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mister solo — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Lulz who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ezio Solo
Ezio had traveled for nearly four months now and he had passed many packs before. Mostly they were overwhelmed with wolves, migrated, or died off. He couldn't imagine living all by himself. He had lived in a pack for nearly three whole years and living as a lone wolf was something he didn't wish on anyone. He enjoyed the company of his pack mates, helping his leader with duties and guarding the borders of intruders. Ever since his mother told him what had happened to her when she was younger he never wanted that to happen to anyone else. It was a terrible burden to bear. For both the mother and the pups.

Ezio didn't have a normal childhood. The other pups were told to stay away from him thinking that he was evil in some way. As a pup he wish he was evil and could hurt the wolves for treating his mother like trash and calling her names that a pup shouldn't be hearing, but his mother did a good job raising him. Ezio was too kind to behave like a maniac. Luckily when he was older he gained some sort of respect for their family name. Until that day Bella ruined it for him...

The cinnamon colored wolf sigh as he remembered the past. His life couldn't get worse then what it was already. He was lucky that his mother was still alive. He knew that the pack wouldn't harm her for what they thought he had done. He looked up and smiled as he saw a mountain. Ezio could smell s pack already. He trotted to the mountain and walked around until the scent strong. He spotted a tree. Ezio sniffed the ground. There was a pack there. He sighed as he thought about if he should join or not and decided against joining a pack. With his history he didn't need nor did he want to join a pack right away... Not after the incident that had happened. He walked away from the pack boundaries and wanted to see what else the Relic had in store for him
<b style="color:#3B657A">
(This post was last modified: Aug 23, 2010, 05:25 PM by Ezio.)
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
The slowly growing pup was degage. As of late, she'd been sticking around Swift River to appease her clearly troubled siblings, but no longer could she deny herself what was natural. She had to wander around. They'd just have to get over it. The trip to the base of the mountain was a short one, only slightly past Bramble Falls. Indru and Ruiko would be happy to know, at least, that she still had no intention of climbing the mountain, but she liked to wander around it. There were strange little caves, and overhangs that she could hide under if threatened by a bird. But she was big enough now that she hoped that no silly eagle would bother her now.

She could smell the scent of another pack now, able to easily distinguish it from Swift River's scent and the various forest scents. That was Honijo's pack, her uncle. She'd never really known him, so felt no real remorse for him leaving his family. To each his own. If Borlla wanted to start a pack, she'd do it too. There was another scent, though, unlike her older counterparts, she wasn't able to tell much other than that it was another wolf. Nose pressed to the ground, she followed the trail for a bit, until nearly conking her head on a tree, and looking around. Where'd it go?

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention