <b>"I am a little rusty, but a game of chase sounds... entertaining!"</b> He just hoped that he didn't end up falling on his face in front of her. That would be quite embarrassing, to say the least! <b>"You take the lead and I will do my best to emulate your grace!"</b> He had seen her before and barring her brief stumble she fairly oozed grace and elegance. <i>Grace was not the first word that came to mind when you looked at Sloane Thorben!</i>
Knight of Honor
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
Chantille picked her paws up as she began to move faster and faster. She was in the zone. The creamy woman leaped upward in a fluid motion, her muscles rippling beneath her coat. Eyes narrowed as she wore a devilish grin on her face. She could hear Sloane behind her, which only powered her onward. Paws carefully yet quickly decided where they wanted to go; they were on one stone one second and another the next. Her tail hung low behind her, ears flattening as she became more aerodynamic.

Muscles burned as she sped along; she would get tired soon. Scaling upwards took a lot of energy. Swooping around a pine, she continued up, panting as she did so. A laugh begged to release itself from her throat, but she refused, not wanting to lose any more precious energy. Her hind right paw gripped a small rock which decided to come loose beneath her. Wobbling for a moment, she regained balance as she hopped forward, letting the little rock tumble downward. Dodge that Chant thought, continuing her run up the side of the heights.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Without another word the ivory fae turned and led the way, speeding faster and faster over the uneven terrain. Being such a large wolf had it's definite disadvantages and lack of speed was the biggest one. He kept up a decent enough pace, but soon fell behind the agile woman. He kept on his gaze on the treacherous ground before him, but continuously glanced forward to see her bounding about as graceful as a gazelle. He knew that he had no real chance of keeping up with her, due to his steady yet lumbering gait, but it really didn't bother him. He was enjoying the exertion and the challenge.

He finally gained a bit of ground back when she began to climb in earnest, hopping up each ledge and gaining altitude. This didn't require speed, calling rather for strength and sure-footedness. He lunged his great body upwards, thrilling in the feel of his muscles bunching and coiling beneath his burnished coat. He gave a small deep laugh as he steadily closed the distance now. Until her foot loosed a small rock that catapulted downward and hit him square between the eyes as accurately as David had with Goliath. He hadn't seen it in time to dodge and grunted when it struck him. He stopped his assent for a moment, standing on his current ledge and shaking his large head to clear it. Anywhere else and he probably wouldn't have even noticed it. Now his amber eyes were slightly crossed. After a moment his head cleared and he laughed at the sight that he must have made, felled by a pebble! With a laugh, he continued to bound up after the disappearing Chantille.
Knight of Honor
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
After the small rock had fallen, Chantille did not hear Sloane's footsteps behind her. Rolling her eyes playfully, she pushed onward, tongue lolling from the side of her mouth as she panted heavily. Suddenly, the woman halted, claws shooing pebbles away as she stopped. Looking down, a wave of fear then relief passed over her. She had almost run down the steep side of the foothills. Eyes wide, the optimistic wolf could not help but laugh. "Well, that was close!" She whispered to herself, nodding at her words.

Turning, the milky woman waited for Sloane. She could see the mottled man within the distance, his massive frame working him up the foothills. He was in quite the physical condition; muscles rolling beneath his earthen coat as he brought himself toward her. Oh, what had Chant expected- him to catch her? No way. She smirked delightfully, tail swaying back and forth as she stood at the top. The sky was clear all about them, aside from small wispy clouds that wandered by on occasion. It was beautiful.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane neared the top, glancing up to she the creamy pelted female standing proud at the top, waving her thick brush of a tail in victory. He smiled for she looked beautiful and so very proud of herself. In truth, he never stood a chance in a race, but knowing that allowed him to enjoy himself anyways and not dwell on the fact that he'd just been smoked by a delicate female. As he climbed the last few footholds he said, <b>"There was no need to stack the deck by throwing rocks at me!"</b> With that he rubbed the spot between his eyes that still smarted a bit, but his tone was teasing and there was a smile on his face.

