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tell me something good — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
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Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Ever since she'd come here with Indru, she'd wanted to come back. It felt like it had been so long ago, but really it had only been a couple of months, right? She felt like she was old enough to come on her own now. A jump in size only helped to boost the overwhelming confidence she already had in herself. Sure, she still couldn't fight a bear, but at least no big birds could carry her off. She was still rather stunted, compared to her older siblings, but was well on her way to becoming a "real" wolf.

The sun was high in the sky when she wandered into the Orchard. Making a beeline for the nearest tree, she reared up, planting her paws on the trunk of the cherry tree, trying to stretch her neck to reach them. She was still a bit too short to reach even the lowest hanging branches, and growled as she slid back down to the ground. There were plenty of cherries on the ground, which was okay, she supposed, and collected a few before settling beneath the shade of the tree, nibbling curiously on the cherries, enjoying the sunlight.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Ver who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torla Tainn
<span style='font-family:times'><span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:#996633'>
<b>Ooc:</b> Forgive me for the post, I'm still trying to feel Torla out. : )


<i> “Why aren’t you at home? Where are you going?” </i> the wolf imagined her mother asking as she, once again, wandered around the lands. Torla hadn’t been able to sit still lately. Her paws were restless, her mind equally so; and so she did the only thing she could think of: walk and walk and walk. The girl always trodded with an aimless step and purposeless direction. There was no rhyme or reason for her travels, no unseen lands she was dying to see. For some reason, just experiencing the endless exercise, the tireless movement, calmed her ever-churning mind. She just couldn’t let it go. At night, as she closed her eyes for much desired sleep, fire blazed behind her lids like a movie scene. The crackling snaps of fire and wood haunted her ears, and the choking scent of smoke curled around her nose. At least once a night Torla woke with a start, trapped for several terror-stricken moments within the fire of her dreams. In spite of her disrupted sleep and disquieting dream-memories, the girl’s demeanor remained fairly the same. She was able to keep her light attitude and mother-like qualities-- the only thing that changed was the need to nullify her restless paws. And if she had to answer her imagined mother’s question, she’d say <i> “I’m not really sure.” </i>

The girl made her way across the field, carried by her graceful, lanky figure. Her paws scraped the ground gently, pushing aside the endless cherries that laden the earth. Even as she was begin particularly careful not to squish them, it was simply impossible to miss them all. Her claw punctured one of the fruits, sending red juice squirting all over her tawny paw. Torla recoiled in surprise, lifting her paw to stare at the sudden mess. Crimson was speckled all across her claws and toes-- it almost looked as if she’d torn it up somehow. She bent her head, about to lick the juice clean when a movement caught her eye. Blinking, the wolf glanced up and a small light came to her eyes; lo and behold, it was a miniature self pawing at one of the cherry trees. It was little Borlla.

Her pale sister was in the last group of siblings Torla would have.. the last bunch born before the fire. This fact, for some reason, cause the girl to have a certain affinity for them, not to mention a certain air of protectiveness. Torla let loose a sudden grin, and after a moment of preparation and putting on a pained face, she limped pathetically over toward her sister. Her cherry-juice paw was lifted into the air as she hobbled. <span style='color:#CC9999'>"Borlla!”</span> she called in exasperation, a note of acted relief in her voice. <span style='color:#CC9999'>“You have to help-- carry me back to the dens, I’ve cut my paw,” </span>she whimpered dramatically, plopping down heavily next to the pup, gently bumping her in the process. She laid on her side, head on the ground as her eyes flickered up to give her sister an enormous puppy-dog look. <span style='color:#CC9999'>“Will you carry me home?”</span> she pleaded seriously.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
:D it's really good. :C my posts are kinda icky though.
Distracted by the pretty fruits at her feet, she managed a whole one into her jaws before she spotted Torla coming towards her. Had she followed her here? Taking in a breath, she'd forgotten about the cherry and nearly choked when she realized that her sister had cut her foot. Although, she was acting quite like Junai had a few months ago when they'd played tag. Borlla was rather zetetic, not saying a word as she flopped down.

