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We stood up — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
For Der and her Jaune. <3 Set where the Creek enters Thicket of Secrets; early afternoon.

Indru had allowed Heartleaf Creek to wend his path completely; following it loyally along its bank as he ran at a gentle lope since morning. This was not an aimless run, nor one led by the fear of being parted from the now precious and depleting water, it was for a mission Indru had taken upon himself — for his pack and home — to solve the mystery of the water. He had watched it rise and fall in level depending on the depth of that portion of the Creek and even in some places it seemed to disappear altogether, a worrying thought as it meant the Creek no longer could be relied on to bring them water any longer. But why? What had changed? It was nothing overt, he was sure, as it would of been solved by now and the issue a distant memory.

Once the Creek broke through the tangle of trees and proceeded to led him through Thicket of Secrets (like he knew it would) Indru's pace slowed considerably. He was limited to crawling over, under and through the various obstacles that blocked his path, making his once ground-eating run impossible here. As another branch snagged on his fur, pulling out a clump of it as a trophy, Indru cursed lightly under his breath for what felt like the hundredth time, for once resenting the enclosing and claustrophobic forest he used to adore. After running the better part of the morning Indru's mouth had turned dry, his head slowly beginning to throb and his leg's beginning to feel weaker underneath him and again, like a litany, he cursed — this time the lack of water for limiting him much like this forest. Yet he continued to persevere, as he would until the Creek was flowing again.

Played by Der who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaune Black
Her speculations were far from altruistic. No, if there was anyone the female was looking out for as she followed the path of the struggling creek, it was herself. She had nearly died of thirst--not really but things were always experienced a bit differently with the little wolf--and having loathed her near death-experience, she had decided that she would consult the management of this valley and demand reparations. Undoubtedly her week of parched throat and shriveled tongue had already caused irreparable damage to her mouth and expensive voice, not to mention other unforeseen effects that would surface in the years to come; as such some repayment was needed, if only so that she could enjoy the remaining days of her foreshortened present life.

Such a shame to die so young! Feeling a wave of pity washed over her easily-frightened heart, she smelled her companion before she saw him. His scent was heavy, pronounced. Peering into the thickets, she caught a glimpse of white, and curious, she began to follow him with a brisk pace. It was not long before he was clearer in her vision, and she was amused to find that it was not only the creek that struggled through the thickets. He seemed to be on a mission, so determined he was in making his way through the natural debris, and it suddenly occurred to her that this was a wolf who belonged to a pack. She recognized his scent, it was scattered everywhere and had been predominant along a strip of thicket she had passed, and she wondered if he could be of double assistance to her. One, since it was apparent he was some sort of janitor determined to find the cause of the water's uneven flow, and two, because he might provide a home for her. It was settled. With all the speed possible in a forest so thick, she began to chase after her salvation.