When he climbed the last step to stand besides her he took a breath in and expelled it with a heartfelt, <b>"Wow."</b> The incredible view from up here was nearly overwhelming and got his heart beating with the thrill of it. He glanced down at the fae beside him, for he fairly towered over her this close and shook his head in wonder. "<b>Chantille, it's just beautiful up here. It's well, ... wow!"</b> He felt the need to <span class='word'>ingeminate</span> himself. Other words escaped him for the moment. He finally tore his gaze away from the ivory female and stared out at the scene, He'd never been up so high, in such a potentially precarious position, he thought as he looked down at the incredibly steep drop of before their paws. He felt his blood pumping through his veins, making him feel more alive, somehow and his tail waved gently in the strong breeze that was combing through their pelts.
Knight of Honor
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
Chantille laughed "Well, you should have been paying attention!" Her voice was a bit teasing, but more so playful. Looking behind her, she sighed gently, body relaxing at the sight of the magnificent land below. "Yep! I get to see this every day. I must explore more land, though...I feel like I'm missing out" Her gaze now swept back to Sloane, who seemed totally in awe of the view. That's exactly how Chant felt about the meteor shower the other day. It was brilliant to see everything occurring from so high up. It was a good thing she did not fear heights, that's for sure.

Taking a step back from the ledge, she held a soft smile on her muzzle. Turning her head, her mind calculated the position of the sun with how late in the afternoon it would be. She should be returning to her pack soon. Sore muscles would awaken her tomorrow, only to be worked again on the mountains. It was hard work living up here, but Chantille enjoyed the challenge. Wondering where Sloane would travel next, she bit her tongue and did not bother to ask the man. "Well, Sloane... I do not mean to cut our lovely time spent together, but I must be returning to my pack." She nodded her head to him, awaiting his words.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane glance back down at Chantille. She was looking towards the sun in the sky, likely taking note of the time. He sighed and knew what she was about to say even before the words left her delicate muzzle. Their time was coming to a close. She called their time together lovely, and while it was accurate, it would not sound right coming out of a big strapping male. That's what he told himself anyways. <b>"Yes, I have truly enjoyed our time together as well. You've even given me a momemto for the occasion!"</b> With that he lightly rubbed the spot between his eyes with his paw again, laughing.

He turned and led the way back down the rise that they had just sped up moments before, at a much more sedate pace, his thoughts a bit more serious now. His expression was hidden from her with him in the lead, but a small shadow of sadness flickered across his face. She was his first friend here in Relic Lore and he really had enjoyed their short time together. Her teasing banter and strength of spirit definitely appealed to him. He wanted to see her again, but there was no telling if he ever would. When they arrived at the bottom, he put a cheerful expression back on his face and turned towards her. <b>"Chantille, it has been my honor to meet you and have you show me some of your beautiful mountain. I've no idea where this wanderer will come to rest, but surely we shall see each other again some day."</b> After a moment he remembered something that she'd said earlier and he brightened. <b>"You still have to show me your field of fire! So now there's no doubt. We'll run into each other again!"</b>
Knight of Honor
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
If you can toss in one more reply, we'll archive it and get our points <3 Sloane and Chant definitely need to meet up again :D

Chantille released a slight chuckle. She had enjoyed the company of this younger wolf, and it was a shame she had to leave. Nodding her head, the grin still stained her muzzle. "Of course I will! Listen, Sloane... if you ever wish to speak to me or just relax together, come around the mountains and give a howl. I'm always out and about!" She would love to spend another day playing chase with the wolf. Although it seemed to be a game for pups, this game actually worked one's skill at climbing mountains. Her heart reached out to the loner- she knew what it was like wandering alone.

Leaning forward, Chantille allowed her elegant muzzle to press the side of Sloane's left cheek in a friendly gesture. She slowly pulled her head back, chocolate eyes glowing with glee. "I will see you again some time. Count on that!" With this she turned, heading back up to the mountain and to return to the Poison Path den site.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
She laughed and smiled at him assuring him that she would. Then she nuzzled his cheek in friendship and promised that they would meet again, telling him to howl for her if he was in the area. Definitely. <b>"I promise to do that, Chantille!"</b> he said in his deep smooth voice. Then the beautiful, spirited fae turned and headed towards her home, leaving him all alone once more. It was the state that he was accustomed to, but somehow, it seemed lonelier with his new friend gone. He had not had any friends over the past year, so he hadn't missed them. Their short time together had given him a taste of what he had been missing out on. <i>Food for thought...food for thought...</i>

With that realization burning in his brain, Sloane began to think about what it might be like to be a part of a pack again. It was definitely something to think about. Then the large russet wolf turned northward and continued on his solitary way.
Knight of Honor