Nostrils flaring, Borlla leaned forward, orange gaze prying as she sniffed her sister's paw, then licked it, expecting to taste the salty metal taste of blood. Torla had been that believable, and perhaps Borlla trusted her a bit more. But it wasn't blood she tasted, it was cherry. "Torla, you're crazy." Borlla scowled, squinting at her sister. "You almost made me choke!" Batting at the cherry between her paws, she huffed.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Ver who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torla Tainn
<span style='font-family:georgia'><span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:#996633'><b>Ooc:</b> Thank yooou : ) And nonsense! I love Borlla...-snuggles her- x)


As Torla made her grand entrance, she didn’t notice her sister nearly choke on the round fruit she’d been eating. Quite the actress, the girl was. She even managed to let out a small little moan as her paw was lifted into the air. Her gaze flickered across Borlla’s inquisitive face as her sister leaned forward and licked it. Ah, she’d be found out now. <i> “Torla, you’re crazy.” </i> she was scolded by the glowering girl. <span style='color:#CC9999'> “No, my blood in unnaturally sweet,” </span> Torla persisted in a good-natured manner, a smile now curling across her face. <i> “You almost made me choke!” </i> To that Torla’s smile faded as she turned over and sat up, still laying beside Borlla. <span style='color:#CC9999'> “I’m sorry,” </span> she murmured sincerely, brows furrowing together. <span style='color:#CC9999'> “Are you okay? I just meant it in good fun,” </span> she added, nuzzling her sibling in the cheek affectionately.

<span style='color:#CC9999'> “Were you eating them? I didn’t know you liked cherries... I’ve never really been fond of them, they’re too sour for me.” </span> she commented, licking the juice on her paw and wrinkling her nose immediately. <span style='color:#CC9999'>”Bleh. So what are you doing out here all by yourself?” </span> Torla wondered, staring down at her with a close to mother-like sternness. Borlla was growing, sure-- at the speed of light at that-- but that didn’t mean it was safe for her to go wandering about the lands all by her lonesome. She’d heard stories of bears wandering around recently... and her little sister would make the perfect snack for one of those monsters. The girl suppressed the image with a small shudder.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla wiggled uncomfortably as her sister nuzzled her, inwardly groaning, despite the fact that she really did appreciate it. She felt kind of bad as Torla dropped her ruse, and huffed again, wiggling a bit more before she shrugged, "Sorry..." She looked away with a snuffle, pulling a cherry towards her again, picking off the stem, before popping it into her jaws, crunching down on it with her canines, squirting the sticky red juice everywhere, then she dropped it, and licked off the liquid around her jaws and paws.

"'Course I like 'em. There's nothing sour about them!" Chewing on another, she pondered taking a cherry and eating it with some rabbit. Would that be good! She tried to imagine the taste, licking her chops again. And then came the question that always irritated her. Borlla's ears twisted back, and she rose to her skinny white legs. "Whatever I want! Everybody is always pestering me. Why can't I just be outside and away from everyone?" Her voice rose steadily and she felt the emotion building up.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Ver who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torla Tainn

light up, light up
as if you have a choice
even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear
The girl smiled faintly as Borlla wriggled from her nuzzle. Stubborn as always. Torla grinned a bit wider to show no hard feelings and turned her attention to the vast field of cherry trees until her sister muttered a simple “Sorry...” The wolf turned her head, ears flickering forward in puzzlement at the apology. Sorry for what? she wondered, and would have asked if she wasn’t suddenly taken with watching the pup chomp down on a juicy cherry. Torla grimaced simply watching. Personally, she couldn’t stand the taste of the fruit... it was so tangy and... just unnatural somehow. “Course I like ‘em. there’s nothing sour about them!” Borlla spoke up in defense of the odd fruit. “Really?” she tipped her head, watching her with an almost wonder as her sister downed yet another cherry. With Torla’s next prodding question though, it set the mood ablaze.

“Whatever I want! Everybody is always pestering me. Why can’t I just be outside and away from everyone?” she demanded shrilly. Torla’s eyes widened slightly as she stared at the tawny pup, who was now standing and very disturbed by her inquiries. “You want to be away from everyone?” she asked, choosing an odd point to focus on. The question was that of genuine curiosity, nothing akin to any sort of accusation. Did her sister really just want to be alone? “You can be away from everyone if you want... but it’s not safe to go so far. But I suspect everyone tells you that too, if they always ask what you’re doing out by yourself.” Torla reasoned out loud, shaking her head slightly. “Well I’m sorry for prying little sis. But you’ll have to give me some slack, I just don’t want to lose anyone else.” she explained, offering an apologetic smile. It was the bare truth, and Borlla was welcome to take it or leave it.
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Torla's words were like a rubric. For once, it seemed, she wasn't being punished for wandering off, and even when she'd been found, she wasn't being sent off on a guilt trip. She understood that no one wanted her to die. But she didn't need to be reminded of her parents' death every time she stepped outside of Swift River. Torla had managed to do that, of course, but she did it in a way that managed not to make Borlla angry. It was a miracle. Torla hadn't even risen her voice or anything. She just said it, the flat out truth, and for that Borlla was thankful. She glanced over her shoulder at her sister, puzzled for a moment, unsure of how to react.

With a sigh, she chose to just lie back down, and pressed her forehead against her sister's leg, silently thanking her, whether or not she understood. Silence passed for a moment, and the young girl looked out at all the pretty pink trees. The fruits were nice, but she wasn't sure she liked the trees too much. Sure, they were pretty, but they were just so...Pink! She soon found the silence to be unbearable, and looked over at Torla again, a small smirk creeping up across her muzzle, "That cherry thing was pretty good...You're a better actress than Junai."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Ver who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torla Tainn

light up, light up
as if you have a choice
even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear
Ooc: Sorry it's so short Dx


The tawny wolf managed to catch the puzzled look from her sister, though pretended not to notice as she stared off at the cherry-strewn ground. For a moment she thought Borlla would up and leave, but in the next moment her little sister was laying back down again. And more so, pressing her forehead briefly against her leg. Torla flourished a restrained smile, glancing down at the girl. She was thankful she understood it was all in Borlla’s best interest, that she was in fact only worried for her safety and well-being, and nothing more. “Managed to escape that one,” she inwardly sighed with relief.

Her eyes drifted to follow Borlla’s, taking in the beautiful scenery. This place truly was unique... it was amazing how one color could have so much depth and detail to it. “That cherry thing was pretty good... You’re a better actress than Junai.” Her words caused Torla’s ears to swivel in her direction as she looked back. A grin reappeared on her muzzle, brows lifting slightly. “Is that so?” she grinned even wider. While she tried to keep her feelings about the compliment mutual and thankful, she couldn’t help the miniature triumph over her sister. Not that being an actress had anything to do with their apparent eternal battle. But still, a win was a win. “What was Junai trying to act?” she wondered, lowering her head to rest upon her paws, looking up at Borlla as if waiting to hear a whimsical tale.
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla rolled her shoulders in a shrug, and tilted her head back to the tree, looking up through its thin branches. "Well," Borlla sniffed, distracted in her speech by simply surveying the choppy sky. After a moment, she leveled her head with the ground, and shifted to more easily speak to her older sister. "We were playing tag. It was awhile ago..." Thinking back on it made her laugh. It was quite an accomplishment that game. She proved once and for all that she was better at games than Junai. Eventually, such a title wouldn't matter though.

"I was winning, but she said I cheated, so we played again." It hadn't necessarily been good sportsmanship on either of their parts, but she went on anyway. "I played the teary card, and she pretended to fall. Then I tagged her, after I pretended to think she was dying." It was strange how good Borlla was at conjuring up fake tears. Well, they were certainly real, but there wasn't much emotion behind them. She chuckled, and looked back out at the trees again. "She was so bad at it. I think she just thought I wouldn't be able to tell."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention